

单词 carnations
释义 carnations kɑ:ˈneɪʃənz COCA⁴³⁶⁶¹BNC²⁷⁴⁷⁷
n.麝香石竹;康乃馨carnation的名词复数原型carnation的复数 It may surprise many to learn that the Netherlands, the world's foremost flower trader, is importing carnations from Gaza, where more things seem to go boom than bloom.
很多人可能都对此感到有些意外:荷兰,世界上最大的花卉贸易国正从加沙进口康乃馨,现在的加沙展现的更多都是衰败,而不是盛开。 yeeyan

On Valentine's Day in high school, student council sold carnations that would be delivered to your friends in first period.
高中时的情人节,学生会卖送给你一年级的朋友的康乃馨。 yeeyan

The exhibit’s saddlecloths, horse coverings and velvet curtains also feature the bold, characteristic floral patterns of Ottoman tulips and carnations.
展出品中的马鞍垫子,马鞍被和丝绒窗帘上同样也装饰着醒目的奥斯曼帝国特有的郁金香和康乃馨花样图案。 yeeyan

To begin with Anna, send Carnations in the church service in Grafton, West Virginia to honor her mother.
首先安娜派在格拉夫顿,西弗吉尼亚州的教会服务的康乃馨,纪念她的母亲。 ebigear

“ But the pink carnations?” she said.
“可是那些粉色的康乃馨?”她问。 yeeyan

“ Little pink carnations?” said the Queen of Scots.
“一些粉色康乃馨?”苏格兰女王问道。 yeeyan

“ The American War Mothers, which still exists, used Mother's Day for fundraising and sold carnations every year,” Antolini said.
“美国战争的母亲,现在仍然存在,每年利用母亲节筹款和售卖康乃馨,” Antolini说。 yeeyan

As happens in Florigene's blue carnations and roses, Dr Lücker's petunias dumped the foreign chemical they were being forced to create into cellular waste buckets known as vacuoles.
跟 Florigene培育的康乃馨和玫瑰所遇到的情况一样,吕克尔博士的矮牵牛细胞液泡中被动产生的外来化学物质被当作废物给排泄了。 ecocn

For this“ burst of glorious criminality”, as Orson Welles described it, she was instantly arrested and as instantly pardoned, as the crowd rained down hats and carnations.
奥森·威尔斯曾写到,由于这个“突然出现的荣耀无比的违规举动”她立刻遭到了逮捕却又瞬间得到了宽恕,因为鲜花和礼帽如雨点般从观众席上飞落。 ecocn

He presented her with red carnations.
他送给她红色的康乃馨。 tdict

He takes roses, or carnations, pulls out a twig, but only when they’re fresh.
他拿玫瑰,或是康乃馨,拔掉一个嫩枝,仅仅是它们新鲜的时候。 yeeyan

In America the first thought for an ideal gift for mother on her special day might be carnations.
在美国的母亲节,人们首先想到的就是康乃馨。 yeeyan

In several pits, miners' wives groups organised the distribution of carnations at the gates on the day the miners went back, the flower that symbolises the hero.
在一些矿井,矿工妻子组成的团体在矿工复工当天在矿井门口组织了分发康乃馨的活动,康乃馨象征了罢工英雄。 yeeyan

Maybe tulips or carnations? They'll be cheaper.
郁金香,康乃馨?这些便宜多了。 yeeyan

On the same day, mothers in Hanwang and Yongxing towns in Beichuan also received carnations donated by charity organizations.
同一天,北川汉旺板房区、永兴板房区的母亲们,也收到了社会捐赠的康乃馨。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Others left flags of different countries, and bunches of pansies, roses, lilies and carnations.
还有游客留下了各国的国旗和一束束紫罗兰、玫瑰、百合、康乃馨。 tdict

Several days later, he brought carnations again.
几天以后,他又带了些康乃馨来看她。 yeeyan

She bought a big wheel of red carnations, and some little gentle-petalled primroses with shiny clark green leaves.
她买了一个康乃的大花环和一些花瓣柔美并带着闪亮的暗绿色叶子的樱草花。 ebigear

The bridegroom and best man wore white carnations in their buttonholes.
新郎和男傧相的纽扣孔上都插了一朵白色的康乃馨。 tdict

The following day, Maxim brought her carnations and inquired after her well- being.
第二天,马克西姆给她买了康乃馨来看她,问了一下她好些了没有。 yeeyan

They were wearing carnations so I guessed they'd all been to a wedding.
他们都戴着康乃馨,所以我猜他们都去参加婚礼了。 tdict

We've planted lots of different flowers, such as roses, carnations, and chrysanthemums.
我们种了许多种花卉,例如玫瑰、康乃馨、菊花等等。 blog.sina.com.cn

Carnations were her mothers favorite flower and Anna felt that they symbolised a mothers pure love.
康乃馨是她的母亲最喜欢的花和安娜认为,他们象征着纯洁的爱母亲。 ebigear




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