

单词 careening
释义 ca·reen·ing 英kə'riːn美kə'riːn 高COCA³⁶²⁸⁵BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
pitching dangerously to one side
walk as if unable to control one's movements;

The drunken man staggered into the room

move sideways or in an unsteady way;

The ship careened out of control

近义词 bowl碗reel卷rock岩石sway摇动speed速度shift移动heel脚后跟career生涯travel旅行wobble摆动traverse横贯tilt使倾斜lurch突然倾斜keel船的龙骨swag赃物stagger蹒跚roll along滚滚向前前进,意外到来…

用作不及物动词Their ship was put into port tocareenand refit.他们的轮船被送入港口倾侧待修。
The driver lost control and the carcareeneddown the hill.因司机失控,那辆汽车就横冲直撞地冲下山去。用作及物动词Theycareenedthe fishing boat to repaint the hull.他们将渔船倾斜过来重新油漆船体。 One is that financial firms are careening off track, thereby costing taxpayers more and more bailout money.
现在的金融机构有如脱缰野马,时间越长,将它们拽回正轨耗费的纳税人的钱会越多。 yeeyan

The bus of world history seems to be careening down a mountain road with no one at the wheel.
世界历史仿佛像一辆无人驾驶、摇摇晃晃冲下山坡的公共汽车。 renren

The point is, today everyone can see that the system is deeply unjust and careening out of control.
关键是现在每个人都能够看到体制是非常不公正的并且已经倾向于时空。 yeeyan

A town near Buenos Aires, leery of the screeching stops and careening turns it says typifies male drivers, has hired exclusively women to shuttle its passengers around.
邻近布宜诺斯艾利斯的一个城镇,因为顾虑到城内男性公车司机普遍会在到站时发出刺耳声响且转向时摇晃行驶,所以决定招募清一色女性公车司机。 taipeitimes

America's Careening Foreign Policy.
摇摆不定的美国对外政策。 hjenglish

Bond clings to the roof of a flaming Land Rover careening down the narrow passes of the Rock of Gibraltar in The Living Daylights.

But our own home was a dark drive away and, careening tipsily back past midnight with the insouciance of youth, we never stayed in the hotel.
而我们居住的地方,晚上道路漆黑一片。 路上摇摇摆摆行驶的车里,都是些漫不经心的年轻人,我们从没有在当地酒店里住过。 yeeyan

Gregor even had the presence of mind, afterward, to go around to the local police and explain why he had been speeding and careening through stop signs.
格雷戈尔甚至在这起事件发生之后,镇静自若地去了当地警察局,对超速驾车闯过红灯进行了解释。 yeeyan

He rides his bike in this humble uniform, careening precariously(and without a helmet through Manhattan's traffic in search of the perfect shot.
穿着这种简朴的制服,他骑着单车颤巍巍地穿梭于曼哈顿街头,连头盔都不戴,一心寻找着最佳拍摄镜头。 www.china.org.cn

Here we are, once again, careening madly down the path to electoral ruin—where voting for the“ lesser of two evils” has become a national pastime.
我们又一次疯狂地驶上毁掉选举的小路——投票选举“两个恶魔中稍好一点的”变成了全国性的消遣。 yeeyan

Huge concrete slabs, dislodged, came careening towards us but swung away miraculously.
大块的混凝土板随波逐流,斜着奔我们而来,但不可思议地又被冲走了。 worldbank

Hundreds of tons of rock and soil are careening toward you at enormous speed.
上百吨的岩石和泥土以极快的速度向你倾泻下来。 blog.sina.com.cn

In fact, he was careening down a path of self- destruction so rapidly that he felt it necessary to return to the world of boxing in the early90s.
事实上,90年代初他曾经如此快速的在电影道路上把自己给毁了之后,不得不重回拳台。 yeeyan

Raine stared at the live image. This careening hammer threatening to destroy anything in its path.
雷恩盯着播放着的影像,这颗倾斜着的大石头能摧毁在它轨道上的一切。 dashuye

That's according to a new theory that says this smaller moon eventually went careening into our moon and is still there, in the form of mountains on its far side.
根据新理论学说,这个较小的伴月最终倾斜进入我们熟悉的月球,并且以山脉的形式一直处在月球的远端。 yeeyan

The moon, for instance, is believed to have formed from debris stirred up by a Mars- size object careening into our young planet.
举个例子,人们相信某颗火星大小的行星和一颗年轻行星碰撞后,产生的碎屑形成了月球。 hjenglish

The two grew up together and spent much of their reckless childhood careening their T-16 skyhoppers through Beggar's Canyon.
他们俩一起长大,小时候经常不计后果地在乞丐谷里驾驶 T-16跃空机横冲直撞。 starwarschina

The entire planet is careening forward on narrow tracks, but Africa is running just a little faster.
在全世界正向越来越狭小的赛道倾斜时,非洲只是运行快了一点而已。 ecocn

They set the jeep I was riding in on fire, sent it careening down a hill and into a tree to blow up.
他们给我开的吉普放火,然后让车冲下山坡,撞树上爆掉。 mtime

Those two careening stars merged to form one super- hot, incredibly fast-moving blue star, which is now on the very outskirts of the Milky Way.
这两颗恒星跌跌撞撞,最终合体形成了一个超热量、超高速的蓝色星球,现如今已在遥远的银河系尽头。 yeeyan

Whatever the case, security forces responded brutally, first with baton charges bolstered by gunfire, then by careening through crowded streets in armoured personnel carriers.
不管怎样,安全部队作出了粗暴的回应,首先挥舞起警棍并开枪射击。随后更是使用装甲运兵车碾压示威人群。 ecocn




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