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词汇 Catullus
释义 Ca·tul·lus 英kəˈtʌləs美kəˈtʌləsAHDkə-tŭlʹəs

Roman lyric poet remembered for his love poems to an aristocratic Roman woman 84-54 BCI think of it in the company of some ofCatullusand of fragments of Sappho.在网上费了点心思,找到了原文,才发现他说的不假。
YetCatullusis not Clodia's only interest andher infidelities inspire some of his most heartfelt poems.然而卡图卢斯并不是克洛狄亚唯一喜欢的人,她的不忠使他写下了一些感人至深的诗句。
I won't. Not anyone who speaksCatullusso well. -Catullusdoesn't approve of you. Why haven't you had him killed?我不会的。没人能象他那样好地朗读卡塔路斯的诗。--卡塔路斯不会那么认为的。为何没把他杀了?
She, in turn, adoresCatullusas her plaything and “dear poet”, opening to him the inner self that she keeps hidden from others.相应地,她对卡图卢斯也宠爱有加,称呼他为“亲爱的诗人”,向他敞吐芳心,诉说那些不让其他人知道的悄悄话。
Catullus, a melancholy hedonist, is obsessed with beautiful Clodia, though tormented by her capricious nature and morals.郁郁不欢的享乐主义者卡图卢斯拜倒在美丽的克洛狄亚的石榴裙下,尽管他饱受其反复无常的个性和道德观念的折磨。
Writings covering a wide variety of literary genres will include the works of Caesar, Cicero,Catullus, Livy, Virgil, Horace, and Ovid, with additional readings from Cassius Dio for background.著作涵盖广泛的文学类型,包括凯撒、西塞罗、卡图拉斯、李维、维吉尔、贺拉斯和奥维德等人的作品,并外加上迪奥的历史著作,来协助了解历史背景。




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