

单词 ceases
释义 cease·s 英siːs美siːs COCA²⁴⁸³⁰BNC¹³²⁷⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vt. & vi. 停止,终止,结束

stop especially an activity or state

`cease' is a noun only in the phrase `without cease' end
put an end to a state or an activity;

Quit teasing your little brother

have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical;

the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed

Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other

My property ends by the bushes

The symphony ends in a pianissimo

cease doing, cease to do



2.表示有意识的行为多用cease doing; 而表示无意识的行为则多用cease to do。

3.如指具体的动作多用cease doing; 表示经常性的行为时常用cease to do。

cease, discontinue, halt, stop


1.在指某种状态或活动的结束时, stop和cease可以互换。



cease, pause, stop




They stopped for a brief rest.他们停下来休息片刻。
He began to speak but suddenly stopped.他开始讲话,但又突然停住了。
Seeing that I was coming, they stopped talking.看见我来了,他们停止了谈话。
She could not stop the child crying.她止不住孩子的哭声。


The storm has ceased.暴风雨停止了。
His influence ceased with his death.他的影响已随着他去世而消失了。
He ceased from teaching.他结束了教书生涯。
At last they have ceased work.最后他们停止工作了。break,rest,pause,interval,recess,cease,stop,end


















用作动词 v.
~+名词cease one's activities停止活动cease one's attack停止进攻cease conflicts停止冲突cease crying停止哭泣cease disputing停止争论cease fire停火,停止射击cease one's hostilities停止敌对行动cease operations停止业务cease payment停止支付cease pretending不再装腔作势cease production停止生产cease one's provocation停止挑衅cease raining停止下雨~+副词cease abruptly〔suddenly〕突然停止cease entirely彻底结束cease eventually最终停止cease immediately〔presently〕立即停止cease prematurely提前停止cease temporarily暂时停止cease out绝迹~+介词cease from anger息怒cease from quarrelling不再吵架cease from strife停止冲突cease with the September number从九月号停止
cease from v.+prep.

停止做某事( stop doing sth)

cease from sth/v-ingShe ceased from anger.她已息怒。
When can the people cease from their labours?人们什么时候才能停止他们的辛苦劳作呢?
He ceased from teaching.他结束了教书生涯。
I cannot cease from thinking.我不能不思考。
They were often advised to cease from cheating their parents.人们劝他们别再欺骗他们的父母了。
cease out v.+adv.

绝迹 die out; be extinct

cease outThis disease has ceased out.这种疾病已绝迹。近义词 endstop反义词 beginstart
S+~+AThe storm has ceased.暴风雨停止了。
The rain has ceased.雨已经停了。
The firing had ceased.枪声停止了。
The hum of study ceased.嗡嗡的读书声停止了。
And gradually their talks ceased.慢慢地他们的谈话终止了。
Hostilities must cease at once.敌对行动必须立即停止。
His influence ceased with his death.他的影响已随着他的去世而消失了。
S+~+ n./pron.Cease fire!停止开枪!
At last they have ceased work.最后他们停止工作了。
They threatened to cease financial support to the university.他们威胁要停止给这所大学经济援助。
Just two weeks later the magazine ceased publication.就在两周之后,该杂志就停刊了。
I don't think he will cease his efforts to enter the diplomatic service.我想他不会停止努力争取进入外交部门工作。S+~+to- vThe dying man soon ceased to breathe.那个垂死的人不久停止了呼吸。
They heard that he had ceased to think so.他们听说他已经不这么想了。
He ceased to write at the age of sixty.他60岁停止了写作。
You are ceasing to be children.你们已经不再是孩子了。
The matter has ceased to be a mystery to anyone.这件事对大家来说已不再是个谜了。S+~+ v -ingWe ceased pretending.我们不再装模作样。
His eyes never ceased rolling at the little girl.他的眼睛始终在那小姑娘身上打转。
The factory has ceased making bicycles.这家工厂已停止生产自行车。
When he heard the knock, he ceased writing.当他听到敲门声,就停下来不写了。
She never ceased regretting her decision.她一直遗憾她的决定。
It has ceased snowing.雪渐渐停了。



