

单词 cask
释义 cask 英kæsk美kæskAHDkăsk ☆☆☆☆☆高四八GCOCA³³⁵²⁸BNC³¹⁷²⁶iWeb¹⁵⁵⁵³
the quantity a cask will holda cylindrical container that holds liquids可能来自case, 箱子。cask fermentation桶内发酵cask buoy桶形浮标cask washing洗桶cask smell木桶味cask washer圆桶洗涤机isotope cask化 同位素容器;…cask deposit桶内沉淀discharge cask卸料桶charge cask装料容器cask beer桶装啤酒cask stave桶板,桶身木板…cask of Danaides无底桶
近义词 tub桶drum鼓barrel桶butt烟蒂container容器bucketC水桶caskful一桶的量vat增值税=value a…

用作名词They sell cider at 10 dollars acask.他们以每桶十美元的价钱出售苹果酒。
He asked the waiter to bring him acaskof sherry.他叫侍者给他拿一桶雪利酒。
Wine started from a hole in thecask.酒从木桶的一个孔冒了出来。
Otherwise, the highcask, to really consider this to be entered.要不这么高的木桶,还真该考虑要怎么走进去。noun.(rounded container for liquids
同义词 kegbarrel,butt,firkin,hogshead,pipe,tun,vatbarrelet
barrelnoun cylindrical container
bucketnoun container, often for liquids, with handle
bucketsnoun container, often for liquids, with handle
containernoun holder for physical object
containersnoun holder for physical object
hogsheadnoun large barrel
barrel,cask,drum,keg,vat,vessel And thereupon he sat down across the brandy cask, and began to fill a pipe.
他在白兰地桶上坐下来,开始装一斗烟。 yuloo

Here, a taster draws a sample from a cask at the Bruichladdich distillery on the Isle of Islay.
图上是位于艾雷岛上布鲁克莱迪克酒厂的一个品酒师正在从木桶中抽取样品。 yeeyan

The functional system of the regional tourism has the features in structure, graduation and duality, and has the effects of whirlpool, cask, margin and intensity.
区域旅游功能系统具有结构性、层次性和二重性三大特性,具有漩涡效应、木桶效应、边际效应和强度效应四大效应。 cnki

The maximum capacity of a cask depends on its shortest batten.
木桶的最大容量取决于桶身上最短的那片木条。 cnki

This paper analyzed General technical standard of quality grade, changeover, retirement and scrap for medical equipment by cask theory, made it visualize.
利用木桶理论对《卫生装备质量分级和转级、退役与报废通用技术条件》进行了进一步的分析,使其更形象、直观。 dictall

A cask swells in the middle.
酒桶会在中间膨胀起来。 iciba

Game, the player needs to hide behind the Penguin cask shooting star Mobile mouse control, it fired Left.
游戏中,玩家需要向躲在木桶后面的企鹅射击,移动鼠标控制准星,点击左键开火。 kuenglish

He drew some cognac from the cask into a tin cannikin.
他从酒桶里倒了一些白兰地到一只小锡杯里。 kekenet

He tapped off cider from a cask.

He tapped off cider from a cask.

In the meantime, dry- cask storage can get us through the coming century, but those used fuel rods will remain a problem for at least another 9, 900 years after that.
按现在情况看,干桶存储方法可以让我们安全度过下个世纪,但在以后的九千九百年里那些用过的核燃料仍然是个问题。 yeeyan

Just as serious is the U.S. nuclear operators' heavy reliance on cooling ponds rather than more expensive but safer dry- cask storage of their spent fuel.
同样严重的是美国核操作人员很大程度依赖于冷水池而不是更贵更安全的乏燃料干桶储存。 yeeyan

Pandora was a curious woman. She had been feeling very disappointed that her husband did not allow her to take a look at the contents of the cask.

Shall we broach another cask of wine?

She drew a pitcher of beer from the cask, for the soldiers, and invited the sergeant to take a glass of brandy.
她先从啤酒桶里舀出一壶啤酒给士兵们喝,然后又邀请巡官饮一杯白兰地。 tingroom

The train is hauling a so-called CASTOR convoy, named after the type of container carried: Cask for Storage and Transport Of Radioactive material.
这列火车是拖一个所谓的脚轮车队,后进行命名容器类型:储存和运输放射性材料的木桶。 blog.sina.com.cn

Then it flew to the butter- cask and down into the meal- tub and out again.
然后,它飞到了酥油桶又下到吃饭浴缸和出来。 youeredu

When fermentation is over, the wine is put in cask and raked, just like a red wine then it is bottled.

Wine started from a hole in the cask.
酒从木桶的一个孔冒了出来。 hjenglish




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