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词汇 Catalonia
释义 Cat·a·lo·nia 英ˌkætlˈəʊnjə, -ˈəʊniːə美ˌkætļˈonjə, -ˈoniəAHDkăt'l-ōnʹyə, -ōʹnē-ə 高Economist⁵²⁵⁶
a region of northeastern SpainFC Barcelona is more than a club inCatalonia.巴塞罗那俱乐部不只是加泰罗尼亚地区的体育俱乐部。
This Cistercian abbey inCataloniais one of the largest in Spain.波夫莱特修道院属于西多会修道院,是西班牙最大的修道院之一。
Of or relating toCataloniaor its people,language,or culture.加泰隆尼亚的加泰隆尼亚或其人民、语言或文化的或与之有关的
Of or relating toCataloniaor its people, language, or culture.加泰隆尼亚的加泰隆尼亚或其人民、语言或文化的或与之有关的
Yet Mr Zapatero quickly began to discuss a new deal withCatalonia.然而萨帕特罗上任后,他迅速与加泰罗尼亚地区协商了一份新的协议。
At one time, around 1,000 castles stood inCatalonia.以前,约有1000座城堡屹立在加泰罗尼亚。 And yet it clearly already shows the Basque Countryin the north and Cataloniain the northeast as two separate entities.
它还清楚地揭示了两个独立的实体巴斯克国北部和加泰罗尼亚东北。 yeeyan

By providing CiU with a mandate to press for reforms at national level, the return of the nationalists may be good for Spain’s economy, but the impact on Catalonia itself is more difficult to predict.
民族主义者归来,将使民族党迅速展开全国范围内的改革,这或许有利于西班牙的经济,但此举对加泰罗尼亚本身的影响则难以预计。 ecocn

Mr Mas-Colell disagrees, accusing the Socialists of leaving the dirty work to others and claiming that Madrid is refusing to hand over funds it owes Catalonia.
玛斯克莱不同意萨帕特罗的观点,他职责工人社会党将责任推给他人,并称马德里拒还欠加泰罗尼亚的钱。 ecocn

So, a team from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain, are looking at a way to use bacteria as messengers that deliver instructions to nanobots wrapped in DNA.
通过细菌信使向纳米机器人发送封装在 DNA内的指令,这是西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学的研究人员们正在研究的方向。 yeeyan

The Valencia case, whose first, investigatory phase is expected to take six months, is being joined by similar ones in the Basque Country, Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia and the Canary Islands.
巴伦西亚案件第一阶段即调查阶段可能需要六个月之久,已有各地相似经历的民众参加,他们分别来自巴斯克县、马德里、加泰罗尼亚、安大路西亚和加那利群岛。 yeeyan

There is just not room for everyone, proclaimed Alicia Sánchez- Camacho, leader of the People’s Party PP in Catalonia, where an election is due later this year.
今年年后即将参加竞选的加泰罗尼亚的人民党主席艾丽西亚•桑切斯卡马乔宣称原因是空间不够。 ecocn

Yet the new statute for Catalonia, fiercely resisted by the PP and now subject to a court challenge, has proved unpopular in the rest of Spain.
曾被人民党强烈抵制如今又受到法庭挑战的有关加泰罗尼亚的新法案,引起了西班牙其它地区的不满。 ecocn

A potential trouble-spot is Catalonia, which accounts for a fifth of Spain’s economy.
一个潜在的麻烦是加泰罗尼亚自治区,它占西班牙经济的五分之一。 ecocn

After Franco's death, Spain's provinces regained a degree of self-rule and few today will suggest that Catalonia will move toward secession.
佛朗哥死后,西班牙各行省得到了一定程度的自治权,时至今日,很少有人相信加泰罗尼亚会真的脱离联邦。 yeeyan

As Mr Zapatero runs out of allies on the left, he will increasingly depend on nationalist deputies from the Basque country and Catalonia.
由于萨帕特罗失去了左翼势力的支持,他只得更加依靠来自巴斯克地区和加泰罗尼亚的民族主义代表。 ecocn

