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词汇 Cardoso
释义 Cardoso karˈdosoʊ Economist¹⁴⁶⁵³
n.卡多苏在巴西;西经 50º01' 南纬 20º07'
And she is right, too, to want to seek tax and political reforms, even though those prizes eluded both Lula and his predecessor, Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
她还希望进行税收和政治改革,在这两方面卢拉和前总统卡多索做的都不尽如人意。 ecocn

Barack Obama's election to the White House is viewed as an opportunity for fresh thinking, with Cardoso among guests invited to a discussion on drugs policy with him before he became president.
外界观点认为巴拉克·奥巴马入主白宫是做出改变的一个契机,在奥巴马竞选成功以前,他就曾单独邀请卡多索一起讨论毒品政策。 yeeyan

Mr. Cardoso's most recent areas of concern are the challenges of democratizing globalization and building a more just and equitable international order.

Mr Cardoso’s two governments tamed inflation, creating the stability that has allowed credit, investment and jobs to grow.
卡多索的两任政府压抑了通货膨胀,建立了稳定,使得贷款、投资和就业机会得以成长。 ecocn

That, he said, was the irresponsible policy of the previous administration of Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
他说,上任卡多索政府采取的就是那种不负责任的政策。 asaimchina

The front- runner in the presidential polls, José Serra from Mr Cardoso’s Social Democrats, was an exiled former student leader.
这次总统大选民调的领先者 José Serra来自 Cardoso的社会民主党是一位曾流亡海外的前学生领袖。 ecocn

The president at the time, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, saw a chance to break their complacency.
当时的卡多索总统看见了一个戳破自满的机会。 ecocn

After16 years of stability and policy continuity under Mr Cardoso and Lula, neither candidate offers a radical change of course.
在卡多索和鲁拉十六年的稳定和政策连续性之后,两个候选人都不会提出彻底的改变。 ecocn

DILMA ROUSSEFF was tortured; Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was jailed; Fernando Henrique Cardoso was forced into exile.
迪尔玛•罗塞夫遭遇过酷刑折磨;路易斯•伊纳西奥•卢拉•达席尔瓦受过牢狱之灾;费尔南多•恩里克•卡多佐被迫流亡海外。 ecocn

Fernando Henrique Cardoso served as the president of Brazil for two terms from1995 to2002, winning both elections in the first round by an absolute majority.

For admirers of Mr Cardoso, that is a welcome, if belated, recognition of his achievements.
对于卡多佐的支持者而言,这份对他的成就或许算是迟到的认可仍是受欢迎的。 ecocn

He ended up talking so much about health— he was once Mr Cardoso’s health minister— that he seemed to be campaigning to return to that position, not for president.
他终止了对于健康的一切演说---他曾是 Cardoso先生的卫生部部长---即使这似乎能够让他竞选回到那个不是总统的职位上。 ecocn

Humans don't have a monopoly on laughter, says Silvia Cardoso.
笑并非人类的专利,西尔维亚·卡多佐如是说。 hotdic

I didn’t know whether it would work, but I had a lot of confidence in President Henrique Cardoso, and as Brazils major trading partner, the United States had a big stake in his success.
我不知道该措施是否会奏效,但我对恩里克·卡多佐总统信心多多。因为美国是巴西的主要贸易伙伴,卡多佐的成功和我国荣辱与共。 yeeyan

In the Cardoso government Mr Serra built a reputation as a good manager, determined to get his own way.
在 Fernando H. Cardoso政府内阁,José Serra建立了优秀管理者的声望,决心走自己的路。 ecocn

Liberties and electoral rights are entrenched, says the former president, Mr Cardoso, “ but there's a lack of citizenship, of respect for the law.”
前总统卡多佐说:“自由和选举权得到了保护,但这对法律来说就缺乏公民意识。 ecocn

Lula's predecessor, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, sought to boost trade and other ties with the United States and Europe.
卢拉的前任费尔南多•恩里克•卡多佐致力于发展与美国及欧洲的贸易关系和其他合作关系。 ecocn

Mr Cardoso later said the same of cocaine.
随后,卡多佐说对可卡因也应实行同样的措施。 ecocn

One of the points emphasized in the new guidelines is that the treatment of advanced breast cancer should be carried out by a multidisciplinary team, Dr. Cardoso reported in an interview.
新指南强调的要点之一是,晚期乳腺癌的治疗应该由多学科小组进行, Cardoso医生在接受记者采访时说。 dxy

Some of Lula's achievements owe much to his predecessor, Fernando Henrique Cardosoas does the bad habit of tax-and-spend.
卢拉的某些成就很大程度上应归功于其前任:费尔南多•恩里克•卡多佐以及巴西人量入为出的不良消费习惯。 ecocn

That is a big change from Lula, who frequently referred to Mr Cardoso’s legacy as a“ cursed inheritance”, even as he maintained his predecessor’s orthodox macroeconomic policies.
这与卢拉相比是巨大的改变。尽管沿袭了他的前任译注:指卡多佐的传统的宏观经济政策,卢拉仍时不时地指称卡多佐给他留下了一个“被诅咒的烂摊子”。 ecocn

The PSDB governed Brazil for eight years under Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who laid the foundations for the country’s subsequent economic success.
社民党在 Fernando H. Cardoso时代治理巴西八年, Fernando H. Cardoso为巴西后来的经济成功奠立基础。 ecocn

They also question the utility of UNASUL and its first project, a South American Defence Council. “To defend against what?” asks Mr Cardoso.
他们还质疑南美洲国家联盟及其下属南美防务理事会的实际功效,“防的是啥?”卡多佐发出了这样的疑问。 ecocn

When he became president in 2003, Lula stuck to the sound fiscal policies he inherited from his predecessor, Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
2003年当选巴西总统之时,卢拉继承并严格实施了前任总统卡多索稳健的财政政策。 ecocn




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