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词汇 carnival
释义 car·ni·val 英ˈkɑːnəvəl美ˈkɑrnəvəlAHDkärʹnə-vəl ★★☆☆☆高T四八ICOCA¹⁴³²⁴BNC²¹⁴⁰⁷iWeb¹⁰⁰⁰²

a festival marked by merrymaking and processionsa frenetic disorganized and often comic disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment;

it was so funny it was a circus

the whole occasion had a carnival atmosphere

a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc.来自法语carnaval,意大利语carnevale,基于俗词源的解释源自中古拉丁文carne vale,等于英语中的“flesh, farewell!”肉,再见!。根据基督教的教义,基督复活节前40天是一个为期40天的大斋期,即四旬斋lent。斋期里,人们禁止娱乐,禁食肉食,反省、忏悔以纪念复活节前3天遭难的耶稣,生活肃穆沉闷。因此,在四旬斋开始前三天,人们便抓紧时间开始纵情吃喝玩乐。一些主张宗教改革的人如新教徒便借此举办各种狂欢活动,挑战天主教的权威。因为再过三天就要跟肉食说拜拜了,这三天故此得名carnival谢肉节。久而久之,纵情狂欢的carnival倒成了一个盛大节日,而四旬斋却逐渐被人遗忘。*俗词源指公众普遍认可,但并不严格符合权威理论的词源解释。词根carn-肉来自拉丁语。carnival glass卡尼伐彩虹玻璃…fair公平的fête露天游乐会
词源解释来自法语carnaval,意大利语carnevale,基于俗词源的解释源自中古拉丁文carne vale,等于英语中的“flesh, farewell!”肉,再见!。根据基督教的教义,基督复活节前40天是一个为期40天的大斋期,即四旬斋lent。斋期里,人们禁止娱乐,禁食肉食,反省、忏悔以纪念复活节前3天遭难的耶稣,生活肃穆沉闷。因此,在四旬斋开始前三天,人们便抓紧时间开始纵情吃喝玩乐。一些主张宗教改革的人如新教徒便借此举办各种狂欢活动,挑战天主教的权威。因为再过三天就要跟肉食说拜拜了,这三天故此得名carnival谢肉节。久而久之,纵情狂欢的carnival倒成了一个盛大节日,而四旬斋却逐渐被人遗忘。*俗词源指公众普遍认可,但并不严格符合权威理论的词源解释。词根carn-肉来自拉丁语。
方振宇词汇奥秘carn肉+ive表名词后缀,人或物-al…的形容词后缀,属于…的,具有…性质的→身体得到放松的时候→狂欢节carn肉+ive表名词后缀,人或物-al…的形容词后缀,属于…的,具有…性质的→身体得到放松的时候⇒狂欢节非常记忆car车〖熟词〗+ni你〖拼音〗+val我〖谐音〗⇒在车库里你和我开狂欢节GRE难词记忆carnival → carni=flesh肉+val=vale=farewell 告别→与肉告别→谢肉节近义词 ball球fete庆祝fair公平的parade游行circus马戏团pageant 盛会festival节日的jamboree庆祝会celebration典礼entertainment娱乐funfair英游艺集市…cavalcade车或马的队列…Mardi gras四旬斋前的最后一天(忏悔…

用作名词Let's go to Brazil and join their Carnival.我们去巴西参加他们的嘉年华会吧。
The last day of thecarnivalis always the craziest .嘉年华会的最后一天总是最为疯狂。
While I was in Madrid there was acarnival.我在马德里的时候正赶上狂欢节。
Our street puts on acarnivalevery year.我们这条街的居民每年举行一次狂欢会。
He's good at dressing shop windows but he really had to put his thinking cap on when they asked him for an idea for acarnivalfloat.他擅长布置橱窗,但他们向他征求狂欢节彩车时的意见时,他实在得好好考虑一下。noun.outdoor celebration
同义词 bacchanal,carousal,circus,conviviality,exposition,fair,feasting,festival,fete,fiesta,frolic,gala,heyday,jamboree,jollification,jubilee,masquerade,merrymaking,orgy,ragbag,revelry,rout,saturnalia,spreeMardi Gras,amusement park,carny,grind show,side show,street fair
Mardi Grasnoun carnival before lent
Pancake Day,Pancake Tuesday,Shrove Tuesday,celebration,festival,parade,revels
amusement parknoun amusement center
carnival,funfair,pleasure ground,safari park,theme park,water park
bacchanalnoun merrymaking
exhibitionnoun showing, demonstration
a scene,advertisement,airing,an act,carnival,display,exhibit,expo,exposition,fair,fireworks,flash,front,manifestation,offering,pageant,performance,presentation,representation,show,sight,spectacle
feastnoun banquet and celebration
barbecue,big feed,blow,blowout,carnival,carousal,clambake,dinner,entertainment,fest,festival,festivity,fete,fiesta,gala,jollification,merrymaking,picnic,potlatch,refreshment,regale,repast,spread,treat,wassail
festivalnoun celebration
anniversary,carnival,commemoration,competition,entertainment,fair,feast,festivities,fete,field day,fiesta,gala,holiday,jubilee,merrymaking,treat A contingent has set up camp in the state capitol, creating something of a carnival atmosphere. They drum, cheer and chant slogans like“ Kill the bill!” for hours on end.
抗议人员的“新大陆”已经建立,在州议会安营扎寨,倒有几分嘉年华的气氛,他们击鼓欢呼,不间断地高声吟诵“废除议案”类似的口号。 ecocn

