

单词 caterpillar
释义 cat·er·pil·lar 英ˈkætəˌpɪlə, ˈkætə-美ˈkætɚˌpɪlɚ, ˈkætə-AHDkătʹər-pĭl'ər, kătʹə- ★☆☆☆☆高GIMST宝四八COCA¹⁵³¹¹BNC¹⁹⁹³⁷iWeb¹¹⁰²⁸Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a wormlike and often brightly colored and hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or motha large tracked vehicle that is propelled by two endless metal belts; frequently used for moving earth in construction and farm work来自拉丁语catta pilosa,由cattacat,猫和pilosus毛发粗浓杂乱的组成,字面意思就是“毛发粗浓杂乱的猫”,中文被翻译为“毛毛虫”。它的后半截拼写原本是-pilose,受到中古英语单词piller掠夺者的影响而变成了-pillar,因为人们认为毛毛虫会吃掉树皮,就像是一种“掠夺者”piller。履带车被称为caterpillar troctor像毛毛虫一样的拖拉机,因为它移动时就像是毛毛虫在爬行。所以caterpillar也可以表示履带或履带车。caterpillar gate履带式闸门caterpillar band履带caterpillar conveyer履带式运输机…caterpillar dermatitis毛虫皮炎caterpillar loader覆带式装载机…caterpillar ophthalmia蛾虫性眼炎caterpillar track卡特皮勒履带车辆…caterpillar excavator履带式挖掘机,履带挖…caterpillar grinder连续式碎木机…caterpillar shovel履带式电铲tent caterpillar天幕毛虫alfalfa caterpillar苜蓿粉蝶caterpillar tread履带车辆之履带…caterpillar crane履带起重机walnut caterpillar胡桃毛虫caterpillar tractor履带牵引车caterpillar combine履带式联合收获机,链…caterpillar chain履带链,履带…caterpillar drive履带式传动,履带推进…
词源解释来自拉丁语catta pilosa,由cattacat,猫和pilosus毛发粗浓杂乱的组成,字面意思就是“毛发粗浓杂乱的猫”,中文被翻译为“毛毛虫”。它的后半截拼写原本是-pilose,受到中古英语单词piller掠夺者的影响而变成了-pillar,因为人们认为毛毛虫会吃掉树皮,就像是一种“掠夺者”piller。履带车被称为caterpillar troctor像毛毛虫一样的拖拉机,因为它移动时就像是毛毛虫在爬行。所以caterpillar也可以表示履带或履带车。
GRE红宝书caterv 迎合, pillarn 柱子: 毛毛虫喜欢帕柱子, 所以要迎合柱子.
GRE难词记忆caterpillar→ cater v.迎合+pillar n.柱子→柱子正好迎合了毛虫的需要cater猫+pillar毛发粗浓杂乱的→毛发粗浓杂乱的猫⇒毛毛虫。来自中古英语:cater猫+ pillar毛⇒原意为有毛的猫近义词 cat猫

用作名词Acaterpillaris the larva of a butterfly.毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。
The uglycaterpillarwill change into a beautiful butterfly.丑陋的毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶。
Acaterpillarmust pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly.毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。noun.worm
同义词 butterfly,canker,larva,moth,tractorwoolly bear
grubnoun larva
centipede,entozoon,maggot,worm A caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

But on February12th Barack Obama came to East Peoria to tell Caterpillar workers that “ here in Illinois” the stimulus would save jobs, provide tax cuts and help the unemployed.
2月12日,奥巴马来到这里告诉卡特彼勒工人,“在伊利诺斯州”,经济刺激计划将保住工作岗位、提供税收减免,并为失业者提供帮助。 ecocn

“ If Obama’s stimulus gets moving with the infrastructure,” he contends, demand will rise for Caterpillar’s heavy machinery.
他说,“如果刺激计划带动基础设施建设”,卡特彼勒重型机械的市场需求也将出现回升。 ecocn

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. ” Transformed is the same as the word we use for metamorphosis, the process a caterpillar goes through to become a butterfly.
“心意更新而变化” “变化”与我们常用的另一个词“变形”有同样的意思,是指毛毛虫蜕变成蝴蝶的过程。 yeeyan

At first glance it may look like a fearsome snake but this rearing creature is actually a small caterpillar with a cunning means of defence.
第一眼看上去可能会以为它是可怕的蛇,但实际上这种生物是由一只小毛毛虫伪装而成的。 cri

Beautiful as this species is, the big surprise is in the caterpillar stage of its life.
这种蝴蝶是如此的美丽,但它还是毛虫时候的样子却大大出人意料。 yeeyan

It looks like a leaf, which is a shame, but you should see its caterpillar!
这种蝴蝶看起来像一片树叶,这不是什么值得骄傲的事情,但是看看它的毛虫吧! yeeyan

One of the more remarkable aspects of this butterfly is what its caterpillar looks like!
这种蝴蝶另一个显著的特点就是它的毛虫的长相了。 yeeyan

The bin Laden group was the largest owner of Caterpillar earthmovers in the world.
本·拉登集团是世界上拥有最多卡特彼勒重型推土机的公司。 yeeyan

The butterfly is really among the swan- ugly duckling school of butterflies. Its caterpillar isn't much to look at really, is it? Bless!
这种蝴蝶可真是蝴蝶家族中丑小鸭变天鹅的一员了。它的毛虫可真没什么可看的,不是吗?天哪! yeeyan

The caterpillars grow. This caterpillar is big and fat.
这毛虫渐渐成长.这个毛虫是大的和肥的。 hjenglish

The caterpillar makes me think of what may have happened if a tiger and a worm had gone through that machine in the movie “ The Fly”!
这种毛虫的样子让我想起了电影《变形人魔》,如果把老虎和虫子放进那个机器出来估计就是这效果吧! yeeyan

The caterpillar might well give you nightmares though!
但是,它的毛虫却可能引起你噩梦! yeeyan

What goes on in a cocoon as a caterpillar changes into a butterfly remains one of nature's best kept secrets.
肥胖的毛毛虫钻进茧中,如何就变成了美丽的蝴蝶,这一直都是自然界的一个秘密。 ebigear

Caterpillar is booming, and its ecosystem of suppliers across Illinois is “seeing a real trickle-down effect,” he says.
卡特彼勒正在不断壮大,其在伊利诺伊州的供应商“也感应到了滴流效应”,他说。 ecocn




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