

单词 catastrophic
释义 cat·a·stroph·ic 英ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk美ˌkætəˈstrɑfɪkAHDkăt'ə-strŏfʹĭk ★☆☆☆☆高ISCOCA¹⁰⁶⁶⁵BNC¹¹⁸⁷²iWeb⁹³⁸⁷Economist⁷⁰¹⁷

extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin;

a catastrophic depression

catastrophic illness

a ruinous course of action

catastrophe大灾难catastrophic failure灾难性故障,突变失效…catastrophic cancellation巨量消失catastrophic fluctuation严重波动catastrophic event灾变性事件catastrophic degradation恶性退化catastrophic code恶性码catastrophic climax灾变性顶极群落…catastrophic flood特大洪水catastrophic creep灾变蠕变
catastrophe灾难+ic形容词后缀⇒灾难的。近义词 tragic悲剧的violent猛烈的terrible可怕的ruinous破坏性的shattering震惊的disastrous灾难性的destructive破坏性的appalling令人震惊的cataclysmic灾难性的devastating毁灭性的afflictive给人痛苦的calamitous造成灾祸的

用作形容词The contracting of a serious illness can be financiallycatastrophic.换上严重疾病很可能会是一场经济灾难。
The effects of global warming, while not immediate, are potentiallycatastrophic.全球气温上升的后果虽然并非即时发生,但可能潜伏着大灾难。
Mycatastrophiccar accident had left me unconscious and in critical condition.灾难性的车祸使我失去知觉,情况危急。
The failure of the talks could havecatastrophicconsequences.会谈的失败可能会导致灾难性的后果。
On this issue, the consequences of inaction could becatastrophic.在这个问题上,不采取行动将会带来灾难性的后果。adj.destructive
同义词 calamitous,cataclysmic,disastrous,fatal,ruinous,tragiccataclysmal,catastrophal
反义词 advantageous,blessed,fortunate,happy,successful
calamitousadjective disastrous;tragic
cataclysmaladjective destructive
cataclysmicadjective destructive
costlieradjective harmful, damaging
costliestadjective harmful, damaging
costlyadjective harmful, damaging
catastrophic,deleterious,disastrous,loss-making,ruinous,sacrificial The costs, as I said, are catastrophic.
如我刚才所说,治疗费用是灾难性的。 who

The failure of the enterprise law produced catastrophic results in Russia.
企业破产法的失败在俄罗斯产生了灾难性的结果。 yeeyan

The other common aspect of all these assignments was that they were not catastrophic failures, but had developed gradually over the years.
所有这些任务的另一个共同之处是,都不是灾难性的故障,不过却都是多年来逐渐积累起来的。 ibm

“ Human to human transmission would be a catastrophic event,” she says.
“人类间的传播将成为一个灾难性事件,”她说。 worldbank

“The situation is not catastrophic yet, ” said Mr. Holmes, after a day of visiting hungry villages hundreds of miles from here.
霍姆斯先生在数百公里外饥饿的村庄访问了一天后,说“现在的情形还不是灾难性的。” yeeyan

And trust in rising home value as a truism as reliable as a sunrise was a major contributor to the catastrophic collapse of the economy.
并且对于家庭价值作为真实性而信任,认为它和日出一样的可靠,这份信任是经济灾难性崩溃的主要贡献者。 yeeyan

As an author, libraries are the place you go to meet your readers, the centre of their community, and to lose this service would be catastrophic.
作为一名作家,图书馆是你能和读者见面的地方,他们的社区的中心,失去图书馆的后果将是灾难性的。 yeeyan

But China is also engaged in the global negotiations for the post- Kyoto regime, and its participation is essential if catastrophic climate change is to be avoided.
即便如此,中国还是在后京都协定时代参与了全球谈判,而且为了避免灾难性气候变化中国的参与是必不可少的。 yeeyan

But for many Democratic primary voters she is defined by her support for a catastrophic and unpopular war.
但对于许多民主党初选选民来说,她被定义为支持灾难性的和不受欢迎的战争。 ecocn

Copying, he points out, can be catastrophic— the history of market bubbles is testament to that.
他指出,纯粹的复制将会是灾难性的,市场泡沫的历史就是对此的明证。 yeeyan

I have my world phone, but I left word not to be disturbed unless it was a catastrophic emergency.
我带着自己的全球电话,但我留下了话,除非是灾难性的紧急事故,否则不要打扰我。 yeeyan

If you start smoking then, you may have made not only a medical mistake but a catastrophic genetic mistake.
如果那时你就开始吸烟,你不仅犯了一个医学错误,更是一个灾难性的遗传错误。 yeeyan

Julie certainly knew how catastrophic her smallness was. However, she also discovered the space where the rottenness of abuse could not reach her.
朱莉当然明白自己的渺小是多么的悲惨,她同时也发现了一个龌龊的虐待不可能伤害她的空间。 yeeyan

Moreover, the costs of caring for these diseases can be catastrophic for impoverished households, anchoring them even deeper in poverty.
而且,治疗这些疾病的费用对于贫困家庭来说可能是灾难性的,会使它们更深地陷入贫困。 who

Planning in advance should help to avoid potentially catastrophic misunderstandings.
提前计划可以避免潜在的灾难性的误解。 ecocn

The only option would be a catastrophic default.
届时唯一的选择将是灾难性的违约。 fortunechina

These characteristics reduce the chance for catastrophic results stemming from inconsistency and lack of transaction isolation.
这些特点降低了由于不一致性和缺少事务隔离而导致灾难性结果的机会。 ibm

They cancelled the second round of elections, with catastrophic consequences.
他们取消了第二轮选举,结果造成了灾难性的后果。 ecocn

This is not out of love for the European dream, but rather out of fear of catastrophic losses.
这一回答不是出于对欧洲梦的热爱,而是出于对灾难性损失的惧怕。 ecocn

Whatever the cause of the cooling trend, its effects could be extremely serious, if not catastrophic.
不管是什么导致了气候变冷趋势,其结局如果不是灾难性的,也将是非常严重的。 yeeyan

Why was the explosion not catastrophic?
为什么爆炸不是灾难性的? yeeyan




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