

单词 carefulness
释义 care·ful·ness 英'kɛrfəlnɪs美'kɛrfəlnɪs 高COCA¹²⁶⁰⁷⁵BNC⁶⁶⁷³⁰iWeb⁴⁹⁸⁶⁵

the trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger;

a man of caution

the quality of being careful and painstaking;

I admired the carefulness of his work

careful-尾-ness名词后缀⇒n.小心³²;仔细⁵²;慎重¹⁶近义词 care关心sense感官wisdom智慧caution警告wariness注意prudence审慎judgment裁判precision精确chariness谨慎suspicion猜疑deliberation熟虑accuracy准确性common sense常识cautiousness谨慎watchfulness警觉性thoroughness彻底性反义词 carelessness粗心

用作名词He slowly opened the package withcarefulness.他慢慢地小心地打开包装。
Was it because of the influence of the mild low tune of the beginning paragraph, or thecarefulnessconsidering that I couldn't dance, or thecarefulnessof his own?不知是受了开始那段轻柔低调的感染,还是他考虑到我不会跳而采取的小心,或者是他自己也有些拘谨?
Hercarefulnesscapacitates her for proofreading.她的仔细认真使她适于做校对工作。noun.caution
同义词 care,cautiousness,chariness,heedfulness,mindfulness,precaution,wariness,watchfulness
反义词 carelessnessnoun.thoroughness
同义词 attentiveness,care,conscientiousness,fastidiousness,meticulousness,painstakingness,punctiliousness,scrupulousness
反义词 negligence
accuracynoun precision or correctness
carenoun carefulness, attention to detail
charinessnoun caution
circumspectionnoun caution
consciousnessnoun knowledge
deliberationnoun serious thought, discussion
application,attention,brainwork,calculation,care,carefulness,caution,cerebration,circumspection,cogitation,confabulation,conference,consideration,consultation,debate,forethought,heed,meditation,prudence,purpose,rap,ratiocination,reflection,speculation,study,ventilation,wariness The importance of carefulness cannot be emphasized too much.
仔细的重要性再怎么强调都不为过。 eduu

With good job responsibility, carefulness, patience and earnestness.
工作责任心强、做事细心耐心,认真仔细。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Attention to detail and carefulness are the most important qualities in an editor.
对于一个编辑来说,注重细节和做事仔细是最重要的品质。 mdaxue

Conclusion Eye- pouch prosthesis should be strictly operated with carefulness by regular orders, like this the postoperative complication would be greatly reduced.
结论眼袋整复术,应严格按规范,仔细操作,术后并发症会大大减少。 cnki

Facing long computation, besides patience, carefulness and accurateness, we must also emphasize the efficiency.
面对冗长的计算,除了耐心,细致,准确之外,还要讲求效率。 iciba

He is full of vigor, but fails in carefulness.

He made a patent- medicine almanac into a roll and fitted it with unprofitable carefulness about his finger.
他把一本成药年鉴卷起来,毫无意义仔细地使卷口的大小与他的手指相符。 zftrans

Her carefulness rebukes me.

Nevertheless, it is complicated in mechanism and is difficult in the calculation of aero- dynamic design, and thus it is necessary that the design parameters should be optimized with carefulness.
但它的作用机理比较复杂,气动设计计算难度较大,需要仔细地优选设计参数。 cnki

Scientific experiments call for endless patience and carefulness.
科学实验要求有无限的耐心和细致。 iciba

The boy is appreciated by his teacher for his carefulness in his homework.

The employee works positively and has a good cooperation degree. performance is very hard. Peacetime work At work, he can do his work with carefulness and responsible attitude.
该员工积极向上,配合度好,平时工作表现很努力,在工作时能以认真、仔细、负责的心态做好自己的工作。 xuexi

Therefor, conscientiousness and carefulness is a key point.
因此,认真、仔细是很重要的一点。 blog.sina.com.cn

They know how to make use of born features such as patience, carefulness, and diligence and perform as well as men.
她们知道如何利用天生的特质,好比耐心、细心、勤劳,并要做得像男人一样好。 emuch.net

Yet every one of his arguments is compelling- and it is a testimony to his patience, carefulness, and creativity that most are persuasive.
至今他的每个观点都是引人注目的并且是对他的耐心,慎重,和多数具有说服力的创作的验证。 chinese

Carefulness and caution can help you avoid many problems.
细心和谨慎可以帮助你避免很多问题。 shxb




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