

单词 cay
释义 cay 英kiː, keɪ美ki, keAHDkē, kā 高COCA³⁵²¹²BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²iWeb²⁶⁸⁴⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a coral reef off the southern coast of Floridacay sandstone礁砂岩
近义词 key键island岛

用作名词It owns a pristine coastline of 12 km, combined with silver beach andcay.这里有长达12公里的曼妙原生态海岸线,一边银滩,一边礁岩。
Crabbers hunt for their quarry by torchlight on the Bahamas' Samana Cay.在巴哈马的萨马拿沙洲上,捕蟹者们升起火堆以搜寻猎物。noun.small island
同义词 isle,isletait
banknoun ground bounding waters
islandnoun land surrounded by body of water
islandsnoun land surrounded by body of water
reefnoun underwater or partially submerged ledge
atoll,bank,bar,beach,cay,coral reef,ridge,rock,rock barrier,sand bar,shoal,skerry A low offshore island or reef, especially in the Gulf of Mexico; a cay.
礁尤指墨西哥湾内海岸以外的低岛或礁; iciba

All right, well, what do we know about Topsail Cay?
好了,我们对上托塞岛了解多少? engxue.com

Easily trumping both Musha and Necker at 1,000 square acres, Parrot Cay formerly named Pirate Cay, before the owners thought better of it is only accessible by boat, so yacht owners are preferred.
远胜过穆沙礁和尼克岛的1000平大小的区域,鹦鹉礁在业主重起名字前早先曾叫做海盗礁只能乘船靠近,所以受到游艇拥有者的偏爱。 yeeyan

So , It's time to cay now!
我试过很长时间没有哭过了! blog.sina.com.cn

The properties of green cay are introduced. Also its efficiencies of skin cleaning and moisture are studied in vivo.
介绍了绿石泥的性质,并对绿石泥对传统洁面剂在清洁皮肤和护肤滋润方面的影响进行了人体研究。 chemyq

The transition between the two dots of the DQD is excited by an a. c. field and afterwards a tunneling event results in the de- cay of the excited state of the DQD.

A method of an accompany matrix and invertible matrix is indicated polynomial using Hamilton- Cay lay theorem is introduced. A method of calculating the smallest polynomial is given.
本文介绍利用哈密尔顿—凯莱定理把矩阵 A的伴随矩阵、逆矩阵表示成A的多项式方法,给出求最小多项式的方法; cnki

Chu Thi Cay got money from the club to buy a cow.
Chu Thi Cay用从该俱乐部获得的资金购买了一头奶牛。 worldbank

Coming in at a little over twice the size of Branson's Caribbean cove, Copperfield's Musha Cay only has half the servants, but don't let that put you off.
走进稍大于两倍的布兰森小镇面积的加勒比小海湾,科波菲尔的穆沙礁上服务员的数量只有之前的一半,但这不会令你扫兴的。 yeeyan

Country stars Faith Hill and Tim McGraw are finishing up work on a new home on their private island of Goat Cay.
乡村歌星费丝·希尔和蒂姆·麦克洛完成了他们私人岛屿 Goat Cay上的新家的工作。 yeeyan

I am going to drive my cay to school.
我将要开我的车上学。 chledu

If you have seen the show of the clown, you'll laugh until you cay.
看过小丑的表演,你一定会笑得流出眼泪。 sparke

IF, ON any day over the past few decades, you had chanced to be strolling in the early morning at Lyford Cay in the Bahamas, you might have seen a wiry, determined figure power- walking in the sea.
在过去的几十年中,如果某一天清晨你恰好在巴哈马 Lyford Cay的海边散步,你也许会看到一个强壮、坚定的人影在踏浪前行。 ecocn

Johnny Depp will be one of their neighbors, as Goat Cay is one of the Exuma Islands in the Bahamas.
约翰尼·迪普将会成为他们众多邻居中的一位,因为 Goat Cay是巴哈马 Exuma群岛中的一个。 yeeyan

Leonardo DiCaprio purchased Blackadore Cay in 2005.
2005年,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥买下了Blackadore Cay。 yeeyan

Musha Cay is shielded by10 further islands, collectively known as“ Copperfield Bay,” bought specifically to enhance privacy.
穆沙礁被10个更远的海岛所隔离,合称为“科波菲尔湾”,专门买下来加强私密性。 yeeyan

One of the great joys of Little Deadman’s Cay was that there were no local rituals or folkways to observe, no minders to look after.
小亡灵礁最大的乐趣之一,就是没有需要遵守的当地礼仪和风俗习惯,不用管陪同者。 yeeyan

Other islands that deserve a visit are Great Guana and Green Turtle Cay.

The first itinerary touches the following places: Marsh Harbour Great Guana Cay Treasure Cay New Plymouth Manjack Cay Powell Cay Green Turtle Cay.

The15.4-acre island, also known as Rooster Cay, is only five minutes from Nassau.
这个15.4英亩大的岛屿,也有人叫他Rooster Cay,离拿索只有五分钟。 yeeyan

Then head to the private island of Parrot Cay in the Turks and Caicos.
那就去特克斯和凯科斯群岛的鹦鹉礁吧。 yeeyan

This creative sofa called “ Cay Sofa” and created by swiss designer Alexander Rehn is a perfect place to rest after exhausting day.
这款由瑞士设计师亚历山大·雷恩设计制造的创意沙发--“小岛沙发”是放松疲劳躯体的不二选择。 yeeyan

Cay you come to my party?
你能来参加我的聚会吗? cjsyedu

Cay you remove the stain?
可以去掉这块污渍吗? babeledu.com




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