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词汇 Casey
释义 Casey.
At the same time, Casey did not rule out future action.
与此同时,凯西没有排除美国在将来采取行动的可能。 ebigear

Both Rendell and Casey have put their prestige on the line in this election.
伦德尔和凯西的威望和他们的选举倾向一致。 ebigear

Mrs Casey underwent multiple tests to evaluate her medical and psychological health, as required by Illinois law on surrogate births.
根据伊利诺伊州代孕法律,凯西做了多项检查,确保身体和精神都足够健康来代孕。 iciba

Under General George Casey, General Petraeus's predecessor, the aim was to put Iraq's army in charge of security. Now the Americans have taken charge of protecting Iraq's civilians themselves.
彼得雷乌斯的前任乔治•凯西的计划是让伊拉克军队来维持治安,现在美国自己肩负起了保护伊拉克平民的任务。 ecocn

Drink& Draw is another group, popular with animators and comic book authors, meeting every Thursday at Casey's Irish Pub downtown.
“饮酒和作画”是另一个在动画师和漫画家间流行的团体,他们于每周四在闹市区的凯西的爱尔兰酒吧聚会。 yeeyan

General Casey sent a directive to commanders to keep soldiers informed about the case and urge them to avoid a rush to judgment, saying he wanted to avoid a backlash against Muslims.
凯西将军对指挥官下了指令,要求他们及时向士兵通报此案,并提醒士兵们不要急于下结论,以避免伤及无辜穆斯林。 yeeyan

God has another Angel by his side. Casey, we all Love and Miss you and know that you are in a better place. R. I.
上帝的身边又有了一个天使,凯西,我们都爱你,想念你,我们知道你去了更好的地方,愿你安息。 hjenglish

Governor Bob Casey, whom I admired for his tenacity in running three times before he won, had been very critical of me.
该州州长鲍勃.凯西常常批评我,但我非常钦佩他经历三次竞选才当选的执着劲儿。 yeeyan

He also had a good relationship with Governor Bob Casey, which could ensure my winning Pennsylvania.
他和宾夕法尼亚州州长鲍勃.凯西的关系也很好,可以保证我在该州获胜。 yeeyan

In a talk with reporters, State Department Deputy Spokesman Tom Casey said that Rice's remark about the legitimacy of the Mugabe government is a statement of the obvious, given the situation.
国务院发言人凯西向新闻记者发表谈话说,赖斯有关穆加贝政府合法性的讲话在目前形势下是显而易见的。 ebigear

Jim and Casey are old friends from college.

Spokesman Casey said the United States will continue to hope for, and do what it can to encourage that kind of transition.
国务院副发言人凯西说,美国将继续希望并尽全力鼓励古巴向民主制度过渡。 ebigear

Spokesman Casey said U.S. Air Force C-130 cargo planes made five flights Thursday carrying bottled water, plastic sheeting, mosquito netting and other items.
国务院发言人凯西说,美国空军 c-130运输机星期四飞了五个架次,为缅甸送去瓶装水,塑胶布,蚊帐,和其他物品。

State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey told VOA it is not true that the department condones corruption in Iraq.
国务院副发言人汤姆.凯西说,国务院在伊拉克宽恕腐败的说法是不对的。 hxen

State Department spokesman Tom Casey said no such action has been taken, although he confirmed that consultations over the future of bilateral relations have been held.
美国国务院发言人凯西说,美国没有采取这样的行动,不过,他确认已经就未来双边关系的问题进行了磋商。 iciba

State Department's Casey, who spoke to VOA on the phone, said Brennan and Mattil are entitled to their opinions, but it is not true that Washington has ignored the issue of corruption in Iraq.
国务院副发言人凯西通过电话对美国之音说,布伦南和马蒂尔有权发表意见,但是说华盛顿在伊拉克腐败问题上渎职那不是事实。 kekenet

That is where the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Casey- Lugar come in.

What do you think about Casey Martin's request?
对于凯西·马丁的请求,你是怎么看待的? yeeyan

When a fire broke out in the Gardner family home, their pup, Casey, went to work with the dedication of a firefighter, helping rescue their cat Cindy.
当加德纳家里着火的时候,他们家的狗狗凯西,像个职业消防队员一样,帮助加德纳一家成功解救出他们的猫咪辛迪。 yeeyan

Casey has been traveling across the state with Obama in the final days of the primary campaign, traveling by train from one town in eastern Pennsylvania to another.
凯西在初选竞选活动最后几天一直陪同奥巴马坐火车从宾夕法尼亚州东部一个镇接一个镇地走遍宾夕法尼亚。 ebigear

Casey Luskin, program officer for the Discovery Institute, a Seattle-based think tank that supports teaching students about the criticism of evolution, was critical of the document.
发现研究所的项目办官员凯西鲁斯金对新报告持批评态度。发现研究所是设在西雅图的智囊团,支持给学生讲授对进化论的批判。 yeeyan

Casey said the continuation of the “ Castro family dictatorship” is not something the United States wanted to see, nor is it in the interests of the Cuban people.
凯西说,“卡斯特罗家族的专制统治”的延续既不是美国所希望看到的,也不符合古巴人民的利益。 ebigear

Casey said in addition to measures taken by the international community, the United States could augment sanctions it already has in place against Mr. Mugabe and key associates.
凯西说,除了国际社会采取的措施之外,美国也可能在现有对穆加贝及其主要帮凶的制裁措施的基础上增加新的制裁。 hjenglish

Casey Wilson and Courtney McColgan founded Wokai in 2007, when they were studying Chinese together at Tsinghua.
2007年,凯西·威尔逊和考特妮·迈克尔根共同创办了“我开”,当时他们正一起就读于清华大学。 yeeyan




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