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词汇 CEA
释义 CEA ˈsiːˈiːˈeɪ Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Mr Goolsbee advised the president during his2004 Senate run and2008 presidential campaign, before serving as a CEA member during the tumultuous early part of the Obama presidency.
在时局动荡的奥巴马执政初期,古斯比就已是经济顾问委员会一员,在这之前,他曾在2004年参议院竞选和2008年总统竞选时为奥巴马出谋划策。 ecocn

The CEA analysis suggests that universal coverage would lead to a healthier, more mobile and more productive workforce.
CEA分析显示,医保的全面覆盖能够早就更健康,更具流动性,生多产的劳动力。 ecocn

But fewer economists agreed with Ms Romer's assertion that the CEA's staff in2009 was of a calibre not seen since those star-studded days.
但是对罗默提出2009年 CEA的成员,有着自那些星光闪耀日子以来未曾见过的卓越,没有经济学家赞同这一点。 ecocn

Each morning he gets a memo prepared the previous night by the CEA and the Treasury, then spends about30 minutes with his economic team.
每天早晨,他都会收到一份由 CEA经济顾问理事会和财政部于前晚准备的备忘录,之后会花大约30分钟和他的经济团队呆在一起。 ecocn

For1993, when Joseph Stiglitz and Alan Blinder were members of the CEA, and the senior economists included the eventually much-cited David Cutler and Matthew Shapiro, the average score is736.5.
而在1993年,约瑟夫•史蒂格利兹和阿兰•布林德任 CEA委员,当时的高级经济学家行列里包括大卫•卡特勒和马修•夏皮罗,该队伍平均分达到了736.5。 topsage

Greg Mankiw, a Harvard economist who chaired the CEA in2003-05, points out that the council packed considerable intellectual firepower under Martin Feldstein in 1982.
而曾于2003到2005年间担任 CEA主席的哈佛经济学家格里高利•曼昆指出,1982年的委员会在马丁•费尔德斯坦的领导下聚集了相当多的才智。 ecocn

He replaced Christina Romer as CEA chairman last September.
去年九月,他顶替克里斯蒂娜•罗默出任经济顾问委员会主席。 ecocn

If part of any CEA's influence comes from the academic prestige of its members and staff, the present council has little to worry about.
假若任何 CEA的影响力都部分来自于其委员和工作人员的学术声望,那么当下的委员就没什么可担心的了。 ecocn

If you're looking for a technician, check if they have CEA- CompTIA certification.
如果你想找一位专业的技术人员,就看他们是否有那个 CEA- CompTIA的认证。 yeeyan

In comparison, all three members of Mr Mankiw's CEA, and the one chaired by Janet Yellen during Bill Clinton's later years in office, are on the list.
相比之下,曼昆领导下的 CEA的所有三个委员,以及在比尔•克林顿执政后期,珍妮特•耶伦领导下的一名委员,都在前列。 topsage

In regular attendance are Mr Summers, Mr Geithner, Peter Orszag the budget director and Christina Romer, who chairs the CEA.
通常出席的有萨默尔、盖特纳、皮特奥扎戈预算主管以及任 CEA主席的克里斯提娜卢默尔。 ecocn

Meanwhile the provincial government, having been spurned in a takeover bid for the local arm of CEA, has retaliated by removing preferential tax breaks.
与此同时,当地省政府因为接管中国东方航空公司的提议被拒绝,报复性的取消了税收优惠政策。 ecocn

Measured by citation scores per team member, though, the present CEA does not stand out as much.
尽管用每支团队成员的被引用分数衡量,当前的 CEA仍没能显著地脱颖而出。 ecocn

More impressive is the fact that two of the seven senior economists attached to the present CEA are also among the top5% of economists by citations, a rare distinction.
更令人印象深刻的是,隶属于目前委员会的七个高级经济师中有两个也在按引用情况排名的前5%中,真是极其罕见的卓越。 ecocn

Still, CEA chairmen exercise influence not through their academic background but their ability to get the president's ear.
然而,经济顾问委员会的主席们不是通过他们的学术背景而是其说服总统的能力来发挥影响力。 ecocn

The Gramat center will come under the CEA's department for military applications.
该 Gramat中心将受 CEA的军事应用部门的领导。

The CEA forecasts that health spending, which will account for perhaps 18% of America’s GDP this year, will soar to over one third of output by2040.
CEA预测,今年占美国国内生产总值18%的医疗开支,在2040年将膨胀至总产值的三分之一。 ecocn




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