

单词 caveman
释义 cave man 英ˈkeɪvˌmæn美ˈkevˌmænAHDkāvʹmăn' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁷⁶³¹BNC³⁹⁹⁷⁰iWeb²²³⁵⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
someone who lives in a cave蒋争熟词记忆cave洞;穴man人⇒石器时代的穴居人cave洞;穴man人⇒石器时代的穴居人近义词 ape猿pig猪brute畜生animal动物boor粗野的人gorilla大猩猩barbarian野蛮人troglodyte穴居人cave man史前石器时代的穴居人…cave dweller史前石器时代的穴居人…

用作名词The bones ofcavemanwere discovered in this very cave.原始穴居人的骨头就是在这个山洞里发现的。
Actually, you don't have to be acavemanto survive in the woods.事实上,在野外你不必像洞穴人一样生存。as in.masculine
同义词 macho,male,manful,manlike,manly,virilebrawny,hardy,husky,muscular,robust,strapping,strong,sturdy,ultramasculine,vigorousgentlemanlike,patriarchal,valiant
反义词 feminine,weakunmanly,unmasculineas in.cave dweller
同义词 aboriginal,troglodyteas in.Cro-Magnon man
同义词 cave dweller,cavewoman,Cro-Magnon,Cro-Magnon race,Homo sapiens,human,Paleolithic manas in.he-man
同义词 hunkmacho man,man's man,strong man,virile man
Cro-Magnon mannoun stone age man
Cro-Magnon,Cro-Magnon race,Homo sapiens,Paleolithic man,cave dweller,cavewoman,human
cave dwellernoun someone who dwells in a cave
he-mannoun masculine man
caveman,hunk,macho man,man's man,strong man,virile man
more masculineadjective manlike
most masculineadjective manlike
adult,ape,beefcake,bold,brave,caveman,courageous,gallant,generative,hairy,hardy,honorable,hunk,jock,macho,male,manful,manly,mannish,muscular,potent,powerful,red-blooded,resolute,robust,stallion,stout-hearted,strapping,strong,studtunatwo-fisted,vigorous,virile,well-built Eating like a caveman from the Stone Age helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing heart disease, Swedish researchers found.
瑞典一项研究发现,石器时代的穴居人的食谱能降低血压和减少心脏疾病发病率。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

I could be wrong, but I think that to have a ' gay caveman,' you need a skeleton that is both gay and a caveman.
但我认为,要想证明‘同性恋穴居人’存在,你得有一副既是同性恋又是穴居人的骨架。 yeeyan

In other words, the term“ caveman” is a bit misleading, since our stone age ancestors did not set up permanent homes in caves.
换句话说,“山洞人”这一说法有一点误导人们。因为我们石器时代的祖先并没有在洞穴建立永久的住所。 putclub

It seems doubtful, though, that squatting, even if it helps hemorrhoids, will become the next back-to- nature craze—the new barefoot running shoe or caveman diet.
但是,即使能预防痔疮,蹲式排便能否像赤足跑鞋或穴居人饮食一样掀起新一轮回归自然的热潮还是个未知数。 yeeyan

My parents had been telling me all week about the wonders to be seen there, the stuffed elephants in the great hall, the dinosaur skeletons, the caveman dioramas.
父母对我说了整整一个星期那儿可看的奇观异景,在大展厅里有喂饱的大象,有恐龙骨架,还有洞穴人立体模型。 yeeyan

Sporting his unkempt look, the former England skipper appeared more caveman than the21st Century gent famed for his dalliances with waxing and sarongs.
看他现在的造型更像是山顶洞人,很难想象这就是21世纪因绅士风度而得名的那个前英格兰队队长。 cri

Stay within the confines of the caveman philosophy and your life is going to soar.
严格遵守穴居人哲学,你的人生将会有很大的飞跃。 yeeyan

The ‘ gay caveman’ was buried with household jugs, and no weapons.
这个同性恋穴居人遗体的陪葬品有家用水壶,没有武器。 yeeyan

The truly obsessed build an entire lifestyle around the concept, mimicking caveman- era exercise.
真正痴迷的人建立了一整套生活方式,模仿穴居人时代的日常活动。 yeeyan

The caveman wondered out, looked up and saw those dots of lights, and he has no clue.
穴居人走到了野外,抬头看天,看到星星点点的光,茫然一片,毫无头绪。 ebigear

“ Imagine being a caveman and having to eviscerate a dinosaur with your bare hands,” Terry said.
“想想我们是穴居野人,不用任何器械,必须用双手掏出一只恐龙的内脏,怎么样?”马特说。 ebigear

“ Your boyfriend is a caveman,” may have been a compliment to some ancient humans.
“你男朋友是个穴居人”,这在古人类时期或许是句恭维的话。 yeeyan

A“ caveman diet” of berries, nuts, lean meat and fish could help reduce the risk of developing heart disease, a new study shows.
根据一项最新的研究,和石器时代的穴居人一样多吃浆果、坚果、瘦肉和鱼,能够大大降低心脏疾病的发病率。 yeeyan

Archaeologists have unearthed the 5,000- year- old remains of what they believe may have been the world's oldest known gay caveman.
考古学家发掘出一具距今5000年的残骸,他们认为这有可能是世界上已知最古老的同性恋穴居人遗体。 yeeyan

As much as we're refined and have elevated ourselves from those more primordial concerns, we're still that caveman under the stress of not having enough.
虽然人们的修养有所提高且已经摆脱了那些原始恐惧,但我们终究还是一群永不满足、终日惶恐的原始人。 yeeyan

Creating meals and living the caveman diet is SIMPLE.
创作膳食,遵循穴居人的饮食法是非常简单的。 yeeyan

For our caveman, the big food prizes were much larger and stronger than him, so he organised himself into co- operative groups with others to form a hunting pack.
对男性的远古祖先来说,要猎取的食物往往比其自身更庞大更强壮,所以他需要让自己和其他人一起加入到合作团队中,成群结队地狩猎。 yeeyan

He says that when we are young, our bodies are probably better able to cope with modern diets. But as we age, we would be better suited to a caveman diet.
他说,年轻的时候,我们的身体可能比较容易适应现代饮食,但一旦上了年纪,我们则更适应穴居人的饮食方式。 huanqiu

I enjoy the term‘ caveman diet’ so I'll be referr i ng to it as that.
我喜欢“穴居人饮食法”这个说法,所以提到这一饮食方法时我就会这样说。 yeeyan

Organizer said the weeklong“ performance” by the woman and man aims to attract interest in the play, “ Caveman, ” showing in Warsaw.
组织者表示,这场为期一周的“表演”是为了给当地上映的《穴居人》做宣传。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Previous studies have suggested that the “ caveman” diet could offer protection against diabetes.
以前的研究也表明,“穴居人”的日常饮食可以预防糖尿病。 yeeyan

Scientists discovered what they claimed to be the first known gay caveman; others said he was neither gay nor a caveman.
科学家发现了他们认作是首例的同性恋洞穴人;其他人说他既不是同性恋也不是洞穴人。 yeeyan

What followed were dozens of headlines from international news organizations declaring that a “ gay caveman” had been found.
随后,国际新闻机构的数十条头条新闻宣布:“发现同性恋穴居人”。 yeeyan

Without it, you might as well be some caveman, lost in time and pounding out text- messages on cavern walls in pig blood.




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