

单词 carrying through
释义 carrying through短语⁹⁶⁶⁷⁷⁺
The dialectic of the Capital is the self- conscious carrying through of Hegel's dialectic after Marx's natural reform.
《资本论》的辩证法是马克思对黑格尔辩证法进行本质改造后的自觉贯彻。 cnki

The proteins are the basic elementary component of life, while they are responsible for carrying through the functions of body cell.
蛋白质是生命体的基本组成成分,同时它们负责我们体细胞多种功能的执行。 cnki

The stress of the thesis is the research on the structure and the management mode of the ITS VCIP and carrying through a security demand analysis based on the whole VCIP.
本文的重点是对 ITS 虚拟共用信息平台的结构和管理模式进行研究,把虚拟平台作为一个密切联系的整体来进行安全需求分析。 cnki

Carrying through on promises is proving far harder than making them.
事实证明,履行承诺比许下承诺是困难很多的。 yeeyan

At the present, it is an urgent need to retain this valuable knowledge in the enterprises and provide design engineers in time with the knowledge when they are carrying through design processes.
如何在企业中保留这些设计知识,并在设计任务的进行过程中及时提供给设计者成为迫切需要解决的问题。 fabiao

For a stable and reliable use of OPGW in the heavy ice areas, the power consumers, design institutes and OPGW manufacturers are paying much attention to it and are carrying through extensive research.
为了使 OPGW光缆在重冰区线路上稳定可靠应用,电力用户、设计院及 OPGW制造企业对此非常关注,并进行了广泛的研究。 cnki

He asked us to assist him in carrying through their plan.

He asked us to assist them in carrying through their plan.
他要我们帮助他执行他的计划。 iask.sina.com.cn

Managing school by moral“ is the fundamental work of carrying through the idea of” governing a nation by moral and is of great strategic significance.
“以德治校”是贯彻“以德治国”思想的一项基础性工作,有十分重要的战略意义。 cnki

Much of it involves carrying through decisions she has already taken.
其中许多部分只涉及到完成她已作出的决定。 ecocn.org

Productive logistics is special feature of manufacturing corporations, and it is synchronous with the production process carrying through within a workshop.
生产物流是制造产品的工厂企业所特有的,它与生产是同步的,而生产过程又是在一定的车间范围内进行的。 cnki

Therefore, allowing students have a great deal of reading is an important part of carrying through smoothly in the process of Chinese teaching and having a significant effect.
因此,让学生进行大量阅读成为了语文教学顺利开展并取得显著效果的重要有机部分。 cnki

Therefore, implementing green manufacturing technology and carrying through sustainable development strategy is imperative for the21 st century manufacturing.
为此21世纪的制造业实施绿色制造技术,贯彻可持续发展战略己势在必行。 fabiao

Therefore carrying through a deeply theory research, advancing science level, and so that improve the product quality and market competition is become imminence.
因此,进行更为深入的理论研究,提高科学水平,从而提高产品质量和市场竞争力就显得极为迫切。 cnki

This method also inaugurates a new approach for quick and precise carrying through number recognition with remaining high robustness of neural network.
并且该方法在保留神经网络高鲁棒性的同时,为快速准确地进行数字识别开辟了新的途径。 chinamca

While multi- cultural education is advocated in the whole world, dialogue between folk art and children's socialization is carrying through prosperously.
在全球提倡多元文化教育的时代背景下,民间艺术与儿童社会化进行着成功的对话。 cnki

With the joining in WTO of China, more and more enterprises wake up to the necessary of carrying through the customer relation managementCRM today when the competition becomes more drastic.
随着中国加入 WTO,越来越多的企业意识到在竞争日益激烈的今天,进行客户关系管理的必要性。 cnki

Carrying through the outlook of scientific development in ideological and political education has the large actual meanings.
在思想政治教育中贯彻科学的发展观具有巨大现实意义。 cnki




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