

单词 Carnot theorem
释义 Carnot theorem
The efficiency of Carnot cycle is merely lie on the temperatures of cold and heatt bath, which is conformable to the infer ofCarnot theorem.卡诺循环的效率只取决于热源和冷源的温度,符合卡诺定理的推论。
During this deducing, carnot theorem can be understood more and more.And the validity of thermodynamics theories are testified.通过推导可加深对卡诺定理的理解,并进一步说明热力学理论的正确性。
Carnot theoremis avoided and the conception of entropy and the understanding about the internal relation of two entropy fomula are deepened.以及熵在信息论;气象学;宇宙学;生命科学和社会科学的作用.
Application of first law of thermodynamics in course of equal value of ideal gas, cycle process, Carnot cycle, second law of thermodynamics,Carnot theorem.热力学第一定律对理想气体等值过程的应用;循环过程,卡诺循环。热力学第二定律,卡诺定理。




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