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词汇 Catalan
释义 Cat·a·lan 英ˈkætlˌæn, -ən, ˌkætlˈæn美ˈkætļˌæn, -ən, ˌkætļˈænAHDkătʹl-ăn', -ən, kăt'l-ănʹ ★☆☆☆☆高iWeb²¹⁸⁰⁴Economist⁴⁹²⁰
a native or inhabitant of Cataloniathe Romance language spoken in Catalonia in eastern Spain related to Spanish and Occitan
relating to or denoting or characteristic of Catalonia or its inhabitants;

Catalan independence movement

relating to or characteristic of the Catalan language;

Catalan poetry

catalan furnace土法炼铁炉Catalan system卡塔兰体系

用作名词Petrov was impressed with theCatalan's display.彼得罗夫对〈加泰罗尼亚人的〉表现非常深刻。
Few thought theCatalancould top that moment - but just a few short weeks later he was at it again on one of the greatest nights ever witnessed in Anfield's history.很少人在那时会认为这个加泰罗尼亚人会再次进球,但是在几周后,他在安菲尔德的进球载入了史册。as in.Romance language
同义词 Continental,French,Indo-European language,Italian,Italic language,Latin,Portuguese,Provencal,Spanish,insular
Romance languagenoun languages derived from latin
Continental,French,Indo-European language,Italian,Italic language,Latin,Portuguese,Provencal,Spanish,insular Barça, by contrast, is still dominated by local players, and Catalan is often spoken in the dressing room.
巴萨则仍然以本地球员为主,加泰罗尼亚语在更衣室中是很常用的语言。 ecocn

Every player's jersey carries, not the Spanish flag, but a shield bearing the colors of the Catalan flag.
另外,俱乐部球衣上没有西班牙国旗的标志,而是使用了与加泰罗尼亚旗帜相同颜色的盾形徽章。 yeeyan

His business-friendly Convergence and Union party of Catalan nationalists favours austerity, but wants more time. So he talks rebellion.
加泰罗尼亚民主联盟是安德鲁.马斯,科莱的商业伙伴,它该赞同缩减开支,但希望有更充裕的时间。 ecocn

Its sports statutes include defending Catalan culture, including its language and broader concepts such as liberty and democracy.
俱乐部的竞技章程包括捍卫加泰罗尼亚文化,包括捍卫其语言和其他广泛的概念,例如自由和民主。 yeeyan

Some Spain- watchers said the decision had more to do with Catalan- nationalist posturing than with the rights of bulls.
西班牙的分析家们认为加泰罗尼亚民族主义才是导致这项决定的关键,并非出于对动物权利的保护。 ecocn

The bar on bullfighting follows a decision by many Catalan towns and cities to ban the Islamic face-covering veil in municipal buildings.
在斗牛禁令颁布前不久,许多加泰罗尼亚的城镇通过了禁止在市政大楼带伊斯兰面纱的决议。 ecocn

The court reined in attempts to promote Catalan as the senior of the region’s two official languages, above Castilian Spanish, and took away powers over local judges.
法庭驳回了宪章中推动加泰罗尼亚语作为加泰罗尼亚地区主要官方语言,从而位于西班牙语至上的企图,并且剥夺了当地法官的权力。 ecocn

The limits of Catalan autonomy still cause heated debate.
加泰罗尼亚的自治权权限仍然是热议的话题。 ecocn

The ticklish Catalan question appears to have been answered, with a bit of fudging, through a new autonomy statute.
棘手的加泰罗尼亚问题通过颁布一部新自治法似乎得到了解决,尽管其规定中有些许避重就轻的色彩。 ecocn

And for the government to survive, he must satisfy the Catalan and Basque nationalists who prop up his minority administration.
而政府要渡过难关,那他必须满足支持他的少数党政府的加泰罗尼亚和巴斯克民族主义者。 ecocn

Angry Catalan doctors complain that health cuts coincide with funding for a new regional television sports channel.
怒气中天的加泰罗尼亚医生抱怨,在公共卫生上缩减的开支足以新建一家地方体育电视台了。 ecocn

Currently, Catalan animal protection laws protect all animals except the bulls and horses used in bullfights.
现在加泰罗尼亚的动物保护法保护所有动物,但不包括用于斗牛的公牛和马。 yeeyan

