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catching it短语⁵⁵⁹⁸⁷ 基本例句 受责备;受惩罚 “ Oh, very, ” she returned, also catching it, now that her attention was called. “啊,是很悲伤,”她回答,现在她注意到了,也听了出来。 xddhy I'll prescribe something to prevent her catching it. 我给她开一点预防这病的药。 suiniyi ' Miss March, the famous American writer! ' said Laurie, throwing his hat into the air and catching it. “马奇小姐,著名的美国作家!”罗瑞说道,一边把他的帽子扔到空中,然后又接住。 okread More than one in three fans plan to enjoy the Thursday game at home, with a further one in ten catching it at a pub. 超过三分之一的球迷打算周四在家观看比赛,而另有十分之一的球迷表示将在酒吧里看这场比赛。 www.chinadaily.com.cn That is because flu mutates, so catching it one year may not stop you from catching it the next. 这是因为流感会变异,今年得过流感并不会防止你明年再得。 yeeyan |