释义 |
Carraway. 基本例句 🌏卡罗维 All summer, NickCarrawaywonders about the fantastic parties frequently held at his neighbor's large house.整个夏天,尼克?卡拉韦nickCarraway邻居豪宅夜夜笙歌的景象一直盘据在他的脑海。 In my opinion, the writer preaches his morality in the novel mainly in three ways: the moral spokesman NickCarraway, the characterization as well as three moral images.最后,从作者的道德代言人,人物塑造和道德意象三个角度说明作家在小说中如何生动具体展现他的道德观。 Carrawaywants to see him.“请告诉他卡罗威要见他。” I am part of that, a little solemn with the feel of those long winters, a little complacent from growing up in theCarrawayhouse in a city where dwellings are still called through decades by a family's name.我是其中的一部分,由于那些漫长的冬天我为人不免有点矜持,由于从小在卡罗威公馆长大,态度上也不免有点自满。 在我们那个城市里,人家的住宅仍旧世世代代称为某姓的公馆。 A lot of essays on it were focused either on its quintessential vision of the American dream, romantic hope and romantic disillusion or on the narrative techniques, and there are discussions on the role of the dual-visioned narrator NickCarraway.对于其“美国梦的幻灭”这一主题探讨甚多,许多评论家认为这是一部关于美国梦的经典之作,从浪漫的理想及理想的破灭等方面对作品进行分析。 其次是评论小说的写作技巧,还有对尼克·卡罗威的叙述视角的许多争论。 Narrator NickCarrawaydescribes him as “an elegant young rough-neck, a year or two over 30, whose elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd” and then leaves us to fill in the blanks.叙事人尼克.;卡罗威描述盖茨比是“一位年轻文雅而又健壮的人,大概三十一二岁,说话时一本正经得可笑。”这里查看网上中文版本的是“一个风度翩翩的年轻汉子,三十一二岁年纪,说起话来文质彬彬,几乎有点可笑。” |