

单词 causal
释义 caus·al 英ˈkɔːzəl美ˈkɔzəlAHDkôʹzəl ☆☆☆☆☆高四六GM宝八TCOCA¹²⁰³³BNC⁵⁶⁷⁶iWeb¹¹⁸⁸¹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

involving or constituting a cause; causing;

a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices

发音释义:'kɔzl adj.原因的;因果关系的
结构分析:causal = cause原因+al形容词后缀→原因的causal nexus因果关系causal investigation原因调查causal system因果系统causal treatment病因疗法causal research因果研究causal factor病原causal sequence因果关系causal network因果性网络causal relation因果关系causal model因果模型,因果模式…causal analysis因果分析causal association因果联想causal prophylaxis医 病因预防…causal relations因果关系causal circle因果循环causal connection因果联系causal agent致病病原
蒋争熟词记忆cause原因-al…的⇒构成原因的;由某种原因引起的cause原因-al…的⇒构成原因的;由某种原因引起的GRE红宝书源于: causen 原因
cause 原因
cause原因+al⇒构成原因的近义词 pivotal重要的occasional偶然的underlying潜在的connecting连接的fundamental基本的instrumental仪器的causative引起 … 的contributory有贡献的
as in.original
同义词 creative,imaginative,innovative,inventive,seminal,unconventional,unusualdevising,envisioning,formative,novel,quick,ready,sensitiveavant garde,breaking new ground,causative,conceiving,demiurgic,fertile,generative,ingenious,innovational,innovatory,inspiring,originative,productive,resourceful,unprecedented,untried
反义词 borrowed,hackneyed,latest,old,used,worn
most originaladjective fresh, new
avant garde,breaking new ground,causative,conceiving,creative,demiurgic,devising,envisioning,fertile,formative,generative,imaginative,ingenious,innovational,innovative,innovatory,inspiring,inventive,novel,originative,productive,quick,ready,resourceful,seminal,sensitive,unconventional,unprecedented,untried,unusual
originaladjective fresh, new
avant garde,breaking new ground,causal,causative,conceiving,creative,demiurgic,devising,envisioning,fertile,formative,generative,imaginative,ingenious,innovational,innovative,innovatory,inspiring,inventive,novel,originative,productive,quick,ready,resourceful,seminal,sensitive,unconventional,unprecedented,untried,unusual And all our knowledge of causal relations such as with the billiard balls comes from experience.

It is difficult to not find a causal relationship.
发现不出这样的因果关系是很困难的。 yeeyan

It stands to reason then, the study authors argue, that the causal relationship should go both ways.
理所当然的是,研究的作者指出说其因果关系应该从两个方面来考虑。 yeeyan

The foundation that Hume’s argument rests upon is that no causal relationship can be inferred from one experience to another.
休谟论证的基础在于他认为从一个经历到另一个,人们无法推断出它们之间的因果关系。 yeeyan

Anyone familiar with Professor Christensen's work will quickly recognize the same causal mechanism at the heart of the Innovator's Dilemma: the pursuit of profit.
每一个熟悉克里斯滕森教授研究成果的人会很快认识到在创新者困境核心中同样的因果机制:对利润的追求。 yeeyan

But there is little academically accepted evidence of a causal relationship.
但是,没有理论能够证明二者之间的因果关系。 ecocn

But perhaps the causal connection runs in the other direction.
但也许是因果关系从另一个方向运行。 ecocn

Can we sharpen the causal interrelations among population, money stock, commercialization, climatic change, food production, and the material well- being of the Chinese peasantry?
我们能确定人口、货币存量、商业化、气候变化、食物生产和中国小农阶级物质福利之间因果相关性吗? yeeyan

Explanations can be causal and or rational compound.

For another thing, causal knowledge will help us to prevent accidents like this in the future.
另一方面,这种因果知识将帮助我们防止将来发生类似事故。 yeeyan

From expecting that the causal laws if you like that applied in the past will apply in the future.

From observation of correlation and here we are arguing from a causal claim, indeed the conclusion of that one, to a particular claim.

He is attacking something too close to me, he has no remedy in mind and no evidence of causal links.
他攻击的东西和我关系太密切了,他没有提出任何补救方法,也没有提出表明因果关系的证据。 ebigear

He noted that he often fell victim to the rigid scientific mentality himself, looking for a single causal force for cancer when in fact, there are multiple mechanisms.
他指出,他自己经常成为严格的科学思维的受害者,为癌症寻找一个单一的因果力量,而事实上是有多种机构的力量。 yeeyan

If you ask me, now is a perfectly reasonable time to be analyzing such possible causal relationships, like the one between climate change and earthquakeswhich set off tsunamis.
如果要我说的话,现在是分析这些因果关系的最佳时间,例如气候变化和地震的关系引起海啸的那种。 yeeyan

Instead, the gas buildup in the well provided a causal force leading to an explosion.
相反,是气体积聚提供了一个因果关系的力量,导致了这一场爆炸。 yeeyan

Most causal relationships in the physical world are unambiguous: Push a ball and it moves.
在物理领域中,多数因果关系是明确的,如:推动一个球,它就会滚动。 yeeyan

Or Paul fell over because he was trying to make the children laugh. So you see one is a rational explanation and another is a causal explanation.

Process areas range from Requirements Management to Project Planning, and from Risk Management to Causal Analysis and Resolution.
过程域的范围从需求管理到项目计划,从风险管理到因果分析与裁定。 ibm

Since then plenty of economists and political scientists have looked for statistical evidence of a causal link between education and democratisation.
自那时起,许多经济学家和政治学家就已经在寻找教育和民主化之间因果关系的统计上的证据。 ecocn

So all we see are correlation we never see the causal relationship itself.

So those were the tests for an inductive generalization, these were the test for causal generalization, these for the arguments from analogy, and these for argument from authority.

That is, you do not have to engage special thought processes to create a causal explanation of an event.
就是说,您不必刻意进行特殊的思维过程,对于事件的发生,费心地创造一个因果解释。 yeeyan

The authors of the WVU study were unable to determine the causal relationship between how long a person sleeps and cardiovascular disease.
西弗吉尼亚大学研究报告的作者们无法确定一个人睡多久与心血管疾病之间的因果联系。 yeeyan

These singulars, according to Occam, gained their existence by being posited by God but remain independent of any divine machinations in their causal and operative powers.
尽管这些单一个体是经过上帝的安排才存在的,但除此之外它们在因果作用力上却又不再受到上帝的控制。 yeeyan

We know that there can be correlation without causal relations.

We never get to the causal relationship itself.

Yes if you got a correlation that strong it must be causal.




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