The Rio de Janeiro carnival is the best known worldwide but every big city has its own celebrations.
里约热内卢的狂欢节在国际上享有盛名,但是每个大城市都有自己的庆祝活动。 cri

There the Carnival forms part of politics.
狂欢节是政治的一部分。 ebigear

At the carnival they had all kinds of booths.
在嘉年华上,孩子们有各种各样的棚。 kekenet

Brazil's carnival spirit has flagged of late.
巴西的狂欢心情最近有所减弱。 iciba

Carnivals can turn into revolutions, like a notorious carnival that became a masked civic war in16th- century France.
嘉年华会可以转变成革命,就像16世纪的法国那场著名狂欢节变蒙面战争。 yeeyan

Contrary to the more somber western funerals, cremation ceremonies among the Hindus of Bali have an almost carnival-like atmosphere.
与很多低调的西方葬礼相反,跻身于巴厘的印度教火葬仪式,有一种几乎狂欢节般的气氛。 yeeyan

During carnival everyone has a dream, even if it is only for a day.
在狂欢节中,每个人都可以有个梦,尽管可能仅仅只有一天。 ecocn

Ensor made his artist’s studio in the attic of his family’s home, where his mother ran a souvenir shop selling beach trinkets and masks for the annual carnival.
安瑟尔在自家阁楼开办了自己的艺术创作室。 他的母亲在家经营着纪念品商店,出售海滩饰物和每年狂欢节戴的面具。

Even Hollywood seems to be on Rio's side: an eponymous animation, with its lush depictions of rainforest and carnival, is one of the year's highest-grossing films.
甚至好莱坞都钟情里约:一部有名的动画片,描述了里约魅力的热带雨林,奢华的嘉年华会,是年度最票房最高的电影之一。 ecocn

In the Rhineland and the south, it's carnival time.
在莱茵兰和南方,这是狂欢节的时间。 ecocn

In the days in between I went to the carnival. It was marvelous.
在伦敦滞留期间我参加了狂欢节,那真是太不可思议了。 yeeyan

It is one moment when artists are judged instead of all being lumped together in a merry carnival.
这是一个艺术家被评判而不是全部并在一起参加一个愉快的嘉年华狂欢的时刻。 yeeyan

It was recorded after Bosch had died, but we might think that other hay wagons were included in carnival processions while he was alive.
这幅画是博斯死后被记录下来的,但是我们可以想见博斯在世时狂欢游行队伍中出现的干草车。 yeeyan

Sports share an honoured position with jazz and Carnival activities in New Orleans.
体育和爵士乐、狂欢节活动一样在新奥尔良享有盛誉。 yeeyan

The image was taken during the Carnival in the town of Jacmel, Haiti.
这幅画是在海地雅克梅勒镇的狂欢节时拍摄的。 tingvoa

The unnervingly upbeat tune wraps lyrics about the frailty of life around the type of instrumentation you would expect to hear during dinner on a Carnival cruise ship.
在那种你会在狂欢邮轮的晚宴上听到的那种音乐烘托中,令人不安的弱拍环绕着讲述生命脆弱的歌词。 yeeyan

This laughter has a mission. It is charged with proving the Carnival to the Parisians.
这种笑有一项任务,它负责向巴黎人证实狂欢节的来临。 ebigear

Yet with the planters distracted by Carnival and the American military fighting the Spanish past Baton Rouge, the slaves believed they just might have a chance.
然而种植园主们正忙于狂欢,军队正在首府把吞鲁日和西班牙开战,奴隶们认为他们还是有一线机会的。 yeeyan

Carnival is over.
狂欢节结束了。 yeeyan

Carnival in Jacmel is one of the most interesting cultural manifestations in Haiti and in Hispaniola.
雅克梅勒镇的狂欢节是最能展现海地及海地岛有趣文化的现象之一。 tingvoa

Carnival— rock stars are good at that.
狂欢节—摇滚明星擅长的地方。 yeeyan




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