

单词 carelessness
释义 carelessness 英'keələsnəs美'keələsnəs 高COCA³¹⁸⁸¹BNC¹⁹⁶⁵⁶iWeb²³⁶¹⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

the quality of not being careful or taking painsfailure to act with the prudence that a reasonable person would exercise under the same circumstancescareless粗心的
近义词 haste急速neglect忽略stupidity愚笨sloppiness凌乱negligence疏忽inaccuracy不准确imprecision不精确inattention不注意nonperformance不履行delinquency少年犯罪…反义词 carefulness小心

用作名词I have been penalized for mycarelessness.我因粗心而被处罚。
Accidents often arise fromcarelessness.事故往往起因于粗心。
He is a driver withcarelessness.他是个粗心大意的司机。noun.unconcern
同义词 inattention,neglect,negligence,nonchalance,sloppinessdisregard,haphazardness,heedlessness,neglectfulness,rashness
反义词 care considerationcaution
abandonmentnoun abandon
casualnessnoun indifference
derelictionnoun delinquency
desperationnoun rashness
foolhardinessnoun recklessness
forgetfulnessnoun consistent inability to remember
Lethe,absentmindedness,abstraction,amnesia,blackout,blank,blockout,carelessness,dreaminess,fugue,heedlessness,hypomnesia,inattention,lapse of memory,laxness,limbo,loss of memory,negligence,nirvana,oblivion,obliviousness,paramnesia,repression,short memory,suppression To paraphrase Oscar Wilde: One deadly explosion while extracting fossil fuels may be regarded as a misfortune, but two within a month looks like carelessness.
奥斯卡王尔德的话可理解为:提取化石燃料时发生一次致命爆炸可视为是一种不幸,但一个月内发生两次就应是疏忽大意。 yeeyan

TO LOSE one charismatic female corporate leader is a misfortune, to lose two is carelessness—or so Lady Bracknell might have concluded after studying the boardroom mess at Hewlett-Packard.
丧失公司里一位魅力非凡的女性领导者是不幸的,而失去两位这样的领袖则显得疏忽轻率——在研究惠普董事会的混乱之后,巴夫人大概可以得出这样结论了。 ecocn

TO LOSE one decade may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose two looks like carelessness.
失去一个十年可能会被认为是不幸,但是失去两个就是粗心。 ecocn

A moment of carelessness or anger can cause years of anguish and regret.
为一时的疏忽与愤怒所付的代价是经以数年的痛苦悔恨。 hjenglish

Fortunately, the story of wheat rust— albeit punctuated with carelessness and complacency— is not just of destruction but also of unacknowledged successes.
幸运的是,小麦茎秆锈病的事情——尽管被疏忽和自满所耽搁——也并不仅仅只是失败,也有尚未被证实的成功。 ecocn

He was severely punished for his carelessness.
他因为粗心受到严厉的惩罚。 kekenet

He made mistakes through his carelessness.

In addition, it leaves an impression of carelessness that does not contribute much to our image.
此外,也给人留下了粗心大意的印象,这有损我们的形象。 yeeyan

No matter what type of the reason it was, there was one thing in common: carelessness.
不管是哪种类型的原因,它们都有一个共同点:粗心。 ebigear

Or will carelessness or corruption allow the theft of a nuclear device to terrify us all?
会不会由于安全部门的疏忽或腐败,让恐怖分子得到核装置用来威胁民众? ecocn

Our surveyors stated that carelessness on the part of the manufacturer caused the shortage.
我们的调查员申明是生产厂家的粗心已经导致了短缺。 ebigear

Peter should have a good chance of winning but his Achilles' heel is his carelessness.
彼得有很好的机会取胜,但他的致命弱点就是太粗心大意。 hjenglish

She has just lost her job because of carelessness.
她刚刚因疏忽大意而丢了工作。 kekenet

The mistake grew out of her carelessness.

Things are running off the rails recently due to your carelessness.
由于你的粗心,所有的事情近来都乱了套了。 ebigear

Your errors stem all from your carelessness.

Carelessness is the root of failure.
粗心是失败的根源。 yeeyan

Carelessness was checked off as a cause of the accident.




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