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词汇 ccts
释义 cctsCOCA¹⁰²¹⁸⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Circuits 线路
But CCTs are not magic bullets.
不过, CCT项目不是灵丹妙药。 ecocn

In the proposed method the calculation of the CCT of each contingency is not to be performed, but the interval of the CCTs and time margins can be obtained.
该方法不必具体计算各个事故的临界切除时间,却可以得到各事故的临界切除时间和时间裕度的区间范围。 cnki

The largest CCTs are in Brazil and Mexico, serving11 million and5.2 million households, respectively.
巴西和墨西哥实施的有条件现金援助项目规模最大,分别惠及了1100万户和520万户家庭。 worldbank

The learners at the preliminary level were most likely influenced by the CCTs and preferred to translate the characteristics literally into English.
初级学习者受母语时体影响最大,倾向采用直译的方式处理汉语的时体特征。 fabiao

The World Bank has financed and provided technical support for CCTs since the first programs began in the 1990s.
上世纪九十年代首批有条件现金援助项目实施以来,世行持续为此类项目提供了资金和技术支持。 worldbank

According to World Bank researchers, Bolsa Família’s record in reaching its target audience is better than most CCTs.
据世界银行研究员透露, Bolsa Família’s补助金的发放到位记录比大多数有条件现金转移计划准确。 ecocn

Across the region, CCTs have boosted school enrollment from1 to10 percentage points, with larger effects in the higher grades.
纵观整个地区,有条件现金援助使入学率提高了1-10个百分点,高年级提高幅度更大。 worldbank

Conclusion The CCTS can appear behind the metal exotic body, it's size, shape and show ratio will be influenced by many factors.
结论体内金属异物后方大多可出现彩尾征,其大小、形态及显示率受多种因素影响。 cnki

Even when CCTs do not pull households out of poverty entirely, they improve conditions for beneficiary families.
即便有条件现金援助没有使家庭完全摆脱贫困,但改善了受益家庭的生活条件。 worldbank

Fiszbein noted that CCTs need to be complemented by actions to improve the coverage and quality of public services.
Fiszbein强调指出,有条件现金资助要以旨在提高公共服务覆盖率和质量的行动作为补充。 worldbank

In Latin America, CCTs have also increased the use of preventive health services.
在拉丁美洲,有条件现金资助还提高了预防性卫生服务的使用率。 worldbank

Latin American and Caribbean governments have adopted CCTs as a social protection tool for combating poverty.
拉美和加勒比地区国家政府将有条件现金援助用作应对贫困问题的一种社会保障工具。 worldbank

Lessons learned in IBRD countries are guiding expansion of CCTs in lower income countries served by the International Development Association.
当前,国际复兴开发银行成员国的经验教训正在指导国际开发协会服务的低收入国家扩大有条件现金援助项目规模。 worldbank

Notably, CCTs are not the only means of social protection.
需要特别指出的是,有条件现金资助并不是社保的唯一途径。 worldbank

The recycling investigation shows that CCTS can be used to remove metal ions repeatedly.
通过对 CCTS对各重金属离子的再生性能研究表明: CCTS具有较好的再生性能。 fabiao

UBL is the first fully-conformant implementation of CCTS.
UBL是第一个完全兼容的 CCTS实现。 ibm

Vulnerable populations often reap the greatest benefits from CCTs.
通常,弱势群体从有条件现金援助项目获益最大。 worldbank

Women and marginalized groups in particular see benefits from CCTs, often stretching beyond the household.
妇女和边缘化群体尤其从有条件现金援助获益,而且所获效益通常超出家庭范畴。 worldbank

CCTs do an excellent job of getting money to the poor.
“有条件现金转移”在援助穷人钱财上表现优异。 ecocn

CCTs have led to wider use of health services and better nutritional status.
有条件现金援助项目提高了医疗服务覆盖面,改善了人们的营养状况。 worldbank

CCTs have also grown tremendously within countries.
有条件现金转移支付在各国国内也已蓬勃兴起。 worldbank

CCTs have been shown to reduce poverty rates among participants in Mexico, Colombia, Jamaica and Brazil.
有资料显示,有条件现金援助项目降低了墨西哥、哥伦比亚、牙买加和巴西四国项目参与人的贫困率。 worldbank

CCTs have clearly increased the use of education services in country after country.
很显然,从一个国家到另一个国家,有条件现金资助提高了教育服务的使用率。 worldbank

CCTs also help the next generation.
CCT项目也在扶助下一代。 ecocn

CCTs are a good start. But they are only a start.
CCT是好的开始,但它们仅仅只是一个开始。 ecocn

CCTs have demonstrated positive impacts: families eat more nutritious diets, children go to school more regularly, and families report better health.
有条件现金援助产生了积极影响:家庭吃上了更有营养的食物,儿童能更有规律地上学,家庭成员健康状况改善。 worldbank

CCTs work because they are rules-based and relatively uncorrupt.
CCT起作用的原因在于有章可循,而且相对廉洁。 ecocn




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