

单词 adapted to
释义 adapted to短语¹⁰¹⁹¹
Assistance can take a variety of forms, such as helping to define and break down the tasks and activities, or providing a sample project plan that can be adapted to your project.
这种帮助可以采用多种形式,例如帮助定义和划分任务与工作,或者提供适合您的项目的示例项目计划。 ibm

Cats are considered playful, loving companions to humans and are well adapted to home life.
猫猫们看起来爱玩耍,喜欢与人类为伴,还能很好地适应家庭生活。 yeeyan

GTD should be adapted to fit your personal working style— it’s not a cookie-cutter approach.
你应该使 GTD适合你个人的工作方式——它不是什么千篇一律的方法。 yeeyan

Humans have adapted to the presence of most of them.
人类已经适应了大多数蠕虫的存在。 yeeyan

In this fashion, your event handlers can grow progressively smarter, safer, and more perfectly adapted to the way you want to work.
通过这种方式,您的事件处理器逐步会变得更智能、更安全、更完美地适应您的工作方式。 ibm

Risk-driven milestones therefore require an adaptive planning process, by which plans are adapted to reality.
因此风险驱动的里程碑需要适应的计划过程,计划通过它适应事实。 ibm




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