

单词 carle
释义 carle 英kɑːl美kɑːl COCA⁵⁷²⁹²BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
n.乡下人; 老粗¹⁰⁰
Monte Carlo simulation was employed to realize the reliability design of gears, proving that the application of Monte Carle method in gear design is appropriate and feasible.
在此对齿轮进行了可靠性设计,并用蒙特卡洛法进行了数值模拟,证明该方法用于齿轮设计是正确且可行的。 dictall

“ Poplar planting in China has been a tremendous success,” said Carle.
“中国在杨树种植方面取得了巨大成功,”卡尔说。 fao

A high- efficiency Monte Carle method for oceanic lidar system simulation has been developed.
提出了一种特别适用于海洋激光雷达系统的高效率的蒙特卡罗模拟方法。 dictall

But it is important that Mr Carle’s story has been told, or half- told.
不过最重要的是,卡勒先生说出了自己的故事,哪怕只说了一半。 ecocn

Drouais's painting is the last of numerous portraits of the sitter by some of the best- known painters of the day, including Boucher and Carle van Loo.
杜拉斯的作品是这位为当时许多最有名的画家,包括布歇和卡尔凡洛欧为其所做的诸多画像中的最后一幅。 yeeyan

I listen to a man named Carle Xixiu psychologists say, on the IQ of7 fundamental components of memory, the average person only their genetic abilities of10%.
后来我听一位叫卡尔·西秀的心理学家说,就智商的7个基本组成部分之一的记忆,一般人只用了其遗传能力的10%。 www.aiwen5.com

If the bare bones of Glenn Carle’s story are less than satisfactory, this is scarcely his fault.
如果说格列·卡勒这本书的框架不尽如人意,那基本不是他的错。 ecocn

It took a two-year fight with his former employers for Mr Carle to get the book published in its present form.
卡勒先生向他的前任上司争取了两年时间,这本书才最终得以以现在的形式面世。 ecocn

Mr Carle wrote two“ incendiary” cables to his bosses questioning the whole misguided approach, only to discover that his immediate superior did not send them.
卡勒先生给自己的华盛顿上司发了两封“煽风点火”的电报,质疑从一开始审讯方式就不对,却发现电报被阿拉伯上司扣押了。 ecocn

The whole experience has been, as Mr Carle’s subtitle suggests, “ an education”.
正如 Carle的副标题表明的那样,整个经历是“一次教育”。 ecocn

The whole experience has been, as Mr Carle’s subtitle suggests, “ an education”.And not just for him.
正如本书的副标题所注,整个事件是接受了“一场教育”,但,这并不仅仅是对卡勒先生一个人。 ecocn

This board book combines simple counting with Carle's unusual illustrations of animals.
此板本书结合了动物卡尔的不寻常的插图简单的计数。 anbaolilai




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