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词汇 Catholic
释义 cath·o·lic 英ˈkæθəlɪk, ˈkæθlɪk美ˈkæθəlɪk, ˈkæθlɪkAHDkăthʹə-lĭk, kăthʹlĭk


of the Roman Catholic Church


a member of the Roman Catholic Church

a member of a Catholic church
of or relating to or supporting Catholicism;

the Catholic Church

free from provincial prejudices or attachments;

catholic in one's tastes

基督教大分裂后,以罗马为中心的西部教会自称为“罗马公教会”The Roman Catholic Church,其中的catholic是“普遍的,一般的”的意思,表示他们才是惟一真正的普世教会。罗马公教会于16世纪传入中国后,因其信徒将所崇奉的神称为“天主”,因而在中国被称为天主教。
catholic: 'kæθlɪk adj.普遍的,天主教的,天主教徒
catholicism: kə'θɔlisizə,天主教义
catholicon: kə'θɒlɪkənn.灵丹妙药,万灵药
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词the Catholic Church天主教会Catholic school天主教会学校
近义词 broad宽广的extensive广泛的varied各种各样的wide-ranging广泛的all-embracing包括一切的反义词 protestant抗议者
~+ n.Ordinary Roman Catholic priests are not members of the regular clergy, but monks are.一般罗马天主教神父不是教团成员,但修道士则是。
He hated the Roman Catholic Church.他憎恨罗马天主教。
The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.教皇是罗马天主教的最高领袖。
His book was banned by the Catholic Church until 1835.在1835年之前他的书一直为天主教会所查禁。
There his weekly broadcasts were aired from the 1920s until he was silenced by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church.自二十世纪二十年代起他每周广播,直到被罗马教廷的等级制度禁止。
S+be+~Are they Catholic or Protestant?他们是天主教徒还是新教徒?用作名词n.She is a devout RomanCatholic.她是虔诚的天主教徒。
There are forty-eight millionCatholics in America.美国有4800万天主教徒。Pcatholicityn.普遍性宽容广泛性Pcatholicizev.成为天主教徒一般化Pcatholicallyad.普遍地宽大地天主教式地

用作形容词Anselm's theology is notCatholicfaith.安塞姆的神学并不是天主教的信念。
Leonardo da Vinci was a catholic genius who excelled in almost everything he did.达文西是一个广泛的天才,他做的很多事也得到成功。用作名词He was aCatholicbut didn't practise his religion.他那时是天主教徒,但并不实践信仰。
She was born and bred aCatholic.她一出生就受到天主教的熏陶。 The church hierarchy agreed with Bush’s opposition to abortion, but I was far closer to the Catholic positions on economic and social justice.
教会的统治阶层赞同老布什反堕胎的立场,但是我与天主教徒在经济和社会公正方面的立场更加贴近。 yeeyan

The Catholic bishops do have a point, that corruption and misgovernment are in fact mostly to blame.
事实上,这一切皆应归咎于腐败和恶政,天主教的主教们的确言之有理。 ecocn

“ It is not so much that what he says is controversial, but that people find it painful to hear, ” said a conservative Catholic layman in Rome.
一个在罗马的天主教看门人说“这并非是他所说的话是有争议的,但人们发现听到它很难受”。 ecocn

And when the two groups met, he mediated, sometimes persuading his criminal friends to give his Catholic friends their watches back.
当这两对人碰上,他从中调停,有时能说服他的罪犯朋友们把天主教朋友的手表还给他们。 ecocn

As a Catholic, she said she knew their relationship was wrong, but she was also swept up in the feeling that there was something spiritual and even exalted about it.
作为一名天主教徒,她知道这种关系是犯错的,然而,有一种精神上的甚至是荣耀的东西和情感在左右着她。 yeeyan

As a Catholic, I am touched by Assisi and his animals, but Loyola and his army fascinate me.
作为一个天主教徒,阿西西和他的动物让我感动,但罗耀拉和他的军队更让我着迷。 yeeyan

As a Catholic, I am touched by Assisi and his animals, but Loyola and his army fascinate me.
作为一个天主教徒,我为阿西西和他的动物们感动,但是洛约拉和他的军队让我着迷。 yeeyan

At a Catholic church recently, they were making soup to share among those, like themselves, eking out the last of their savings.
最近他们在一座天主教教堂中熬汤,与那些同自己一样、靠最后一点积蓄勉强度日的人们分享。 ecocn

But first, you have to be single and you must be Catholic.
但首先你必须是单身的且你必须是天主教徒。 yeeyan

He was a Catholic but didn't practise his religion.

He went up to Oxford aged12, which was not unusual at the time, especially for Catholic children.
他12岁就去了牛津,这在那个时候可不寻常,特别是对于天主教的孩子们。 ecocn

How far can the bishops go to impose Catholic views on society?
主教们把天主教观点强加给社会的路能走多远? ecocn

In 1969 she enrolled at the College of Saint Rose, a Roman Catholic institution in Albany.
1969年,她考入圣罗斯学院,一个坐落在奥尔巴尼的罗马天主教学院。 joyen

One of the world's great religions, Christianity, split into Catholic and Protestant in the16th century.
基督教,这个世界上最大的宗教之一,在16世纪分裂成天主教和新教。 ecocn

The greatest contradiction in Father Neuhaus was not indeed between left and right, or Protestant and Catholic.
纽豪斯神父的最大矛盾实际上不在于左派和右派或新教和天主教。 ecocn

The net effect would be unclear, but could well be worse from the standpoint of overall Catholic doctrine.
其净效益可能无从知晓,但很有可能比天主教奉行的观点教条要糟的多。 yeeyan

Under the new plan, Catholic doctrine could still be taught in schools, but would no longer be compulsory.
在新的政策下,天主教的教义仍然可以在学校里教授,但是不再是必修课程了. ecocn

Whether he was a Protestant or Catholic martyr, she could not say.
至于他到底是新教还是天主教殉道士,她也说不上来。 ecocn

Why would you arrest a Catholic priest for trying to stop the killing of a baby?
你们为什么要拘捕一个尝试阻止婴儿被杀害的天主教牧师? yeeyan




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