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词汇 cav
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The simulated annual energy consumption of the new system in an office building is compared with that of primary air fan-coil system and that of all- air CAV system.
以某一办公建筑为例,对该系统的全年运行能耗进行了模拟计算,并将模拟结果与风机盘管加新风系统和全空气系统进行对比。 ehvacr

Apoptin is a protein from chicken anemia virus CAV.
凋亡素是来源于鸡贫血病毒的一个小分子蛋白。 cnki

Canine parvovirusCPV and canine adenovirus CAV were detected rapidly and handily by electron microscopy andhemagglutination testHA.
电镜技术和血凝试验是检测犬细小病毒和犬腺病毒快速而简便的方法。 dictall

Chicken anemia virus CAV not only induces chicken infectious anemia disease, but also is the main pathogen of chicken immunodeficiency disease.
鸡贫血病病毒不仅引起鸡的传染性贫血,而且也是引起鸡免疫抑制病的主要病原。 cnki

Chicken infectious anaemia disease is caused by chicken anaemia virus CAV.
鸡贫血病毒是鸡传染性贫血病的病原。 cnki

Chicks are then more susceptible to horizontal infection with CAV for a longer period.
这样,鸡只通过 CAV的水平传播而被感染的时间会被延长。

Hence, sub- clinical infection with CAV leads to highly significant economic losses.
由此证明,感染 CAV的亚临床症状可以造成明显的巨额经济损失。

In this paper, the control structure, control project and control strategy of the CAV and VAV system in intelligent buildings are analyzed in detail.
本文详细介绍了智能建筑中定风量空调系统和变风量空调系统的结构、主要的控制内容以及空调系统典型的控制规律。 dictall

In trial1, a strain of CAV was isolated from broiler breeder BB flocks with clinical symptoms of CAV at14 days of age.
试验1我们以山东省某肉鸡场14日龄疑似鸡贫血病病毒 CAV感染的发病鸡为例对 CAV的实验室诊断方法进行了研究。 cnki

Objective To construct a rabies virus nucleoprotein containing canine adenovirus type2 CAV-2 recombinant, and to evaluate the biological and immunological properties of the recombinant virus.
目的获得具有感染性的狂犬病病毒核蛋白犬2型腺病毒,并对重组病毒生物学和免疫学特性进行初步探讨。 cnki

Objective To explore the expression of CAV-1 and MMP-2 in bladder cancer and the relationship between them.
目的探讨小窝蛋白-1 CAV-1、基质金属蛋白酶-2 MMP-2在膀胱癌表达及其两者关系。

Plasma concentrations of AMX and CAV simultaneous were determined with HPLC Fluorescence detection.
用 HPLC荧光检测同时测定阿莫西林和克拉维酸钾血浓度。 iciba

So, CAV-2 has potentiality to develop into live vaccine vector.
因此, CAV-2具有发展成为活疫苗载体的潜力。 cnki

This article compared the control method of VAV air-conditioning system with that of CAV air-conditioning system, discussed the advantages of the VAV system as well as its development prospect.
通过比较变风量空调系统与定风量空调系统的控制分析,探讨变风量空调系统较之所具备的优势所在,以及变风量空调系统未来的发展前景。 dictall

This approach must be aimed at preventing susceptible chicks from coming into contact with CAV infection on the hatcher tray or broiler farm.
这些针对商品肉鸡的防控措施的目的在于,避免易感鸡群在落盘或接鸡过程中接触到 CAV。

CAV was first identified in 1979 and has since been found in all parts of the world where poultry are kept commercially.
CAV自1979年首次分离出来之后,世界上所有进行规模化养鸡的地方都逐步发现了 CAV的存在。

CAV-1 is destroyed in the environment by steam cleaning and quaternary ammonium compounds.
环境中的 CAV-1能通过蒸汽消毒或用季铵盐化合物来灭活。 goumin




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