

单词 carpeting
释义 car·pet·ing 英ˈkɑːpɪtɪŋ美ˈkɑrpɪtɪŋAHDkärʹpĭ-tĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²³⁷⁸⁴BNC³⁶³²⁰iWeb¹⁹⁵¹⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric usually with nap or pilecarpet地毯
carpet-ing动名词⇒n.毛毯⁷⁴;地毡毛毯动词carpet的现在分词形式.近义词 rug地毯carpet地毯

用作名词Thecarpetinghad been ripped away by the previous owners.毛毯已经被之前的主人弄掉了。
He frowned at the empty glass and dropped it onto the thickcarpetingof the holopit.酒杯已经空了,他皱了皱眉,随手一扔,酒杯掉到全息显像井的厚毛毯上。as in.carpet
同义词 rug,tapestrymatting,runnerthrow rug,wall-to-wallas in.flooring
同义词 carpet,linoleum,tile,woodworkboards,floors,parquet,planks,tilingas in.rug
同义词 mat,tapestrymatting,runner,shagfloor covering,throw rug,wall-to-wall carpeting
carpetnoun nappy floor covering
matting,rug,runner,tapestry,throw rug,wall-to-wall
flooringnoun floor covering
rugnoun carpet
carpeting,floor covering,mat,matting,runner,shag,tapestry,throw rug,wall-to-wall carpeting Are carpeting and wall coverings permitted?
是否允许使用地毯和墙饰? blog.sina.com.cn

Mr. Yiu of the Jockey Club says he has received requests to save items such as the bunk beds in the prison cells and worn carpeting on office floors.
饶恩培表示已经有人向他提出了要求,例如要他保留监狱的旧床铺以及警局办公室的旧地毯等。 ebigear

The former tenants had recently left, taking even the wall-to-wall carpeting with them, so we walked over slabs of epoxy-encrusted concrete.
这里以前的租客最近搬走了,他们甚至带走了那铺满整个走廊的地毯,所以他们脚下的是环氧树脂包被的混凝土地面。 yeeyan

The residue that clings to a smoker's hair and clothing, as well as cushions, carpeting and other goods — sometimes referred to as thirdhand smoke— also can pose risks, especially for children.
吸烟者身上烟的残留物,会存留在衣服,头发,还有靠枕,地毯上等等,这些东西会造成三手烟——同样会造成危害,特别对小孩而言。 yeeyan

There was a smell of mothballs in her father’s inner sanctum, which he’d taken over from his now deceased senior partner without redoing the carpeting or the curtains.
她爸爸的里间办公室中一股樟脑球的味道。 办公室是从已去世的高级合伙人手上接过来的,帕蒂爸爸没有更换地毯,也没有重新做窗帘。 yeeyan

When the Apex opened last year, it featured a video arcade, plush carpeting and seats, and a state- of-the- art sound system.
Apex去年开业的时候,它拥有视听走廊,豪华地毯和座椅,以及最先进的音响系统。 iciba

A few were asleep. Each room was comfortably furnished, the floors covered with thick carpeting.
有些睡著了。每个房间都有舒适的装潢,地板上都铺著厚厚的地毯。 easeparts

Animal furs, grasses, and seaweed were used as carpeting and bedding.
动物毛皮、草皮及海藻被用于铺设地面和床铺。 yeeyan

I was surprised at the plush red carpeting and comfortable chairs.
我对华美的红地毯和舒适的椅子感到惊讶。 iciba

Member companies like Georgia- based InterFace Flor, lease carpets to consumers, then recover and recycle the used carpeting once it wears out.
她的成员公司,如一格鲁吉亚为基础的界面弗洛尔,把地毯租给顾客,然后修补破损的旧地毯或是回收它们。 yeeyan

My heel wore through the carpeting beneath the accelerator of my car.
我的鞋跟把我的汽车里加速器下面的地毯磨穿了。 iciba

They cover the floor with carpeting, then place a table over the hole.
用地毯盖住地面,然后将桌子放在洞的上方。 yeeyan

Today, cast members and Imagineers build and create hidden Mickey Mouse silhouettes everywhere from the carpeting in resort hotels to the ceiling in rides.
如今,乐园工作人员和梦幻工程师们把米奇的轮廓藏在了乐园的每一个角落,景点酒店的地毯和交通工具的天花板。 yeeyan

We chose these colors on purpose. How about the carpeting?
我们专门挑的这个颜色。换地毯吗? enfamily




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