

单词 cartwright
释义 Cart·wright 英ˈkɑːtˌraɪt美ˈkɑrtˌraɪt 高COCA³⁴⁴¹²BNC³¹⁴⁹⁵
English clergyman who invented the power loom 1743-1823a workman who makes and repairs carts and wagonscart-wright⇒n.车匠³⁷;修车工Cartwright.n.卡特赖特名字;卡特赖特·埃德蒙¹²英国动力织机发明者;1743-1823
用作名词At this point, Doctor Cartwright wakes them.这时,卡特赖特博士便叫醒她们。
Doctor Cartwright says dreaming unites our past and present.卡特赖特博士说,梦连接我们的过去与现在。 Says Cartwright, “ Your brain is taking this ‘ emotionally hot’ material and helping you process it so that you can better deal with it when you’re awake.”
卡特莱特说:人的大脑拥有丰富的感情材料,梦可以帮助你处理事物以便醒来时候做的更好。 yeeyan

“ That much ordnance going off would be the equivalent of an earthquake” Cartwright told me.
“那么多军火爆炸的效果可能就等量于一次地震了。” Cartwright告诉我。 yeeyan

Caroline Cartwright was found guilty of breaching a noise abatement notice served on her after25 complaints to police.
在被投诉了25次之后,卡罗琳.卡特怀特被认为违反了噪声控制通告。 yeeyan

Edmund Cartwright's power loom in 1784;
1784年爱德蒙卡特莱特发明的力织机; ebigear

He and General James Cartwright the vice- chairman of the Joint Chiefs favored an airstrike by B-2 Spirit bombers.
他和参谋长联系会议副主席 James Cartwright将军倾向于使用 B-2隐形轰炸机进行空袭。 yeeyan

Indeed, the Vice- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Hoss Cartwright, said this week that the military needs this treaty, and they need it badly.
实际上,参谋长联席会议副主席豪斯·卡特怀特在本周表示军方很需要这项条约,并且是迫切的需要。 yeeyan

Miz Cartwright says for people who sleep well, dreaming can help them control their emotions during the day.
卡特莱特女士说,对于那些睡得好的人,做梦有助于他们在白天控制自己的情绪。 unsv

Mr Cartwright grew up in South Africa, but he has lived in London for many years.
卡特莱特先生在南非长大,在伦敦住了许多年。 ecocn

Mrs Cartwright told the court that she was not‘ making the noise on purpose’.
卡特怀特夫人告诉法庭她并非“有意制造噪音”。 yeeyan

They chose“ electronic warfare, ” a.k.a. “ radar jamming, ” Cartwright said.
他们选择了“电子战”又名“雷达干扰,”卡特怀特说。 yeeyan

This is one reason why“ Other People’s Money”, Justin Cartwright’s15th novel, strikes the reader as both original and familiar.
这就解释了为什么贾斯汀•卡特莱特的第十五本小说著作——《别人的钱》给读者新鲜又熟悉的感觉。 ecocn

Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General James Cartwright told reporters, “The character of the fight has changed” because of NATO's efforts.
参谋长联席会议副主席詹姆斯·卡特莱特将军对记者表示,因为北约的参与,“战争的特性已经发生了改变”。 yeeyan

Cartwright admits that some host cities, most notably Durban and Cape Town, have tried to initiate projects, but says in general it has been left too late.
Cartwright承认,一些主办城市,尤其是德班和开普敦,试图启动一些项目,但总体而言为时已晚。 yeeyan

Cartwright emphasized that “going after them” didn’t necessarily mean another DEVGRU raid.
Cartwright强调称“动手”并不必然意味着另一次 DEVGRU突袭。 yeeyan

Cartwright indicated that since the establishment of diplomatic ties35 years ago, bilateral relations have been developing soundly.
卡特赖特表示,新中建交近35年来,两国关系发展良好。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Cartwright said the satellite stopped working within hours of its launch in December and has not responded to attempts to communicate with it.
Cartwright称,卫星在12月发射以后几个小时内就停止了工作,对于联系失去了反应。 yeeyan

Cartwright's shock would be mirrored in cinemas around the world.
卡特莱特 Cartwright感受到的震撼可能反映到了全世界电影院的情形。 yeeyan




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