

单词 catholicity
释义 cath·o·lic·i·ty 英ˌkæθəˈlɪsɪtiː美ˌkæθəˈlɪsɪtiAHDkăth'ə-lĭsʹĭ-tē 高COCA⁷⁶²¹¹BNC⁷¹⁰⁶⁶iWeb⁵²⁰⁵⁸

the beliefs and practices of a Catholic Churchthe quality of being universal; existing everywherecatholicity普遍性
cathol-ic…的-ity名词⇒n.普遍性⁶³;宽容²⁹;大量近义词 Catholicism天主教universality普遍性

用作名词This is a story aboutcatholicityand love.这是一个关于宽容和爱的故事。
Why can't you treat this pity child with morecatholicity.你为什么不能较宽容地对待这个可怜的孩子呢? The angle relating to management and customer to support from the customer to see, the customer runs off in the current telecommunication profession, existing the catholicity of equal degree.
从客户关系管理和客户维系的角度来看,客户流失在当前的电信行业,存在相当程度的普遍性。 fabiao

The design method of this platform has catholicity, adapting to the general design of embedded system, being applicable to the development of the holding PDA, router and electronics product.
该平台的设计具有普遍性,适合一般的嵌入式系统设计,适用于开发便携式 PDA、移动通信、路由器、工业控制系列电子产品。 cnki

They criticize the standpoint of the catholicity of the justice, and think that the justice is not beyond history.
批判了普遍性的观点,认为正义不是超历史的; cnki

As a catholicity of theory of communicative action in practical realm, discourse ethics searches for universal norms to reach the rationalization of communicative actions.
话语伦理学是交往行为理论在实践领域里的延伸,寻求交往走向合理化的普遍性规范。 cnki

It reflected an information management the catholicity and the society of the activity.
它反映了信息管理活动的普遍性和社会性。 iask.sina.com.cn

Love will be made fruitful when every boy and girl concentrates on the catholicity of mind and humanity.
当每个男孩和女孩都专心于思想的宽容和仁慈的秉性,爱情之树将会结出硕果。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Surplus farmers' transferring is a necessary road for the traditional agriculture society transforming the modern industry society, and have the catholicity within the scope of world.
农业剩余劳动力转移是由传统农业社会向现代工业社会转型的必由之路,在全球范围内具有普遍性。 cnki

The missionary thoughts of Catholicity is an important in thought history of Modern China, which calls for a special study.
天主教传教士的思想言论是中国近代思想史的重要组成部分,迄今为止学术界对此尚无专题研究。 cnki

The idea Combine mathematics with graphic give us a scientific support to explore the catholicity aesthetic of visual form.
数形结合的思想为我们探寻视觉形式的普遍性美感提供了科学的支撑。 qikan

These problems have certain catholicity. They are not only the problems that Chongqing Publishing Group Company faces, other state-owned enterprises also have the similar phenomenon.
第三部分对重庆出版集团公司的现状、战略实施过程中存在的问题和其目前绩效管理的局限性作了分析。 fabiao

This is from the perspective on its own; the culture studied the catholicity and the particularity of culture, and the nationality and of culture and cultural development.
这是从文化自身角度出发,研究了文化的普遍性与特殊性、文化的民族性与时代性以及文化发展道路。 fabiao

Very preliminary, do not have catholicity, not professional and do not have the soil to raise more true musicians.
非常初级,不具备普及和专业性,不具有培养更多真正音乐家的土壤。 douban

We named it' Unprosperous& Unbroken', because we see the excellent aspects of Chinese design, but still without catholicity.
把它取名为“没兴没废”,是因为看到了中国设计优秀的一面,但认为这些还不具有普遍性。 chahua




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