

单词 cavendish
释义 Cav·en·dish 英ˈkævəndɪʃ美ˈkævəndɪʃ 高COCA³²⁵⁰³BNC²⁶¹⁷⁴

British chemist and physicist who established that water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen and who calculated the density of the earth 1731-1810
用作名词In short, all Cavendish bananas are genetically identical clones.简短来说,所有的板烟香蕉,基因上都是同一个的复制。 A blend of ripe Virginias and mild Black Cavendish with some aromatic Burleys.
融合了成熟维吉尼亚和轻微的黑卡文迪西一些芳香芭里。 www.5d3w.com

A combination of golden Virginia tobaccos blended with mild dark Cavendish, Oriental and Burley. Coffee, vanilla and cream flavors combine for a rich, smooth blend.
结合金色维吉尼亚混合少量黑卡文迪西,东方烟草和芭里。咖啡,香草和奶油口味组合,丰富而平顺的混合口味。 www.5d3w.com

A slow burning, satisfying smoke that will appeal especially to those who enjoy the caramel flavor and aroma of a rich cavendish mixture.
缓慢燃烧,烟雾丰富,将特别满足那些享有太妃糖味道和香味丰富卡文迪西的混合物。 www.5d3w.com

And, even Cavendish, one of the things that he observed was that hydrogen could be combusted to produce water vapor.
甚至卡文迪许都观察到了,氢气燃烧,会产生水蒸气。 v.163.com

And, Rutherford was invited to occupy the chair and be the director of the Cavendish Laboratory.
卢瑟福被邀请去担任,卡文迪许实验室的主任。 v.163.com

Henry Cavendish was painfully shy and could barely speak to one person— never to two.
亨利·卡文迪什非常怕羞,只能勉强同一个人说话——绝不同时和两个人讲话。 www.for68.com

This could not be otherwise; and from the slowness of a vibration, or from the small number of vibrations in a day, Cavendish computed the real weight of the earth.
就是用这样的办法,通过观察这缓慢的振动和计算一天中的振动次数,卡文迪什计算出了地球的确切的重量。 yeeyan

According to this logic, the third section researched how Rutherford leaded Cavendish to become the world atom physics center.
按此逻辑,第三章研究了卢瑟福如何领导卡文迪什成为世界核物理中心。 cnki

Among temperate palates, the most familiar is the Cavendish, a shapely and sweet- tasting dessert banana.
在那么些口感还不错的品种中,我们最熟悉的当是有着匀称外形和香甜味道的 Cavendish。 yeeyan

Blended with golden red VIrginia tobaccos and a full touch of aromatic Black Cavendish.
红色与金色的维吉尼亚混合和全面接触芳香黑色卡文迪西。 www.5d3w.com

Cockcroft came to the Cavendish from Yorkshire in 1924, Walton from Ireland in 1927.
考克饶夫1924年从约克郡来到卡文迪什,华尔顿1927年从爱尔兰来。 xz8.2000y.net

He was a professor of physics at Cambridge University, and he was also the director of the Cavendish Laboratory.
他是剑桥的一名物理教授,他还是,卡文迪许实验室的主任。 v.163.com

It is verified through Cavendish experiment.
它是通过卡文迪许实验得到验证的。 iciba

Since1992 a vigorous, pesticide-tolerant strain of Panama disease has been wiping out bananas— including previously resistant crops of Cavendish—in Southeast Asia.
自1992年以来,抗杀虫剂的巴拿马病卷土重来,横扫了东南亚所有香蕉,包括之前对此免疫的 Cavendish植株。 yeeyan

So, he was the director of the laboratory, and Cavendish made a fortune in the 1700s, and willed it to Cambridge.
而他是实验室的负责人,卡文迪许在18世纪留下一笔财富,捐给给剑桥。 v.163.com

The result was a remarkably accurate estimate of a parameter called the gravitational constant, and from that Cavendish was able to calculate the density and mass of the earth.
测量结果惊人的准确,他测出了万有引力恒量的参数,在此基础上卡文迪许计算地球的密度和质量。 renren

The two men who actually built the first accelerator were John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton, graduate students working in the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge under the supervision of Rutherford.
实际建造第一台加速器的人是约翰•考克饶夫和欧内斯特•华尔顿,他们在剑桥卡文迪什实验室工作,由卢瑟福指导读研究生。 xz8.2000y.net

Cavendish, an English physicist, made the first successful attempt to determine the attractive power of large bodies.
历史上第一次测定大的物体间引力的实验是由英国物理学家卡文迪什Henry Cavendish成功进行的。 yeeyan




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