

单词 cautioning
释义 cau·tion·ing 英'kɔːʃn美'kɔːʃn COCA⁴⁹⁷²⁸BNC⁶³²¹⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

being careful to avoid danger or mistakes; prudence



vt. 警告,提醒,劝…小心

warn against possible danger; warn about sth bad already done, often with the threat of future punishment for doing it again

the trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger;

a man of caution

a warning against certain acts;

a caveat against unfair practices

judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger;

he exercised caution in opening the door

he handled the vase with care

the trait of being circumspect and prudent
warn strongly; put on guard
caution, advise


1.advise的意思是“建议”“劝告”“忠告”; caution的意思是“警告”“告诫”。


caution, forewarn, warn



The judge cautioned the prisoner.法官警告了那个囚犯。
The veteran worker cautioned me not to inspect the machine without turning off the power.老工人告诫我要关掉电源后才能检查机器。


We had been forewarned of the risk of the fire that would break out.已经事先警告过我们有发生火灾的危险。advise,caution,warn,admonish,counsel







用作名词 n.
动词+~give sb a caution给某人一个警告形容词+~necessary caution必要的谨慎用作动词 v.~+名词caution the prisoner警告那个囚犯~+介词caution about sth就某事警告caution about the speed注意车速caution against doing sth警告某人不要做某事caution against the danger谨防危险
caution about v.+prep.

就某事警告某人( warn sb officially about sth)

caution sb about sthThe weather-forecaster cautioned us about the icy roads.气象预报员提醒我们注意结冰后的道路。
caution against v.+prep.

警告某人不要做某事( warn sb officially against doing sth)

caution sb against sth/v-ingI cautioned him against the danger.我警告他当心危险。
They cautioned him against the danger of going home so late.他们提醒他这么晚回家是危险的。
He cautioned us against playing in that busy street.他告诫我们不要在那条交通繁忙的街道上玩耍。
We were cautioned against using that bridge.有人警告我们不要从那座桥上过去。
caution for v.+prep.

警告某人不要做某事( warn sb officially against doing sth)

caution sb for sth/v-ingThe policeman cautioned me for speeding.警察警告我今后不要再开快车。
He was cautioned for drunken driving.他因酒后开车受到警告。近义词 warningn. advice反义词n. carelessness
用作名词n.You should exercise extreme caution when driving in rain.在雨中开车要极为小心。
His gesture indicated a caution.他的手势表示警告。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The judge cautioned the prisoner.法官警告了那个囚犯。
The policeman cautioned that angry driver.警察对那个怒气冲冲的司机给予警告。S+~+that-clauseHe cautioned that the Russia-American discussions were still in an exploratory stage.他警告说俄美商谈尚处于探索阶段。
S+~+ n./pron. +that-clauseI caution you that you are trespassing.我提醒你,你已非法闯入私人的领地。
The policeman said,“I must caution you that anything you say may be used against you at your trial.”警察说:“我要提醒你,你说的任何一句话都可能在审判时对你不利。”
S+~+ n./pron. +to- vShe cautioned the driver to take note of speed.她告诫司机注意车速。
The veteran worker cautioned me not to inspect the machine without turning off power.老工人告诫我要关掉电源后才能检查机器。
He cautioned me not to drink.他告诫我不要喝酒。
I cautioned him not to be late.我警告他不要迟到。
We were cautioned not to drive fast.我们得到告诫不要快速行车。
He was cautioned to speak as little as possible.有人警告他尽量少讲话。
The customers were cautioned to take precautions against pickpockets.顾客们被警告提防扒手。
Hait was cautioned not to be lazy.海特被警告别懒惰。


caution是及物动词,可接名词、代词或从句作宾语,也可接双宾语。还可接以动词不定式含to be充当补足语的复合宾语。

caution的宾语后常接介词about或 against ,表示“就…警告某人”“警告某人不要做…”。

用作名词The teacher gave Tom acautionand told him never to do it again.老师给了汤姆一次警告,叫他不许再那样做。
He told us to proceed withcaution.他要我们谨慎行事。
Always he sought someone to whom he could talk withoutcaution.他一直在找一个能够随便谈谈的人。用作及物动词I mustcautionyou against the danger.我必须告诫你应谨防危险。
I wouldcautionyou against undue optimism .我奉劝你不要过于乐观. All I'm doing is cautioning you.
她只是说说而已,不会真做的。 nciku

And the IMF warned about inflation building in Asia's fast- growing economies, cautioning that“ boom-like dynamics” should not be allowed to get out of control.
IMF就在亚洲快速发展经济体中逐渐形成的通胀提出了警告,并提醒这种“暴涨的势头”应当得以控制。 yeeyan

As with those earlier test versions, Microsoft is cautioning that Monday's release is aimed at developers and technology professionals.
和此前的测试版本一样,微软也特别强调本周一所公布的这个版本,面向的是软件开发人员及专业技术人员。 dream4ever.org

Bush then directed his comments to the security pact, which he and al- Maliki were preparing to sign, hailing it as“a major achievement” but cautioning that“there is more work to be done.”
接下来,布什把话题转向了他与马利基即将签署的安全协议上,并强调这是此次访问的“主要成就”,但“需要做的依旧很多”。 yeeyan

But don’t pack your bags just yet: Scientists are cautioning that there are still many questions that need to be answered before determining whether the planet is habitable.
不过,可不要就此收拾行李走人:科学家警告说,仍然存在许多问题需要解答,之后才能确定这颗行星是否适合人类生存。 yeeyan

But they are cautioning bin Laden's death elevates security risks around the world.
但是他们警告称,版·拉登的死亡可能会使全世界的安全形势更加紧张。 kekenet

Election officials here are cautioning that previously announced dates to post official returns in mid- September may be pushed back.
阿富汗选举官员警告说,先前公布的在9月中宣布官方选举结果的日期可能将进一步推迟。 ebigear

Fertile rabbits, dresses evening wear, peaches and numerous fruits are likewise ideal as cautioning men and women of the existence providing energy of nature.
肥沃的兔子,礼服晚装,桃子和众多的水果也同样告诫男子和妇女提供能量的性质存在的理想。 ou99

He’s received text messages from listeners cautioning him to be careful of what he says on the air.
听众发短信告诉他,要他当心自己在节目中说的话。 yeeyan

He would guide me over the next two years, cautioning me to remain focused and committed and never bitter.
他将指引我度过接下来的两年,提醒我保持专注和坚定,不要怨恨。 yeeyan

Here is a medic who is not an expert in water but in internal medicine cautioning against forced dilution of blood pH.
这里是一个军医的人是不是专家,在水,但在内科告诫被迫稀释血液 ph值。 dlfangshi

In short, the authors are cautioning against considering this work as a technical panacea; that it must be used within other security measures.
简而言之,作者们正在告诫人们,不要将这项工作视作技术上的万能药;必须在其它安全性措施中使用它。 ibm

Obama spoke in support of the proposal, cautioning the group not to let the “perfect be the enemy of the good”, Froman said.
弗勒曼说,奥巴马在讲话中支持这项建议,并提醒会上的各国领导人“至善者,善之敌”。 yeeyan

Some ministers are already cautioning the public about the pitfalls of a military regime.
一些部长已经警告公众,斯里兰卡有陷入军人统治的潜在危险。 ecocn

The U. S. State Department has also issued an alert, cautioning Americans of possible terrorist attacks in Europe by al- Qaida and its affiliates.
美国国务院星期天也发出了告诫,让美国人对基地组织及其附属机构在欧洲可能发动的恐怖袭击提高警惕。 aj-edu




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