

单词 cavaliers
释义 cavaliers

名词 cavalier:
a gallant or courtly gentlemana royalist supporter of Charles I during the English Civil WarThecavaliersrushed into the palace to protect the king.武士们冲进宫里保护国王。as in.suitor
同义词 admirer,beau,boyfriend,lover,paramourcavalier,date,follower,girlfriend,man,supplicant,swain,woman,wooercourter
反义词 enemy,girlfriendas in.beau
同义词 boyfriend,lover,paramour,suitor,sweetheartadmirer,beloved,cavalier,escort,flame,honey,inamorato,love,squire,steady,swainfiancé,gentleman caller,gentleman friend,old man,truelove
反义词 enemyas in.gentleman
同义词 cavalier,don,sirman of his word,man of honor,polished man,refined man
反义词 boob,cad,sneakas in.caballero
同义词 cavalier,escort,gentleman,horseman,knight,loveras in.chevalier
同义词 cadet,cavalier,gallant,horseman,knight,lord,nobleas in.knight
同义词 banneret,cavalier,champion,chevalier,companion,gallant,gentleman,horseman,lover,man-at-arms,paladin,partisan,protagonist,templarcaballero,knight errant
反义词 enemyas in.swain
同义词 admirer,beloved,cavalier,escort,flame,honey,inamorato,love,lover,paramour,squire,steady,suitor,sweetheart,wooercourter,fiancé,gentleman caller,gentleman friend,truelove
反义词 enemyas in.escort
同义词 attendant,bodyguard,companion,convoy,entouragebeau,cavalier,chaperon,company,consort,cortege,date,fellow,friend,gallant,guard,guide,partner,protector,retinue,safeguard,squire,train,wardenalarm clock,bird dog,convoyer
反义词 enemy,foe Guarded by Houston’s Shane Battier, James missed all seven shots in the first half, but his3-pointer early in the fourth brought the Cavaliers within70-66.
在火箭队球员沙恩·巴蒂尔的防守下,詹姆斯在首节的前半段比赛中七投零中,但他在第四节比赛开局便投中一个三分球,从而将骑士队的比分提高到了70-66。 edu.sina.com.cn

The Chinese businessman had just acquired15% of the Cavaliers Operating Company, the entity that owns the team, in May, becoming the first Chinese owner of an NBA team.
据悉,黄建华5月刚刚收购了 NBA骑士队以及主场速贷中心15%的股份,成为了 NBA首位华人老板。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The Cleveland Cavaliers drafted him with the eighth overall pick in2001, only four years after he first started to play the game.
克里夫兰骑士在2001年以8号顺位选中了他,当时距他第一次打比赛才刚刚四年。 yeeyan

The Cleveland Cavaliers have signed an agreement with an investment group from China to sell up to 15% stake in the NBA team and its arena, AFP reported Sunday.
据法新社24日报道, NBA克利夫兰骑士队已与来自中国的一个投资集团签订协议,转让骑士队和骑士主场15%的股份。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The finals begin Thursday, at Los Angeles if Orlando wins, and at Cleveland if the Cavaliers prevail.
总决赛将在星期二开始,如果魔术队赢了将在洛杉矶进行比赛,但如果骑士获胜将在克里夫兰进行。 ebigear

Before choosing Houston, Ariza said he also received strong interest from the Cleveland Cavaliers, Portland Trail Blazers and the Toronto Raptors.
阿里扎说在选择火箭之前,克里夫兰骑士,波特兰开拓者以及多伦多猛龙都表达了对他的兴趣。 yeeyan

Charlotte Bobcats forward Gerald Wallace also made the team for the first time, with the Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James making it for the second straight year.
夏洛特山猫前锋杰拉德华莱士也第一次入选最佳防守一队,克里夫兰骑士队勒布朗詹姆斯则连续两次入选一队。 hjenglish

For much of the year, the Cavaliers have been missing what he brings: Defense, playmaking and post-up skills.
这个赛季的大多数时间,骑士丢失了他所带来的,防守,进攻还有组织技巧。 lebroncn

His QSL Sports Ltd company is a partner of America's Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team and he is also involved with the New York Yankees baseball outfit.
他的 QSL体育联盟有限公司是 NBA克利夫兰骑士队的合作伙伴,同时还涉足纽约洋基棒球队的业务。 yeeyan

If he re-signs quickly with the Cavaliers, other teams will probably move on to other choices, and other signings could follow fairly quickly.
如果詹姆斯迅速与骑士队续签,其它球队则会转向别的选择,一些新合约也会快速签订。 yeeyan

It turned out the growth was benign. James had surgery to remove it in June, a few days after the Cavaliers' season ended.
现在证实肿瘤并非恶性,詹姆斯已经在六月份通过手术摘除了肿瘤,也就是在骑士队赛季结束后不久。 iciba

James shot midrange jumpers and free throws at Friday’s practice, a day before the Cavaliers opened their second-round series against the Boston Celtics.
在骑士队将要与他们的第二轮对手波士顿凯尔特人比赛的前一天也就是周五,詹姆斯在当天的训练中仅仅进行中距离跳投和罚球联系。 yeeyan

James met with six teams, including the Heat, last week in Cleveland, with interviews also granted to the Bulls, Clippers, Knicks, Nets and Cavaliers.
上周在克利夫兰,詹姆斯共会见了六支球队,包括热火,公牛,快船,尼克斯,网和骑士队。 yeeyan

More importantly to the Cavaliers’ current disposition, James should be able to pick up the trophy with his right arm.
对于骑士队现在最重要的恐怕就是希望看到詹姆斯用右手举起奖杯。 yeeyan

So, too, should the Cavaliers, who likely won't win66 games again, but hope to be at their best come next spring.
所以,骑士可能不会再赢下66场比赛,但希望他们能以最好的姿态去迎接下个春天。 lebroncn

The Heat, Cavaliers, New York Knicks and Chicago Bulls all entered Thursday considered prime contenders for James' services.
热火,骑士,纽约尼克斯和芝加哥公牛在周四都成为詹姆斯去向的有力争夺者。 yeeyan

The overwhelming consensus among league executives is that Cleveland Cavaliers free- agent forward LeBron James is coming to South Florida to become a member of the Miami Heat.
绝大多数 NBA联盟官员认为,克利夫兰骑士队的自由球员勒布朗.詹姆斯将前往南.佛罗里达州,加盟迈阿密热火队。 yeeyan

They’ll be competing in the Eastern Conference, where the Charlotte Bobcats have beaten the Cavaliers two of three times this season and could be an opening-round opponent.
在夏洛特山猫在这个赛季的三次对抗中击败了骑士队两次,并可能在季后赛首轮相遇后,他们将在东部季后赛中竞争。 yeeyan

This year, CSKA Moscow will travel to the United States to play preseason games against the Cleveland Cavaliers, Miami Heat and Oklahoma City Thunder.
今年,莫斯科中央陆军将来美国参加季前赛,与骑士,热火和雷霆队进行较量。 yeeyan




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