He stayed on at Barcelona after Robson's departure, although he's still referred to dismissively in the Catalan media as the “ translator”.
罗布森离开后,他留在了巴塞罗那,尽管他在加泰罗尼亚媒体的眼中仍然还是被轻蔑地认为是“翻译”。 yeeyan

It gives extra autonomy to the Catalan justice system.
它给予了加泰罗尼亚司法系统更多的自治权。 ecocn

Moreover, Catalan and Spanish are very similar syntactically, while Basque and Spanish are highly dissimilar in this respect.
而且,加泰罗尼亚语和西班牙语在语句构成上是十分相似的,而巴斯克语和西班牙语却在语句构成上完全不同。 yeeyan

Publishing in Catalan continued throughout Franco’s dictatorship, and there was no prohibition on speaking it in public or in commerce.
在弗朗哥专政时期,加泰罗尼亚语的出版物仍可以发行,公开场合和商业环境中也可以使用该语言。 yeeyan

Short of gaining independence, the Catalan flag will probably never again wave en masse as it did throughout Spain and in many nations worldwide Wednesday night.
除了独立之外,加泰罗尼亚的旗帜或许永远不会再次像周三午夜那样,在整个西班牙和全世界许多国家飘扬。 yeeyan

Since those times, the soccer stadium became a sanctuary where Catalan was spoken and cultural symbols were displayed.
自那时起,俱乐部的球场便成为加泰罗尼亚人发表言论和展示文化的殿堂。 yeeyan

The Brazil international was strongly linked with a move to Barcelona in the summer transfer window after claiming he had had contact with officials from the Catalan club.
巴西人在今夏的转会期间亲口承认与加泰罗尼亚俱乐部有过接触,想必那个时候的席尔瓦对巴萨也有过一丝心动。 yeeyan

The largest of these regional languages were Basque, Catalan and Galician, although all languages were subjected to Franco’s policies.
当时最大的地方语言是巴斯克语、加泰罗尼亚语和加利西亚语,这些语言当时都受到了弗朗哥政权政策的影响。 yeeyan

They are also taught that Barça is “ more than a club”: it is the embodiment of Catalan pride that kept the region’s spirit alive during the years when Spain groaned under the fascist Franco regime.
他们也被教导:巴萨不仅仅是一家俱乐部——它体现了加泰罗尼亚的荣耀,使加泰罗尼亚精神在弗朗哥的法西斯统治期间得以延续。 ecocn

This spasm of intolerance has been incited by campaigns for elections to the Catalan parliament, which are due in late autumn.
这场党同伐异热潮的导火索是八月末即将举行的加泰罗尼亚议会选举的竞选活动。 ecocn

This“ Catalan agenda”, says Mr Mas, will be the price of his support for a Rajoy government in Madrid should the PP fail to secure a majority.
马斯先生说,这是“加泰罗尼亚语应办事项”,将是拉霍伊政府在加泰罗尼的获得支持的代价,将保证人民党在该地区赢得多数支持。 ecocn

This is the former kingdom of Aragon, mostly identical to the Catalan autonomous areas of nowadays.
这是前亚拉冈王国的领域,与今天的加泰罗尼亚自治区的领域基本一致。 yeeyan

Traditionalists worry that it is selling its Catalan soul in pursuit of slick commercial deals.
传统主义者认为这是为了商业利益而出卖球队的加泰罗尼亚精神。 ecocn

We have a universal vocation, but we don't hide our Catalan identity and we don't want people impeding us from showing it.
“我们自有其普世使命,但我们也不会隐藏自己的加泰罗尼亚身份,更不愿人们妨碍我们去展示它”。 yeeyan

With the Catalan government paying7% on one-year bonds, he has little choice.
因为加泰罗尼亚政府负担一年期债券的7%,他已经别无选择。 ecocn

Zapatero had rashly promised to accept whatever changes the Catalan parliament made to its existing autonomy statute, so long as they stayed within the current constitution.
萨帕特罗曾轻率地答应接受加泰罗尼亚国会对原有自治法规进行的任何改变,只要它们遵守现行宪法。 yeeyan

Catalan nationalists, meanwhile, largely accepted the autonomy granted them in the new regime.
与此同时,加泰罗尼亚民族主义者大都接受新政权所授予他们的自治权。 yeeyan




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