

单词 cash machine
释义 cash machine ˈkæʃməʃiːn 短语⁴²⁷⁶⁹

an unattended machine outside some banks that dispenses money when a personal coded card is used近义词 ATM=automated …cash dispenser自动柜员机automatic teller自动取款机automated teller自动用户服务设备…automated teller machine自动取款机automatic teller machine自动取款机
用作名词A cash dispenser is a machine from which money can be obtained.提款机就是一个你可以提取钱的机器。
You can withdraw cash from ATMs in any city or town.你可以从任何城市或乡镇的自动提款机提取现钞。noun.(cash dispenser
同义词 ATM,automatic teller machineautomated teller,automated-teller machine
automated teller machinenoun cash dispenser
ATM,ATM machine,automated bank teller,automated teller,automatic teller,automatic teller machine,cash machine And then, in the first town outside Bruges, my mood changed completely when first one, then another of my debit cards were refused at a cash machine.
不料到了布鲁格斯外面的第一个小镇,我的情绪就完全变了:我的两张借记卡接连着被柜员机拒绝了。 yeeyan

But could you tell me where the nearest cash machine is?
你能告诉我附近有柜员机吗? yeeyan

Right before the Geocities sale went through, my wife went to the cash machine to buy groceries for the week and there wasn’t any money in our bank account.
在审查通过 Geocities转让之前,我妻子去买 Geocities的股票,然而我们银行账户没有多少钱了。 yeeyan

Bank online, read your statements, look at receipts, save your coppers in a jar, compare prices in the supermarket and don't take out more than you need from the cash machine.
通过在线银行查阅你的账单、发票,在存钱罐中存下硬币,对比超市价格,不要在提款机中多取你不需要的钱。 yeeyan

Flocks of customers came to form a lengthy queue for a “ windfall” when a cash machine outside a supermarket in Britain began paying double the amount requested.
英国一家超市外的自动提款机双倍“吐钱”,大批顾客闻讯赶来,排队争相提取“飞来横财”。 citygf

Not wanting to withdraw more Hungarian florins, I skipped breakfast and crossed the border expecting to find a bank or cash machine on the other side.
因为不想再多换匈牙利货币福林,我不吃早饭就跨过边界,希望在那边找到一家银行或柜员机。 yeeyan

Police officers are offering to escort people home if they take out money from a cash machine and are nervous about being mugged.
凡是从提款机提款的民众,会对遭歹徒袭击一事提心吊胆,警官将会提供护送民众返家的服务。 suyage.com

Police in France have arrested two teenage girls who allegedly stole hundreds of euros from cash machine users after distracting them by baring their breasts.
法国警方日前逮捕了两位少女。她们被指控,以露胸吸引取款机用户的注意力,并趁机偷窃了数百欧元。 yeeyan




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