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词汇 Carex meyeriana
释义 Carex meyeriana
乌拉草; n.;乌拉草
The shoe pads, waist supports and mattess made byCarex meyerianaKunth could keep warm, acesodyne and have antibacterial activities.以乌拉草为主要原料制成的鞋垫、护腰和床垫等,具有祛寒除湿、活络止痛、抗菌等功效,适于脚癣的预防和治疗。
An experiment was conducted to simulate the changing feature of CO2 and CO inCarex meyerianawetland soil during growing season.摘要对乌拉苔草湿地生长季节内土壤CO2和CO的变化特征进行了模拟研究。In the sod and peat layer, Total mercury of Carex lasiocarpa marsh>Carex meyerianamarsh> Calamagrostis angustifolia marsh, it was consistent with the seeper. 在草根层和泥炭层土壤中,总汞含量为毛果苔草沼泽>乌拉苔草沼泽>小叶樟沼泽,与积水条件一致;The various vivid morphologies exhibited by zeolitic tissue reveal the complexity of the leaves ofCarex meyeriana, which would provide a novel and important perspective to study bio-organisms.对于生物组织的研究开拓了该研究领域。
Transpiration of ShadingCarex meyerianaand its Response蒸腾特性及其与环境因子的关系
Diurnal Variation of Transpiration Rate ofCarex meyerianaand Its Relationship with Environmental Factors under Different Water Conditions不同积水处理下乌拉苔草蒸腾速率日变化及其与环境因子的关系




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