

单词 carol
释义 car·ol 英ˈkærəl美ˈkærəlAHDkărʹəl

joyful religious song celebrating the birth of Christa joyful song usually celebrating the birth of Christ
sing carols;

They went caroling on Christmas Day

来自古法语单词carole,原本指的是一种在歌手伴唱下围成一圈跳舞的舞蹈,后来还可以表示跳这种舞蹈时的伴奏歌曲,通常是具有强的节拍且不断反覆的宗教歌曲。在12世纪50年代到14世纪50年代之间,carol音乐非常流行,常常用作舞曲。后来,carol还可以用作节日游行时所唱的歌,或者用作宗教剧中的音乐。在现代,carol主要用来表示宗教颂歌,尤其是圣诞颂歌。Christmas carol基督教耶诞颂歌…
GRE红宝书有一首外文歌《carol》, 表达了歌唱人对carol卡罗尔, 女子名的爱慕之情.
源自choral;car + roll 汽车滚动,出发→唱起欢快的歌;形似chorus 合唱
GRE难词记忆carol 音“开罗”→开罗颂歌近义词 air空气song歌曲chant圣歌music音乐hymn赞美诗ballad歌谣chorus合唱队Christmas carol基督教耶诞颂歌…

用作名词The bells chimed a Christmascarol.钟声奏出一曲圣诞颂歌。
She struck up the firstcarolon the grand piano.她在那架大钢琴上演奏起第一支颂歌。用作动词He used tocarolcheerfully in the morning.他以前常在早晨快乐地歌唱。noun.joyful hymn
同义词 Noel,ballad,canticle,chorus,ditty,lay,madrigal,song,strainChristmas song,canzonet
balladnoun narrative song
chantnoun chorus of song
chantverb sing simple song or song part
chantedverb sing simple song or song part
harmonizeverb correspond, match
accord,adapt,adjust,agree,arrange,attune,be in unison,be of one mind,blend,carol,chime with,cohere,combine,compose,cooperate,coordinate,correlate,fit in with,integrate,orchestrate,proportion,reconcile,reconciliate,relate,set,sing,suit,symphonize,synthesize,tune,unify,unite
harmonizesverb correspond, match
accords,adapts,adjusts,agrees,arranges,attunes,blends,carols,chime with,coheres,combines,composes,cooperates,coordinates,correlates,fits in with,integrates,is in unison,is of one mind,orchestrates,proportions,reconciles,reconciliates,relates,sets,sings,suits,symphonizes,synthesizes,tunes,unifies,unites And, secondly, is Carol Bartz the right person to take Yahoo forward?
第二个问题是,卡罗尔.巴兹是雅虎合适的领航者吗? yeeyan

In addition to Mark Thatcher's criminal behavior, Lady Thatcher's daughter Carol has also made headlines after she refused to apologize for calling tennis player Jo Wilfred Tsonga “ a golliwog”.
撒切尔夫人的儿子马克曾卷入刑事案件,而她女儿卡罗尔也曾因辱骂网球明星特松加是个“丑八怪”而引起轩然大波,并拒绝为此道歉。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

So said the new CEO of Yahoo, Carol Bartz, during a media conference call this week.
在本周的一次媒体电话会谈上,雅虎的新 CEO,卡罗尔.巴兹如是说。 yeeyan

The best bosses will be those who learn to swim amid all the information swirling around them, argues Carol Bartz, CEO of Yahoo!
那些能在周遭的资讯流中学会游刃有余的人势必能成为最佳的老板,雅虎总裁卡罗尔•巴茨这样认为! ecocn

Christmas carol“ Silent Night” has topped the list of Britain's“ most recorded Christmas song of all time, ” according to music licensing company PPL.
音乐专利授权机构PPL公司调查发现,圣诞颂歌《平安夜》位列英国“有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲榜”榜首。 edu.sina.com.cn

Do you believe this is me, Carol?
卡罗,你相信要结婚的是我吗? kekenet

Eventually Carol and I made our way to the press tent, where we found Clark Davis, one of the organizers of Occupy LA, hunched over a laptop.
卡洛尔和我最终来到了媒体帐篷,发现占领洛杉矶运动的组织者之一克拉克•戴维斯正匍匐在一台笔记本电脑上工作。 fortunechina

Hey, has anyone noticed that “ A Christmas Carol” is a dangerous leftist tract?
喂,有没有人注意到小说“圣诞颂歌”具有危险的左派倾向? yeeyan

I can understand why our boss likes Carol because she's capable and efficient.
我可以理解为什么我们的老板喜欢卡罗尔,因为她很能干,工作效率也很高。 tingvoa

I had known Carol Willis when he was a student at the law school in Fayetteville.
卡罗尔.威利斯在费耶特维尔的法学院上学的时候我就认识他了。 yeeyan

I think Carol Bartz is exactly that type of individual.
我认为卡罗尔.巴兹正是这类人选。 yeeyan

My cousin, Carol, was in her thirties when she lost her battle to breast cancer.
我的表弟,卡罗尔,在她三十岁的时候,她失去了与乳腺癌的战斗。 yeeyan

Not surprisingly, Mary Main and Carol George found children with physically abusive parents had children with less empathy.
这不足为奇,玛丽·梅恩和卡罗·乔治发现那些被父母身体虐待的孩子们有更少的同理心。 yeeyan

On stage, he sat next to actress Carol Burnett.
在颁奖台上,他坐在演员卡罗尔·伯内特身旁。 cri

People decorate their houses, place a Christmas tree in their room, and maybe sing a Christmas carol together.
人们会装饰屋子,在房间里摆上一棵圣诞树,还可能一起唱圣诞颂歌。 hxen

Rodney Slater and Carol Willis were already hard at work contacting black political, religious, and business leaders across the country.
罗德尼.斯莱特和卡罗尔.威利斯已经在忙着联络全国范围的黑人政治、宗教和商业领袖了。 yeeyan

She was a young mother in a dissolving marriage, coming off a television series“ Bob& Carol& Ted& Alice” that had been cancelled after one season.
她是年轻的单亲妈妈,参演的电视剧播放了一季之后就停拍了《鲍勃、卡罗尔、特德、爱丽丝》。 kle100

Strictly speaking, I am not impersonating this individual, since“ Joyce Carol Oates” doesn’t exist, except as an author- identification.
严格意义上讲,我并没有真正地扮作这个人,因为除了一个作家身份,“乔伊斯·卡洛尔·欧茨”并不存在。 yeeyan

The people in the church are chanting a Christmas carol.

Then he went through“ a bad and expensive divorce, ” says another of the book's essayists, Carol Squiers, a curator at the International Center of Photography.
随后他经历了“一次糟糕昂贵的离婚”,这本书的另外一位评论家卡罗.斯魁尔国际摄影中心的馆长说。 yeeyan

Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.
卡罗尔和汤姆请我们来吃午饭。 ebigear

Carol is why I came aboard for the cause, but I have stayed active because I am a believer in science and medicine, and Stand Up To Cancer's mission.
卡罗尔就是我出国的理由,但我依然活跃,因为我对科学和医学的信赖,并站起来与癌症的斗争的使命。 yeeyan

Carol moved her stuff out today.
卡罗尔今天把她的东西搬走了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Carol took out a ten- pound note and banded it to me.
卡罗尔拿出一张十镑的纸币递给了我。 kekenet

Carol would like to eat Italian pizza.
卡罗尔喜欢吃意大利馅饼。 examw




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