用作动词He was going toceaseworking for them.他将不再为他们干活。
When can weceasefrom our labours?我们什么时候才能免除劳役之苦?
The old manceasedbreathing the night before.老人前一天晚上停止了呼吸。
The newspaper hadceasedpublication.报纸已停刊。
As suddenly as it began, the rainceased.雨突然而来,骤然而止。
When youceaseto dream youceaseto live.如果你停止了梦想,生命也就停止了。用作名词We worked withoutceaseto get the project finished on time.我们不停地生产以便按时完成计划 And in virtual reality, the outside world and all its inhabitant effectively ceases to exist.
在虚拟现实中,外部世界和及其所有居民有效的停止了存在。 yeeyan

As a result, the recession is prolonged indefinitely and the economy does not recover and ceases to respond to any stimulus involving monetarist credit expansions or Keynesian methods.
结果,萧条无限延长,经济无法恢复并停止对一切刺激做出反应,不管是货币主义的信用扩张还是凯恩斯主义方法。 yeeyan

No man of vice can be condemned unless he ceases to look upon vice as a pretext and turns it into a goal.
我们不能去责难一个邪恶的人,除非他不再将邪恶看作借口而是将其变为最终目标。 yeeyan

The minute he ceases to grow, the minute he says to himself, “ I know all that I need to know, ”-- that day youth stops.
他一旦停止成长,他一旦对自己说“我该懂的都懂了”,这个时候他的青春也就完了。 ebigear

There are so many stunning landscapes on Earth, yet nature never ceases to amaze.
地球上的奇景数不胜数,而自然母亲从未停止她创造惊奇的脚步。 hjenglish

And again, if you press your focus into the now, rumination ceases.
再一次,如果你竭力将自己的注意力放在当下,反思就停止了。 yeeyan

As a person becomes active and“ speaks” types, their dot moves closer to the center; when their activity ceases, their dot moves closer to the outside over time.
随着某些人变得活跃并进行“发言”类型,那么他们的小点将会向中心移动;当他们的活动停止时,他们的小点将会逐渐向边缘移动。 ibm

Because, for me, time ceases when I try to bridge my perceptions with the moments unfolding around me.
因为对我来说,当试着将自己的感觉和周围的每个瞬间融合时,时间是停止的。 yeeyan

If a culture ceases to adapt, it becomes history.
文化如果停止适应改变的话,那就成了历史了。 yeeyan

It attempts corrective action for some of the possible unavailable event occurrence types and ceases monitoring for others.
对于某些不可用事件发生类型,它尝试执行纠正措施;对于其他类型,停止监视。 ibm

Once an economy reaches an income per person of about $15,000 measured at purchasing-power parity, economic growth ceases to add to happiness, he says.
一旦一个经济体的人均收入达到15000美元根据购买力平价测度,经济增长停止对幸福产生贡献。 ecocn

One lone man ceases undulating to put his lips to the ear of the chick he's grinding up on.
一位孤独的男士停止扭动,把嘴凑到和他厮磨的舞伴耳旁。 yeeyan

Production of credit ceases.
于是信贷的生产停止了。 yeeyan

Remember it is the very time for faith to work when sight ceases.
记住!眼见停止的时候,乃是信心工作的时候。 ebigear

That is, the more familiar humdrum event of death here your body ceases functioning and you end up having a corpse that gets buried and so forth.

The minute you leave, it ceases to be your office.
当你离开后,它就不再是你的办公室。 ecocn

The battle in Europe between free traders mostly in the north and protectionists mostly in the south never ceases.
在欧洲自由贸易商大部分在欧洲北部与贸易保护主义者大部分在欧洲南部之间的战争从未停止。 ecocn

The distinction between online and offline chatter ceases to matter.
网上聊天与网下聊天的区别已不重要了。 ecocn

They harmonize best while asleep and the mindset that is in discord ceases to disturb their peace.
他们在睡觉的时候处在最和协的状态,定见中那纷争的部分停止了,停止去打扰他们的和平了。 blog.sina.com.cn

This is because as the ice sheet melts, its surface will be at ever lower altitudes, where the air will be progressively warmer, even if global warming ceases.
这是因为,随着冰盖融化,其表面高度将越来越低,即使全球变暖停止,那里的空气也会逐渐变暖。 yeeyan

When your heart stops beating, there is no blood getting to your brain. And so what happens is that within about10 sec., brain activity ceases— as you would imagine.
正如你想象的那样,当心脏停止跳动时,就没有血液进入大脑,大脑活动将于10秒种之内停止。 yeeyan




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