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词汇 Cassandra
释义 Cas·san·dra 英kəˈsændrə美kəˈsændrəAHDkə-sănʹdrə 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Greek mythology a prophetess in Troy during the Trojan War whose predictions were true but were never believed卡珊德拉Cassandra是希腊神话中特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯Priam的 女儿,阿波罗神殿的女祭司,据说是世界上除海伦外第二漂亮的女人。阿波罗被她的美貌吸引了,对她展开了追求,并许诺把预言能力作为礼物送给她。卡珊德拉答 应了阿波罗的追求,获得了预言能力后却反悔了,不愿与阿波罗发生关系。因此,阿波罗被激怒了,向她施加诅咒,使她说出的预言无人相信。获得预言能力的卡珊 德拉向特洛伊人民提出了众多不吉利的预言,如特洛伊的覆灭,但都不为人信。她的预言能力反而成为她的痛苦之源。
Cassandra:kə'sændrən.不为人信的预言家,凶事预言家,卡珊德拉Cassandra warnings最初不见信于人而后来…
近义词 prophet预言者

She rejoices in the name ofCassandraPostlethwaite.她为有卡桑德拉·波斯尔思韦特这样的名字而引以为荣。noun.pessimist
同义词 worrywartdoomsayer,kill-joy,prophet of doom
alarmistnoun person who spreads alarm
Chicken Little,pessimist,scaremonger,voice of doom To make matters worse, in1805 her father died, leaving his widow, Jane and her only sister Cassandra, also unmarried, even poorer than before.
更为糟糕的是,她父亲在1805年撇下她们孤儿寡母撒手人鬟了,简和她同样未完婚的妹妹卡珊德娜比以前更加贫困。 hjenglish

Was he a determined pessimist, who took some pleasure in his reputation as the Cassandra of the Fens?
他真是一个坚定不移的悲观论者并且能从“芬斯地区的悲观预言师”这样的名头上得几分快乐吗? ecocn

“ Joel, this is your fault,” Cassandra said many, many times.
“乔尔,这都怪你。”卡桑德拉说了一遍又一遍。 joyen

A few minutes later, our babysitter showed up, and Cassandra and I headed off to dinner.
几分钟后,我们的钟点保姆来了,于是我和卡桑德拉出门吃晚餐。 yeeyan

Austen died in1817, and after Cassandra's death in 1845 the table was given to a manservant.
奥斯汀1817年去世。1845年卡桑德拉死后,这张桌子送给了仆人。 yeeyan

Besides, Cassandra is busy enough coordinating the kids' extracurricular activities.
此外,孩子们的课外活动就够 Cassandra忙的了。

But by the next morning, Cassandra had come around.
但是到了第二天早上,卡桑德醒悟了过来。 yeeyan

But Cassandra said she likes that I have different genes, arguing that when, for instance, Jews procreate with other Jews, they increase their kids' risk for breast cancer and Tay-Sachs.
但卡桑德拉说,她喜欢我的基因与她不同。例如,假如犹太人与其他犹太人生育,他们会增加孩子的乳腺癌和黑蒙性痴呆的风险。 yeeyan

Feeling guilty, I asked Cassandra if she would have never married me if, on our first date, she had collected my spit in a more scientific manner than she did.
出于内疚,我问卡桑德拉,如果在我们第一次约会时,她采用更科学的方法来收集到了我的唾液,那么她是否压根不会嫁给我。 yeeyan

For example, Cassandra is designed specifically to provide linear write scalability across multiple nodes for storing huge quantities of data.
例如, Cassandra专门用来为存储大量数据提供跨多个节点的线性写入可伸缩性。 ibm

I left a little before midnight, when Cassandra got bored, even though Jeff's wife didn't look bored at all.
我是在快到午夜之前离开的,当时卡桑德拉觉得无聊了,尽管杰夫的妻子看上去丝毫没有无聊的感觉。 yeeyan

I recently asked Cassandra, a friend of mine, and she immediately shot back the answer: “ Horses!”
最近我问过我的一个朋友同样的问题,她叫 Cassandra,她告诉我是马! yeeyan

King Priam was killed. Queen Hecuba, her daughter Cassandra and her daughter-in-law Andromache were all carried into slavery.
国王皮安姆被杀,赫克犹巴王后,她的女儿卡珊德拉及儿媳安德洛玛切都被充作了奴隶。 ebigear

Others are older, and some are much older; Cassandra, remember, was an ancient Greek.
其他都是旧书,有一些还更旧,记得卡珊德拉 Cassandra应该是古希腊神话人物吧。 ecocn

Soon after Mr. Johnson received his psychology degree from Southern University in 1988, he began dating Cassandra, a nursing student.
1988年, Johnson先生拿到南方大学心理学学位后不久便开始和护校学生 Cassandra约会。

Such a bearish prospect may appear outlandish but, unlike Cassandra, Minerva has many believers.
如此悲观的前景预测可能不足为信,但是与 Cassandra不同的是, Minerva却有很多信奉者。 ecocn

This is hardly the first time Cassandra has seen her husband in a difficult spot.
这不是 Cassandra第一次看到自己的丈夫陷入困难的处境了。

We were11 minutes into our experiment when, sitting in traffic, Cassandra suggested we call the restaurant to tell them we’d be late.
不想路遇堵车,就在我们的断网断电实验刚刚进行了11分钟的时候,卡桑德拉提议打开电话,联系饭店,说我们晚到一会儿。 joyen

We are reaping the consequences of an excess of confidence, suffering for lack of a Cassandra.
我们正在品尝过度相信的苦果,遭受着毫无凶兆的苦难。 yeeyan

We got lost without the GPS, and by the time we got there, Cassandra’s friends had already left.
由于没有全球定位系统,我们迷路了,等到达聚会地点时,卡桑德拉的朋友都已经走了。 joyen

What's more Cassandra is designed in such a way that you can have part of your Brisk infrastructure focus on analytics while another handles low- latency applications.
此外, Cassandra的设计初衷就是可以让部分 Brisk基础设施关注于数据分析,而另一部分处理低延迟应用。 infoq

When I told my lovely wife Cassandra I'd be electronically disappearing, she liked the idea so much, she decided to do it too.
当我告诉我的爱妻卡桑德拉,我将要从电子世界里暂时消失后,她也很喜欢这个想法,于是她决定也参加进来。 yeeyan

When Cassandra saw the results, she was upset, although not in the way I had hoped.
当卡桑德拉看到结果后,她感到不满,但她表示不满的方式却不是在我所希望的。 yeeyan

Cassandra will not dare to answer, but will merely wish readers greater happiness in2011—and invite alternative choices for the world’s happiest nations.
卡桑德拉不敢回答,但只是想祝读者在2011年更加幸福——也许你的国家会变成世界上最幸福的国家。 ecocn

Cassandra was rather encouraged by a straw poll of the audience: overwhelming approval for the2012 London Olympics.
针对与会观众的民意调查以压倒性多数通过2012年伦敦奥运会,这令卡珊德拉倍受鼓舞。 ecocn

Cassandra's results came back first, because of the fact that, genetically, she's more likely to remember to mail stuff.
卡桑德拉的结果是最先收到的。这是因为从基因上看,她更不容易忘记有东西要邮寄。 yeeyan




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