

单词 catches up
释义 catches up短语⁵²²⁹⁸
He is becoming more proportional as his body size catches up to his head size.
随着身体尺寸赶上头部尺寸,他的比例更加均衡了。 yeeyan

It requires arduous efforts of several generations or more before China catches up with the developed countries.
中国要赶上发达国家,还需几代人、十几代人的艰辛努力。 blog.sina.com.cn

The agent does not support failover; instead, it catches up with processing previously delivered messages when the server on which the agent has been scheduled to run comes back up.
而 Out of Office代理不支持故障转移;当计划在其上运行代理的服务器恢复后,代理将处理先前所传递的消息。 ibm

The agents' car catches up to Michael but Sara crashes into them with her car.
特工开车追上了他,但莎拉开车撞向他们,然后她带着迈可逃脱了。 yeeyan

As Michael flees in the woods, Ferguson spots him. The agents' car catches up to Michael but Sara crashes into them with her car. She and Michael escape.
迈可奔逃出森林,费格斯看见了他。特工开车追上了他,但莎拉开车撞向他们,然后她带着迈可逃脱了。 blog.sina.com.cn

As London catches up with New York, though, this will surely change.
然而随着伦敦正在赶上纽约,这些肯定会有所改变。 ecocn

I think that in the next decade we will probably know how these cells actually work and the ear catches up to vision smell and taste in that regard.

Studies have revealed that when children are removed from the stressful situation their height catches up with that of normal healthy youngsters.
研究显示当小孩从高压环境中解脱后,身高会赶上其他健康的青少年。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Such machines are known as “ asynchronous” motors, because the rotor’s magnetic field never catches up with the stator’s field.
因为其中转子的磁场与定子的磁场不同步,所以这种机器被称为“非同步”发动机。 ecocn

Such machines are known as asynchronous motors, because the rotor’s magnetic field never catches up with the stator’s field.
这样的机器被称为“异步发动机”,因为转子的磁场永远不会赶上固定子的磁场。 ecocn

Today's productivity dip may be the mirror image of that, as job growth catches up with output.
如今的生产率下降可能是那个时候的镜像,因为就业增长赶上了出产产量。 ecocn

Value investors usually need only identify a bargain, then hang on until the rest of the stock market catches up with their thinking.
价值投资者通常只需要确定一个便宜货,然后等着市场发现这个便宜货就可以了。 yeeyan

We forgot that financial bubbles burst and greed catches up.
我们忘记了金融泡沫破裂了而贪婪又赶上来了。 yeeyan




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