

单词 Cary
释义 Cary.
A script was written with Cary Grant and Elizabeth Taylor as the original choices for Joe Bradley and Princess Anne.
编剧在写剧本时,剧中的乔·布拉德利和安妮公主这两个角色是为加利·格兰特和伊丽莎白·泰勒量身定制的。 yeeyan

Nearby a chain saw paused as Cary Watkins,40, owner of Cary’s Tree Service, took the time to count135 rings on a large oak.
现年40岁的 Cary树木服务业主 Cary Watkins把手中的电锯停下搁在一边,费了好些时间才数出一棵大橡树的135个年轮。 yeeyan

Professor Cary Cooper, head of psychology and health at Lancaster University, said Mr Brown's personality type meant he was driven and ambitious.
兰卡斯特大学的心理与健康系主任卡里•库伯说,布朗首相的个性决定了他是个有紧迫感和有抱负的人。 hxen

The New Deal pursued only half-hearted expansions, leading to Cary Brown’s famous conclusion that fiscal policy failed to produce recovery because it“ was not tried”.
新协议,只追求三心二意扩展导致卡里。 布朗的著名的结论,财政政策未能出示恢复,因为它“没有尝试”。 yeeyan

But Cary Adams, a local resident, notes the developers are hedging their bets: two giant car parks are also scheduled for construction.
但一位当地居民凯利·亚当斯怀疑这只是开发商混淆视听的说法:两个大型停车场已经列入规划。 ecocn

Editor's note: Cary L. Cooper, CBE, is the Distinguished Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Lancaster University Management School, England.
编者按: Cary L. Cooper,最高级巴思爵士,英国兰开斯特大学管理学院组织管理心理学与健康的特聘教授。 yeeyan

Even Cary Grant is on record saying he wished he could be Cary Grant.
甚至加里格兰特美国影星也曾说过他希望自己能够一直是加里格兰特。 yeeyan

Her funeral was held in Cary, North Carolina. Hundreds of people attended, including coaches and athletes from NC State and other teams.
她的葬礼在北卡罗莱纳州的卡里举行,有数百人参加了她的葬礼,包括来自北卡罗莱纳州及其他运动队的教练和运动员。 yeeyan

I like to cary my phone in my pocket and the phone is easily removed, unlike the rubber cases you can buy.
我习惯于把我的手机带在衣服口袋里,与橡胶套不同,这个保护套很方便取出来,你可以买它。 iciba

In the Fifities, I would have arrived there in one of The Solent flying boats that plied the Coral Route, quite possibly sitting between regulars John Wayne and Cary Grant.
要是在五十年代,我会搭乘如今在“珊瑚之路”上屡见不鲜的苏伦特快艇过去,说不定还能坐在常客约翰·韦恩和加里·格兰特中间。 yeeyan

Lancaster University's Prof Cary Cooper said: “ With so many distractions in the modern office, it's not surprising our minds wander.”
英国兰开斯特大学的教授卡里·库珀表示:“由于在当代的办公室内存在着这么多足以令人分心的事情,所以没必要对我们的头脑经常开小差这种现象感到大惊小怪。” ebigear

Last week, in the fracas surrounding the so-called Bully Gate episode, Cary Cooper resigned from the charity at the centre of the Downing Street accusations.
上周炒的沸沸扬扬的所谓脾气门的插曲事件,面对大众对唐宁街的控诉,卡里库珀激流勇退,辞去了慈善机构的职位。 hjenglish

Lateron, Cary came to join us, too.
后来,卡里也参加到我们中间来了。 sunstu

Professor Cary has a name as an outstanding lecturer. His classes are always well attended.
卡里教授上课之精彩是出了名的,他的课总是吸引着许多学生。 tdict

Cary Bullock, chief executive of GreenFuel Technologies Corp. in The Washington Post.
卡里布洛克,绿色燃料技术公司总裁。华盛顿邮报。 yeeyan

Cary Cooper, professor of health psychology at Lancaster University, said it appeared that people were taking their work troubles home with them.
兰开斯特大学心理学教授卡里·库珀说,看起来人们常常加工作中的烦恼带回家。 putclub

Cary is very popular in his college and nearly everybody knows him.
卡里在学院里很有点名气,几乎人人都认识他。 iciba

Cary put his key card into the security system slot.
凯瑞将他的钥匙卡插入保全系统。 ebigear




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