

单词 carnahan
释义 carnahan ˈkɑːrnəhæn COCA⁴⁹⁹¹⁵BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
Jonathan Carnahan: I hate mummies. They never play fair.
乔纳森·卡纳汉:我讨厌木乃伊,他们从来不知道什么叫作公平竞争。 ebigear

A few days later, Jean Carnahan said that if the people of Missouri voted for her husband, she would serve.
几天后,琼·卡纳汉说如果密苏里州的选民愿意投她丈夫的票,她就代替他担任参议员。 yeeyan

Ashcroft got his Republican colleagues to go along with the smear because he thought it would help him and hurt Whites supporter Governor Carnahan with pro- death penalty voters in Missouri.
阿什克罗夫特让他的共和党同僚们一起参与污蔑,因为他认为,这样将会打击怀特的支持者卡纳汉州长以及密苏里州赞成死刑制度的选民。 yeeyan

Carnahan and I had been close since he endorsed me early in the1992 campaign.
早在1992年总统大选时,卡纳汉就对我表态支持,后来我们关系一直很密切。 yeeyan




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