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词汇 carver
释义 carver 英ˈkɑ:və美ˈkɑrvɚ

United States botanist and agricultural chemist who developed many uses for peanuts and soy beans and sweet potatoes 1864-1943makes decorative wooden panelsan artist who creates sculpturessomeone who carves the meatinlay carver嵌体雕刻刀wax carver雕蜡刀,蜡雕刻刀…amalgam carver牙科器械 汞合金…
carv-er名人|物⇒n.雕刻匠²³;雕工³⁸;切肉人¹¹;雕刻工具¹⁷;切肉用具Carver.n.卡佛人名近义词 cutter裁剪者sculptor雕刻家woodcarver木雕艺人sculpturer雕刻家,雕塑家=scu…George Washington Carver乔治·华盛顿·卡弗(美国…

用作名词The block of wood should not dictate to thecarver.雕刻师不该为木块所主宰。
Yang Shih-hui, the ivorycarver, is actually a very fine artist.杨士惠是搞象牙雕刻的,实际上他是很高明的艺术家。
He is learning the craft of a woodcarver.他在学木雕工艺。
The old woodcarverlived in a cottage on the side of the hill.这个老木雕工住在小山旁的小屋中。
The chef in thecarverwears a long white apron.切肉的厨师系一件白色长围裙。
I used this kind of specialcarver.我曾用过这种特殊的雕刻工具。as in.engraver
同义词 artist,cutter,etcher,lapidary,lithographer,sculptoras in.sculptor
同义词 artistchiseler
engravernoun graver
sculptornoun sculpture maker
artist,carver,chiseler According to Carver,200 million women wish to delay or prevent their next pregnancy but lack access to contraception.
卡弗还说,有200万妇女希望推迟或避免再次怀孕,但她们缺乏节育的方法。 yeeyan

Fallen leaves during an autumn hike in Myles Standish State Forest, Carver, Massachusetts.
徒步旅行在马萨诸塞州卡弗的迈尔斯斯坦迪什国家森林里所看到的秋叶。 yeeyan

It so happens that for most of his life, what Carver knew best was hardship, both physical and psychological.
只不过对于卡佛来说,他一生中最熟悉的,却恰好是物质与精神上的双重艰辛。 yeeyan

That, at least, is the conclusion researchers at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine came to with a survey published online last month in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
美国爱荷华州大学 Carver医学院研究人员对此进行了在线调查,得出了上述结论并刊登在上个月出版的普通内科医学杂志上。 yeeyan

The rough carving is made following that outline before the final carving is executed, for which the carver may use up to100 different chisels.
粗略的雕刻按照最后雕刻完成之前的轮廓而制作出来,雕刻师使用的不同的凿子多达100个。 yeeyan

A translucent white bottle overlaid with swirls of blue and decorated with an undulating white dragon, its carver was clearly a master of the medium.
一个半透明的白色瓶身上满是蓝色波纹,还饰以一条蜿蜒的白龙,那名工匠无疑是个大师级的人物。 yeeyan

As described by Jeffrey Carver, “ Impact of Background and Experience on Software Inspections.” Proposal for PhD thesis, University of Maryland2000.
正如所描述的,“软件检查的背景和经验的相互影响”,对博士论文的提议,2000年马兰里大学出版。 ibm

At his wedding to Lorna, a vindictive Carver shoots the bride.
在他与罗娜的婚礼上,心怀怨恨的卡弗射杀了新娘。 yeeyan

Before long, honors and money were coming Carver's way.
不久之后,荣誉与金钱开始向卡佛涌来。 yeeyan

Forty years ago, Caltech professor Carver Mead identified the corollary to Moore's law of ever- increasing computing power.
四十年前,加州工学院教授 Carver Mead就认为,摩尔定律的必然结果是计算能力永无止息的渐增。 yeeyan

I read“The Cricket in Times Square” and Beverly Cleary and books about horses and young Indian braves and biographies of George Washington Carver from the school library.
我从学校图书馆读了《时代广场的蟋蟀》,贝芙莉·克莱瑞,群马与印度年轻勇士的书以及乔治·华盛顿·卡弗的传记。 yeeyan

It includes both the published version of What We Talk About, as edited by Lish, and Carver's original version.
其中包括了由理什编辑的《当我们谈论爱情时,我们谈论的是什么》发表版,以及卡佛当年的原版。 yeeyan

My family actually has a dog, Carver, that we named after him.
我家里就有一只爱犬,就是以卡弗命名的。 yeeyan

She is promised to the savage leader of the clan, Carver Doone, but John abducts her and is later knighted for service in the1685 Monmouth rebellion.
她本来已经嫁给野蛮的氏族首领卡弗·杜恩,但是约翰诱拐了她,之后约翰因为在1685 年的蒙莫斯叛乱中立下功劳而被授予爵位。 yeeyan

The first group were the highest scorers on a test Carver administered to a large group of college students.
第一组是卡夫在展开的大规模测试中得分最高的学生。 yeeyan

The photographs in Uncommon Places and American Surfaces evoked a sad, ever- spreading hinterland that novelist Raymond Carver also mapped out in his minimalist prose.
这些《罕见地域和美国表面》里面的照片使人想起了小说家瑞曼得.卡沃在他的抽象散文中描写的悲伤的,看不到边的内陆。 yeeyan

The result was a set of stories more terse and elliptical than the originals, more“ minimalist, ” which was how Carver's early style came to be known.
其结果是,那组小说比原稿更加简洁与省略,更“极简主义”——即卡佛早期作品被人所熟知的风格。 yeeyan

This game features Jack Carver as an ex-Marine trying to rescue Val an FBI agent from a crazed scientist who is creating mutant monkey- men to attack the world.

When Carver set out to find the world's fastest readers and see for himself how quickly they read, he ended up with16 test subjects—four groupings of four.
卡夫亲自出发到世界各地寻找阅读速度最快的读者,他最终选定16名人员——每组四人。 yeeyan

Carver met and eventually married the poet Tess Gallagher, who would see him through his last, highly productive years before his death in1988 from lung cancer.
卡佛与诗人苔丝·加拉格尔( Tess Gallagher相遇并最终结婚。 在他于1988年因肺癌去世之前,是她伴随他度过了高产的晚期岁月。 yeeyan

Carver thinks all three of these examples are bunk.
卡夫认为所有的三个事例都不属实。 yeeyan

Carver was barely18 when he married16-year-old Maryann Burk, but he had already dedicated himself to life as a writer.
卡佛刚满18岁便与16岁的玛丽安·伯克结婚。而那时他已决意把一生献给写作。 yeeyan




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