

单词 carmen
释义 car·men AHDˈkärmən 高COCA¹²²⁵¹BNC¹⁶⁷⁵⁷
n.卡门女子名)原型carman的复数 A widely cited paper by economists Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart says countries with a ratio above90% tend to grow more slowly.
经济学家肯•罗格夫和卡门•莱因哈特的一份被广泛引述的报告称,负债率超过90%的国家其经济增速往往更缓慢。 yeeyan

At that point in her story, Carmen shook her head.
故事讲到这里时,卡门摇摇头。 yeeyan

That is why we have chosen North Playa del Carmen.
因此我们选择了北卡门沙滩。 yeeyan

“ We’ve never had a fan before, ” he told her, though Carmen Elcira didn’t understand until later that he wasn’t talking about an appliance but about her.
“我们以前还从来没有过粉丝。”他告诉她,卡门·艾尔茜拉没听明白,后来才意识到他指的不是食物而是她。 yeeyan

All this with the meandering bend in the Rio Grande and the Sierra del Carmen beckoning from across the river in Mexico.
所有这些与蜿蜒弯曲的格兰德河和卡门山脉一起在河对岸的墨西哥向你招手。 yeeyan

As the economists Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart have written, recoveries that follow financial crises are typically a hard climb.
正如经济学家肯•罗格夫和卡门•瑞哈特所写,金融危机后的复苏通常是一段艰难的跋涉。 yeeyan

Born in Havana as Carmen Castellanos, she is quick- witted and favors bright, boldly printed blouses and blazers.
她原名卡门·卡斯特罗,生于哈瓦那,她机智灵敏,喜欢鲜亮、宽松的衬衫和夹克。 yeeyan

But his granddaughter, Carmen Negrín is very much alive.
但他的孙女,卡门•尼格林还活得好好的。 ecocn

For though Carmen Elcira found Joseph on the drums, or Joseph rattling a tambourine, or Joseph walking down the street, enough of a turn-on, Joseph in bed was not.
约瑟夫敲鼓时,约瑟夫打手鼓时,或者约瑟夫走在街上的时候,卡门·艾尔茜拉都为之心醉神迷,可是到了床上,约瑟夫却不是那样。 yeeyan

I like Carmen very much.
我非常喜欢歌剧“卡门”。 kekenet

Meeting in the Mexican resort of Playa del Carmen, the leaders of32 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean agreed to set up a new regional body.
在卡门的32个拉美国家的领导人和加勒比地区在墨西哥的旅游胜地会议同意成立一个新的区域组织。 ecocn

My generation had The( original Oregon Trail and Carmen San Diego.
我们这一代拥有原版的俄勒冈州的开拓者和卡门圣地亚哥。 ebigear

Once, when Carmen Elcira called her father from the road, he told her that when he had been running newsprint through the reel, he had seen her photograph.
有一次,卡门·艾尔茜拉在路边给父亲打电话,他告诉她,他往机器里卷新闻纸的时候看到了她的照片。 yeeyan

Poor Carmen.
可怜的卡门。 yeeyan

Relax at one of these great Playa del Carmen hotels.
在普拉亚戴尔卡门的酒店好好放松吧。 yeeyan

She blushed remembering how he had called her Carmen.
想到他叫她卡门的样子,她的脸上就泛起红晕。 yeeyan

They are playing “ Carmen” at Capital Theatre.

This is how Carmen was born.
卡门旅行计划就这样诞生了。 ebigear

Wonder what Carmen's excuse was?
不知道卡门的理由是什么? yeeyan

Would you mind if I called you‘ Carmen’?
你介意我叫你‘卡门’吗? yeeyan

You seem like a‘ Carmen’ to me anyhow.
不管怎么说,你就像是我的‘卡门’。 yeeyan

Carmen Boudier, a delegate from Connecticut, says Barack Obama's political rise shows that Dr. King's dream is starting to become a reality.
康涅狄格州代表卡门·布迪耶说,奥巴马政治上的崛起显示马丁·路德·金博士的梦想正开始成为现实。 ebigear

Carmen Elcira narrowed her eyes and studied his face. He was wearing the plainest of clothes, with sunglasses propped on his head.
卡门埃里西亚俩眼眯成一条逢,打量着他的脸,他穿着特朴素的衣服,头顶架一副太阳镜。 yeeyan

Carmen may be hurting, but she’s strong, nobody’s fool and, man, can she move.
卡门可能是蛮横的,但她也是坚强的,她不会被别人愚弄,她也能调动男人的积极性。 yeeyan

Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, in their book“ This Time is Different”, argued that past financial crises have been followed by long periods of sluggish growth.
卡门•瑞哈特及肯尼斯•罗格夫在他们《这次不一样? 》的书中提到,过去的金融危机之后随之而来的都是长时间的增长停滞。 ecocn




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