But it will probably wait until after the regional elections in Catalonia on November1st before watering down or eliminating any of its19 conditions.
但在十月一日加泰罗尼亚地方选举结束之前,政府或许是不会逐渐淡化或撤销19项条件中的任何一项的。 ecocn

Controlling regional spending, in Catalonia or elsewhere, will be a huge task for the next government.
对下一任政府来说,在加泰罗尼亚或其他地方控制地区支出将是一项庞大的任务。 ecocn

Electoral reform to a system that favours the two big parties, as well as nationalists in Catalonia and the Basque country, appears to be one of the major demands.
选举制度的改革有利于两大党,也满足了国家主义者居多的城镇加泰罗尼亚和巴斯克的要求。 ecocn

He might add to his reading list books on the Spanish Civil War, even George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, in which he may discover that intellectuals fought with their lives against appeasement.
他需要读读西班牙内战相关的书籍,甚至是乔治·奥威尔的《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》,实际上许多知识分子为反对绥靖政策献出了生命。 yeeyan

He would have little trouble finding parliamentary support from business-friendly nationalist parties in Catalonia and the Basque country.
他将毫无困难地获得来自加泰罗尼亚和巴斯克地区亲商界的民族主义政党的支持。 ecocn

In the video the young woman gets increasingly excited as she votes for the Socialist Party in this month's regional elections in Catalonia.
在这段视频中,一名女子在其为本月社会党在加泰罗尼亚的地区选举投票时显得格外兴奋。 yeeyan

In Catalonia, whose economy is as big as Portugal’s, the minority nationalist government plans to run a deficit of2.7% of GDP this year, more than twice Ms Salgado’s limit.
比如在经济规模相当于葡萄牙的加泰罗尼亚,实行少数民族自治的地方政府今年赤字达到 GDP的2.7%,是财长规定的两倍多。 ecocn

In Catalonia it is the throbbing cultural and social life of Barcelona that draws the crowds, not the historical agonies.
在加泰罗尼亚,是让人的心为之悸动的巴塞罗那文化社会生活吸引着游客,而非其历史的创伤。 ecocn

More wordy than radical, the charter talks of Catalonia as a nation and defines a series of matters to be dealt with bilaterally with the Spanish state.
与其说太激进,不如说废话多,该宪章把加泰罗尼亚视为一个国家,并规定对部分事务,应遵循和西班牙政府双边处理的原则。 ecocn

Most significantly, it accepted Catalonia's status as a“ nation” in its own right, though it shifted this provision from the main statute to the preface.
更重要的是,虽然国会将本条文由主要法令放到序言中,但还是接受了加泰罗尼亚作为一个独立自主的“国家”的身份。 yeeyan

Orwell had fought in the Spanish civil war; his disillusion with that cause is chronicled in“ Homage to Catalonia”.
奥威尔曾参加西班牙内战;他对这一战事的醒悟历程被记载于《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》一书。 ecocn

Spanish conservatives might do well to reconsider their refusal to consider symbolic changes in national status for Catalonia and the Basque country.
西班牙的保守派不妨再次考虑他们对加泰罗尼亚和巴斯克国家地位的象征性变化的拒绝。 yeeyan

The CiU may well demand still more autonomy for Catalonia, but it is broadly liberal on economic policy.
虽然汇合党可能要求在加泰罗尼亚上更多的自治权,但在经济政策上却更为开放。 ecocn

Transfers to Madrid from Catalonia, one of Spain’s richest regions, amount to8-9% of the Catalan economy.
作为西班牙最富有的地区之一,加泰罗尼亚有8-9%的现金收入转移到了马德里首都。 ecocn

Catalonia, which already enjoys a large dose of devolution, has an election in the autumn.
已经享有大量特权的加泰罗尼亚将在今年秋天进行选举。 ecocn




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