

单词 casinos
释义 ca·si·no·s 英kə'siːnəʊ美kə'siːnoʊ COCA¹²²⁶⁰BNC³³¹⁵²Economist¹⁵³⁸³
a public building for gambling and entertainmenta card game in which cards face up on the table are taken with eligible cards in the hand近义词 nightclub夜总会gambling den赌窝gaming house赌场cassino一种纸牌戏

用作名词I took a trip to acasinoto play the slots.我去娱乐场玩了一下老虎机。
He usually divides his holidays between the beach and thecasino.他的假期通常是在海滨和娱乐场间度过的。
He spends all his time gambling in thecasino.他把时间都消磨在赌场的赌博上。
Evening dress is de rigueur at the Casino.在赌博娱乐场要穿晚礼服。 For25 years I have testified before court proceedings, city council meetings and Congressional hearings in support of smoking bans in workplaces, including restaurants, bars and casinos.
25年来,我见证了在法庭程序之前召开的各项支持工作场所包括餐厅、酒吧、赌场禁烟的市政厅会议、国会听证会。 yeeyan

The new casinos could hurt what the association sees as an already saturated industry.
新增加的赌场会对这一协会认为已经饱和的行业带来伤害。 enboedu

All of this is bad news for Macau's old casinos.
对于澳门老的赌场来说,这一切都是坏消息。 ecocn

An executive at one of Macau’s big casinos said that the restrictions may be unofficially relaxed soon.
澳门一家大赌场的一名管理人员说这一限制可能很快就会非正式放松。 yeeyan

And the casinos have a strong customer base.
而且赌场有强大的客户基础。 ecocn

Cost- cutting measures implemented during the recession, he says, will help the casinos turn bigger profits amid the recovery.
他说,在衰退期间实施的削减成本措施,将有助于赌场在恢复期间实现更大的利润。 yeeyan

Despite the opening of several big casinos, total gambling revenues have declined by 15% in a year.
尽管新开张了几家大型赌场,可博彩总收入在一年里下降了15%。 ecocn

Even when you have closed your curtains to the blazing neon, the casinos are with you in spirit.
闪烁的霓虹灯下,即使你关上帘幕,赌场仍在你的脑海之中挥之不去。 yeeyan

Financial markets in many developed countries have come to resemble giant casinos; which almost always win and when they lose they get bailed out, while everybody else loses.
许多发达国家的金融市场越来越像巨大的赌场;它们几乎总是赢家,赌输了的时候,总能获得紧急救援,而失败的总是其他人。 yeeyan

For years visitors from other tribes have come to study the firm— one of Indian country's success stories, and a model for how tribal businesses can move beyond casinos.
多年以来,来自其他部落的参观者们都来向这家公司学习——它讲述印第安人成功的故事,它是部落企业如何超越赌场进行经营的样板。 ecocn

He points to plans for yet more casinos and public buildings, including a Mafia museum that is now a symbol of the misuse of federal stimulus money.
他提到仍计划兴建更多的赌场和共用建筑,包括一座黑手党的展览馆。 但这座展览馆现在已成了滥用联邦刺激方案资金的象征。 ecocn

He told The Irrawaddy that Chinese people come to the area with lots of money and establish hotels, bars, casinos and gems shops which provide local people with job opportunities.
他告诉《伊洛瓦底新闻网》说,中国人来到这里,带来的大笔的钱,建起了旅馆、酒吧、赌场和珠宝店,这给当地人带来了工作机会。 yeeyan

Nor is it news to Las Vegas Sands and Wynn that some of this money has been going to their casinos in Macau.
也不是给拉斯维加斯永利和金沙集团的新闻,有一部分资金已经流向了这两个集团在澳门的赌场。 yeeyan

Russia put into force a ban on casinos and gambling joints across most of the nation.
俄国在全国绝大部分地区实行了针对赌场和其他赌博设施的禁令。 ecocn

So far,567 Singaporeans have registered with the government body to have themselves blocked from entering the casinos.
到目前为止,567个新加坡人在政府机构登记,让政府强制他们不要再踏入赌场。 yeeyan

The hairdressers and beauty therapists are off to the new casinos, or“ integrated resorts”, as they are prudishly known.
理发师和美容师去了新开张的赌场,或者是“综合性的度假胜地”,这样一个含蓄的名称。 ecocn

There is a world of luxury where hotel- casinos compete for their business.
他们的世界极为奢华,也是饭店赌场想要争夺的一块大饼。 iciba

THOSE with moral objections to betting can finally draw some comfort from the government's plans to bring new casinos to Britain.
那些在道德上反对赌博的人终于可以从政府引进新的赌场到英国的计划中获得些许安慰了。 ecocn

Three of them are found in most casinos, and the fourth is found throughout life.
而其中的三种在大部分的赌场都有,而第四种在生活中到处都是。 yeeyan

Tribes such as the Morongo have become so rich, so quickly, that it can appear as though they have hit the jackpot in one of their own casinos.
像摩洛根这样的部落如此之快的变得非常富有,就像他们在自己的赌场里中了头彩一样。 ecocn

Who would have thought it would be building casinos?
谁能想得到这个国家竟能建赌场? yeeyan

Yes, casinos can do little about it, other than kicking you out if they catch you winning too much.
是的,当赌场发现你赢了太多之后,除了把你踢出去之外啥都不能做。 yeeyan

Casinos like the Wynn Resorts WYNN are increasingly using“ loyalty cards” to monitor the behavior of their patrons.
像永利度假村 WYNN这样的赌场越来越多地使用“忠诚卡”,以监测其顾客的行为。 yeeyan




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