

单词 cb
释义 cb 英siːˈbiː美siˈbiAHDsē-bēʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
n.化元素钶columbium的符号abbr.民用波段=citizens band硫胺嘧芥,磺嘧啶芥试验性抗肿瘤药苯基氮芥烷化剂抗肿瘤药硝苯亚胺抗肿瘤药羟基2萘基2环己烷ChlorambucilumLSarcolysinum苯丁酸氮芥melphalan非那多松CantorCB1磺嘧啶芥实验性抗肿瘤药马利兰,白消安,白血福恩苯丙氨酸氮芥氯苯二氯乙烷氮尿苷乙酯溴麦角环肽
A clearly worried Walters used his CB radio to transmit a mayday call, which was picked up by operators on the ground who then maintained contact with him throughout the flight.
Walters真的担心起来,他用无线电发了呼救信号,地面接线员接到信号并自此和他一直保持联系。 yeeyan

A few have more than one chief executive officer; CB Richard Ellis, a property- services firm, has four.
一些公司的首席执行官也不只一个。房地产服务公司世邦魏理仕有限公司有四个首席执行官。 yeeyan

But London’s commercial- property market is looking surprisingly healthy, says Peter Damesick, an economist at CB Richard Ellis, an estate agent.
CB Richard Ellis房产公司的经济专家彼特丹米斯克表示,英国的商业地产市场看起来却出乎意料的健康。 ecocn

Conclusion: The decreased activities of CB and CD were one of reasons of thyroid colloid retention resulted from iodine excess.
结论 CB和 CD活性的下降是过量碘导致的甲状腺胶质潴留的重要原因之一。 cnki

It will be built in each CB auxiliary panel.
极不对称保护将嵌在每只 CB辅助面板内。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Beijing had an office vacancy rate of 22.4% in the third quarter of2009, according to CB Richard Ellis.
根据世邦魏理仕的数据,中国政府提供的2009年第三季度的写字楼空置率官方数据为22.4%。 yeeyan

Design and manufacturing high quality water dispensers with CSA, UL, CE and CB product certificates.
设计和生产高挡饮水机, 产品均已通过了 CSA, UL, CE和 CB产品认证。 iciba

Figure13 shows the new set of CB classification rules.
图13显示了新的 CB分类规则集。 ibm

Findings show that CB is a kind of electric loss medium and it has high electric conductivity and dielectric constants.
研究结果表明,炭黑属于一种电损耗介质,具有较高的电导率和较大的介电常数。 iciba

I was in a U.S. Navy CB construction battalion.
我参加了美国海军建设兵团。 yeeyan

It also has one-way mirrors so intruders can watch themselves futilely try to get in while you sit inside and call the police on your mobile, shortwave or CB radio.
它还配备一块单面镜,这样入侵者可以从镜中看见自己徒劳挣扎着想进去的模样,而你就可以利用手机、短波或是无线电对讲机报警了。 yeeyan

My parents had a CB radio and they had a police scanner.

Next we need to create the CB classification rules.
下一步,我们需要创建 CB分类规则。 ibm

Statistics compiled by CB Richard Ellis, an estate agent, show that prices of high-end flats have risen by 40% since January, and are now just 13% below their2008 pre- crisis peak.
房地产代理 CB编制的统计数字显示高端套房从1月已上升了40%,低于其2008年危机前高位的13%。 ecocn

Suppose there are two types of people. Type A has a low cost cA of learning, and type B has a higher cost cB of learning.
假设有两类人,其中A类人员有着较低的学习成本 cA而 B类人员学习成本较高,设为 cB。 yeeyan

That's the findings of a recent CB Insights report that examines the investment in the Apple ecosystem over the last12 months.
这在调研公司 CB Insights所公布的一份报告中得以印证,该报告在过去12个月里仔细调查了对于苹果运营生态系统的投资。 yeeyan

The Hoffa camp seem to see Ms Pope, whose CB radio handle was“ Troublemaker”, as a threat.
霍法的阵营似乎把波普视作威胁,在民间无线电波段称其为“麻烦制造机”。 yeeyan

You may also want to have a battery- powered CB or other two-way radio.
如有可能,你还应当准备电池供电的收发报机和无线对讲机。 hjenglish




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