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词汇 cdn
释义 cdn
abbr.计内容分发网络=Content Delivery Network
A content delivery network CDN is a collection of web servers distributed across multiple locations to deliver content more efficiently to users.
内容交付网络加币是一家集网络服务器分布在多个地点,以更有效地提供内容的用户。 sohu

A CDN provides a distributed network of servers with content that is closer to your end users for faster response times.
CDN提供一个分布式服务器网络,内容放在比较接近最终用户的服务器上,从而改进响应时间。 ibm

Distributing static data or data that’s refreshed less often to the CDN could improve performance for the user, since it will be delivered from the nearest datacenter.
对于用户而言,把静态数据或者并不经常更新的数据放到CDN中可以提升性能,因为那些数据将会从距离用户最近的数据中心提取出来。 infoq

However, even when you use a CDN, you still have to consider that there will be proxy and browser caches downstream.
即使你使用了 CDN,你也要考虑后续的代理服务器缓存和浏览器缓存问题。 cnblogs

So the article was emphasized on some key techniques such as Coding Technique, DRM, CDN, Multicast, STB about IPTV system.
简要介绍了 IPTV系统中的视频编码、数字版权管理、内容分发网络、组播、机顶盒等关键技术。

The Microsoft AJAX CDN documentation has recently been updated with more details about it.
Microsoft AJAX CDN文档最近已经更新了更多的细节。 cnblogs

As we mentioned previously, Facebook serves around1.2 million photos per second, a number which doesn’t include images served by Facebook’s CDN.
正如我们前面提到的, Facebook的服务约120万张照片每秒,这个数字不包括 CDN上的。

For example, Facebook’s static files are hosted by Akamai, the largest CDN provider.
例如, Facebook的静态文件由最大的 CDN提供商 Akamai来托管。

If the CDN does not have the asset, it pulls the asset from the origin before caching and passing the asset along to the user.
如果 CDN上没有这个内容,那么它可以从原始服务器获取内容,然后缓存并返回给用户。 ibm

If, for some reason, the CDN is down, your site might not function well.
如果由于某种原因 CDN关闭了,您的网站也就不起作用了。 ibm

In this paper, we introduce the basic concept, architecture, and key technologies of CDN, and a short analysis is made in the end.
本文主要介绍了 CDN技术的基本概念、分层模型、关键技术,并对 CDN的发展趋势进行了简要分析。 cnki

It lists all of the libraries currently offered via the CDN.
该文档列出了目前通过 CDN提供的所有脚本库。 joycode

Now, your application will use the CDN where possible.
现在,您的应用程序将会使得 CDN。 ibm

Often, sites will use a third-party CDN provider, instead of operating a CND themselves.
通常网站会使用第三方的 CDN。

One of the features in September that we said was coming but which was not available at the initial launch was SSL support for scripts served off of the CDN.
九月份时我们曾说过即将提供但在初始发布时尚未提供的一个特性是对 CDN上提供的脚本的 SSL支持。 joycode

So in essence, using a CDN for your content delivery serves files from the server that is closer to the user accessing your page.
因此本质上来说,使用 CDN是从服务器上将内容分发到最接近的访问的页面用户旁。 yeeyan

Static content often represents the bulk of the bandwidth of a site, and can be easily replicated across a CDN.
静态内容往往代表站点的带宽大小,也能通过 CDN轻松的复制。

The area that is the most subjective is Using a CDN content delivery network. CDN’s are more useful for larger sites.
在这个领域,最主观的选择是使用 CDN内容分发网络. CDN针对大型网站非常有效果。 yeeyan

This article briefly discusses the technique principles, construction, function and characteristics of CDN and its applied feasibility and prospects in the library network.
阐述了 CDN技术的原理、结构、作用、特点及其在图书馆局域网中应用的可行性和前景展望。 cnki

Using a content distribution network CDN to host the file simply eliminates the need for you to keep track of the file locally.
使用一个内容分发网络 CDN来简单地托管文件,对您来说减少了本地跟踪文件的需求。 ibm

With the roll out of regional cloud offerings edge based CDN will no longer required.
随着区域性云产品的推出,以后将不再需要就近部署的 CDN。 infoq




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