

单词 cartoon
释义 car·toon 英kɑːˈtuːn美kɑrˈtunAHDkär-t›nʹ ★★☆☆☆高六研GIT宝COCA⁵⁷³³BNC¹⁰²²⁹iWeb⁵⁸³¹Economist²⁰⁷²


amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine, especially one that comments satirically on current events


film made by photographing a series of gradually changing drawing, giving an illusion of movement

a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazinea film made by photographing a series of cartoon drawings to give the illusion of movement when projected in rapid sequence
draw cartoons ofdrawing,illustration,cartoon,diagram,picture,sketch,painting,portrait










原本表示艺术家在硬纸板上大致画出的草图,1843年开始被用来表示用寥寥数笔快速勾勒出的漫画,中文音译为“卡通”。现在cartoon一词常用来表示各种连环漫画或动画片。cartoon film卡通片animated cartoon卡通片cartoon set动画布景strip cartoon 连环漫画…title cartoon动画字幕cartoon strip连环漫画comic strip连环画页
cart卡片、纸张+oon=on,指大名词后缀→厚纸片,纸板→在纸板上画的画⇒连环漫画,动画片,音译卡通片。GRE红宝书音译词. Cart = card纸-漫画是画在纸上的.
词根记忆cart=paper+oon发音记忆“卡通”近义词 comic strip
用作名词n.He drew many politicalcartoons.他画了许多政治性漫画。
She is designingcartoons.她正在设计卡通影片。Pcartoonistn.漫画家Pstripcartoonn.连环漫画

用作名词The kids glued their eyes to the TV set, watching acartoon.孩子们目不转睛地盯着电视机看卡通片。
The man looks like acartooncharacter with a plaster on his temple.那人太阳穴上贴了一块膏药,看上去像个卡通人物。
This movie theater often shows the latestcartoonfilms.这家电影院经常放映一些最新的卡通电影.
A newspapercartoonis an amusing drawing, usually about some event in the news.报纸上的漫画是一种风趣的图画,通常是针对某一件时事的。用作及物动词The pen should drawcartoonusing a pencil?画漫画的笔应该可以使用铅笔吧?
That naughty boy drew acartoonof his teacher on a sheet of paper.那个淘气的男孩在一张纸上给老师画漫画。noun.funny drawing, often with dialogue or caption
同义词 animation,caricature,comic strip,drawing,parody,satire,sketchlampoon,representation,takeoff
animated cartoonnoun animated movie
animation,cell animation,claymation,comic,comic strip,drawing
caricaturenoun exaggerated description in writing, drawing
burlesque,cartoon,distortion,farce,imitation,lampoon,libel,mimicry,mockery,parody,pasquinade,pastiche,put on,ridicule,satire,send-up,sham,takeoff,travesty
cartoon animationnoun animated cartoon
animated movie,animation,cartoon,cell animation,claymation,comic,comic strip,drawing
comic stripnoun cartoon panel
cartoon,cartoon strip,comic,funnies,funny
copiesverb duplicate
Photostats,Xeroxes,carbons,cartoons,clones,counterfeits,delineates,depicts,dittos,draws,dupes,engraves,engrosses,fakes,forges,imitates,knocks off,limns,manifolds,mimeos,mirrors,molds,paints,paraphrases,photocopies,pictures,plagiarizes,portrays,reduplicates,reflects,repeats,replicates,represents,reproduces,rewrites,sculptures,simulates,sketches,stats,traces,transcribes
copyverb duplicate
Photostat,Xerox,carbon,cartoon,clone,counterfeit,delineate,depict,ditto,draw,dupe,engrave,engross,fake,forge,imitate,knock off,limn,manifold,mimeo,mirror,mold,paint,paraphrase,photocopy,picture,plagiarize,portray,reduplicate,reflect,repeat,replicate,represent,reproduce,rewrite,sculpture,simulate,sketch,stat,trace,transcribe The fabulously popular Japanese cartoon character can now always be found on the outskirts of Tokyo.
现在,在东京的郊外,总是可以看到这个非常受欢迎的日本卡通人物。 hxen

Children the world over love the same cartoon characters that tell them what to eat and drink.
全世界的儿童都过分喜爱一些相同的卡通人物,这些人物告诉他们吃什么、喝什么。 who

From Italian it got into French and then English by1671 as cartoon.
由意大利到法国,1671年的时候传入英国后被称为漫画。 yeeyan

His antipathy was a watchword in his day. And now it is immortalised in cartoon form, along with alternative history versions of several of his inventions.
他对此的憎恶在当时成为口号,如今以卡通形式盛行不衰,随之的还有他不同历史时期几件发明的不同版本。 ecocn

I drew a cartoon of a cheerleader on my paper.
我在纸上画了一幅拉拉队领队的漫画。 yeeyan

I like this cartoon.
我喜欢这幅漫画。 yeeyan

If this cartoon looks unfinished to you, that’s because it is unfinished.
如果这幅漫画看起来没有完成,那是因为它确实还没有完成。 yeeyan

In retrospect, I now wonder if our teacher purposely left that book in plain view in her home to supplement the cartoon version of sexuality education we were given.
回想起来,如今我怀疑我们的老师是特意地把那本书放在她家显眼的地方,给接受卡通版性教育的我们补充补充知识。 yeeyan

It's that cartoon sequence: You see a hairy ape man with a heavy brow hunched in profile.
那就是这个卡通序列:你先是看到一个毛茸茸的弯腰驼背的额头沉重的猿人的侧面。 yeeyan

Kids the world over love the same cartoon characters that tell them what to eat and drink.
全世界的儿童都钟爱同样的卡通人物,这些人物告诉他们吃什么,喝什么。 who

One is the insufficient justification effect, which is so famous it had a cartoon based on it.

Perhaps cartoon characters can add pep to your workout.
也许卡通人物可以给你的锻炼添点活力。 yeeyan

Recently, for example, psychologists at Yale University showed a cartoon to two groups of children.
例如,最近耶鲁大学的心理学家向两组孩子展示同一组漫画。 yeeyan

The film begins and ends with a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad with a bomb under his turban and the sound of ticking.
这部电影以头巾下裹着一颗炸弹的穆斯林先知穆罕默德和配有钟表的滴答声的漫画开始和结束。 hxen

The cartoon, no doubt, aims at alarming humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles.
毫无疑问,这幅漫画意在向人们敲响警钟,即人类永不知足的生产和使用汽车给我们的地球带来了巨大的负担。 hjenglish

The cartoon above is one of my personal favourites.
上面的漫画是我最喜欢的一个。 yeeyan

The cartoon characters had the least influence on children's preferences when they were on the package of baby carrots, she notes.
当卡通人物形象出现在胡萝卜外包装袋上的时候对孩子们是中有着最小的影响的,她指出。 yeeyan

The cartoon represented the president as a devil.

Tom and Jerry have chased each other to the top of a poll about which cartoon stars adults most enjoyed.
在一项关于成年人最喜爱的卡通明星的调查中,汤姆和杰瑞在排行榜首你追我赶。 ebigear

We spent a week following a launch of a satellite for a Japanese cartoon channel.
我们花了一星期时间,跟踪了一颗为日本卡通频道发射的卫星。 yeeyan




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