

单词 Addison
释义 Ad·di·son 英ˈædɪsən美ˈædɪsənAHDădʹĭ-sən 高COCA²³⁸⁶⁵BNC²³²⁹⁷
n.阿狄森英国医生n.阿狄森美国一村落形容词Addisonian And the Phillips Academy Andover No.3 houses one of the world's most important collections of American art in its Addison Gallery.
Phillips Academy Andover排名第3的阿迪森美术馆是世界上收藏最重要的美国美术作品的美术馆之一。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the late nineties, Sondheim reunited with Hal Prince for Wise Guys, a long-in-the-works musical comedy about Addison and Wilson Mizner.
九十年代末,桑德海姆再次和哈尔·普林斯合作了《聪明的家伙》 Wise Guys,讲述阿狄森和威尔森·米兹纳 Addison& Wilson Mizner故事的一部长期制作的音乐剧。 yeeyan

“ Strategy and the Business Landscape”, Addison Wesley Longman,1999;2nd edn, Pearson Prentice Hall,2006
《战略与商界总览》,朗文出版社,1999;第二版,普伦蒂斯霍尔出版社,2006 ecocn

“ The actuarial knowledge we can provide is more grey than black and white, ” says Joe Addison, the boss of the entertainment group at Aon, a broker.
Aon娱乐集团的老板乔伊.埃迪森 Joe Addison,同时也是一位经纪人,他说“我们所能提供的保险统计知识,比是非曲直更多的是灰色地带”。 ecocn

Addison later wrote Bim into one of her Maxwell Lane mysteries, implicating his character in a series of Holy City homicides, including the murder of his wife.
爱迪逊后来把毕姆写在了她那麦克斯威尔·雷恩侦探小说中,是一系列圣城杀人案中的凶手,包括杀妻案。 yeeyan

Alistair Cockburn, Agile Software Development. Addison-Wesley2001, ISBN0201699699.
敏捷软件开发,由 Alistair Cockburn编著, Addison-Wesley2001年出版,国际标准图书编号0201699699。 ibm

Almost200 years after she died, Jane Austen's early death at the age of just41 has been attributed to many things, from cancer to Addison's disease.
简•奥斯汀死后近200年间,她41岁的英年早逝被归咎于很多原因,从癌症到埃迪森氏病。 yeeyan

Also called adrenal insufficiency or hypocortisolism, Addison's disease occurs in all age groups and affects both sexes. Addison's disease can be life- threatening.
阿狄森氏病也称肾上腺机能不足症或低皮质醇症,该病可以在各年龄组群中出现且男女都可发病。阿狄森氏病可危及患者生命。 yeeyan

Also called adrenal insufficiency or hypocortisolism, Addison's disease occurs in all age groups and affects both sexes.
阿狄森氏病也称肾上腺机能不足症或低皮质醇症,该病可以在各年龄组群中出现且男女都可发病。 yeeyan

As part of the Addison- Wesley“ Effective” series, the book follows a standard format.
作为 Addison- Wesley“高效”系列的一部分,本书遵循一个标准书型。 ibm

He is the primary author of Software Development for Small Teams: A RUP- Centric Approach, published by Addison- Wesley in2004.
他是小型团队的软件开发:一个以 RUP为中心的方法,由 Addison- Wesley在2004年出版的主要作者。 ibm

In Addison's disease, your adrenal glands produce too little cortisol and often insufficient levels of aldosterone as well.
阿狄森氏病患者的肾上腺只合成皮质醇过少,醛固酮同为肾上腺产生的水平往往也不足。 yeeyan

It is at the intersection where Addison Street crosses the high street.
它就在艾迪逊街与商业大街交叉的十字路口处。 wordreference

London taxi firm Addison Lee said it had taken requests for journeys to Paris, Milan, Zurich and Salzburg in Austria.
伦敦的士公司 Addison Lee说它已经收到了不少请求,要求开往巴黎、米兰、苏黎世和奥地利的萨尔茨堡。 yeeyan

Luckily, there are many books available to help you learn about the platform, and Addison- Wesley has produced a good series devoted to Eclipse.
幸运的,还有很多可用的书籍以帮助你学习这个平台,并且 Addision- Wesley也有很好的关注于 Eclipse的一个系列。 ibm

Many years after their hey-day at home, Addison and Steele were still carefully imitated in America.
艾迪生和蒂尔的全盛时期过去许多年后,在美国还有许多人细心模仿他们。 jukuu

Police found Addison through a computer database.
警方于是通过电脑数据库找到了 Addison。 hjenglish

Seeking answers to these questions, she riffles through Addison’s fan mail, scours her fan blogs and bones up on Holy City on Wikipedia.
为了找到这些问题的答案,她查找爱迪逊书迷的来信,搜索书迷的博客,并研究在维基百科上研究圣城。 yeeyan

With the help of a related book from Addison- Wesley, over time this library became popular.
在 Addision- Wesley的一本相关书籍的帮助下,这个库变得越来越流行了。 ibm

Addison cited Bunyan to prove that even the most despicable of writers had their admirers.
艾迪生以班扬为例证明最卑鄙的作家也有人崇拜。 jukuu

Addison makes a more profound study on imagination than his contemporaries.
艾迪生对想象的研究比同时代的美学家更深刻。 cnki

Addison's is treatable with lifelong steroid replacement therapy.
终生运用类固醇替补疗法能治疗艾迪生氏征。 yeeyan

Addison's disease is a disorder that occurs when your body produces insufficient amounts of certain hormones produced by your adrenal glands.
阿狄森氏病是机体由于肾上腺来源的某些激素产生不足而引发的一种失调症状。 yeeyan




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