

单词 carbides
释义 carbides 英'kɑːbaɪdz美'kɑːbaɪdz COCA¹⁸⁷¹⁴⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
名词 carbide:
a binary compound of carbon with a more electropositive elementIts microstructure is fine pearlite andcarbides.它的微观结构是细珠光体和碳化物。
Thecarbidesin low-chromium white cast iron may be spheroidized by asuitable spheroidizing heat treatment.低铬白口铸铁碳化物的团球化可以通过适当的球化热处理达到。 It is found that raising the temperature and prolonging soaking time of spheroidizing heat treatment promoting the spheroidization of carbides.
提高球化热处理的加热温度或延长其保温时间,都有利于碳化物的团球化。 cnki

The amount of carbides depends on deformed temperature and microstructure of austenite at thermally deformed at the deformed temperature.
碳化物的析出量主要由形变温度和该形变温度下热变形奥氏体的组织状态决定。 cnki

Transformation mechanism of carbides and their effect on the stress rupture property were investigated in a Ni- base single crystal superalloy with microcontent of carbon.
碳的镍基单晶高温合金在热处理和持久过程中的碳化物演化机制以及各种碳化物对合金持久性能的影响。 dictall

According to the size of carbides and the amount of exposed matrix, the annealed structure can be divided into low and high grades.
认为可以根据碳化物颗粒大小,基体露出多少为主的原则,把其分为低级别组织和高级别组织进行参考评级。 chemyq

All these changes are due to the change of carbide morphology and precipitation of granular carbides.
这些变化是由于碳化物形状的改变和粒状碳化物的析出所致。 cnki

Authors suggest the linear relationship between the anti-abrasion parameters consisting of the amount and distribution of carbides, abrasive surface hardness and the abrasion resistance in this paper.
本文还提出了由碳化物数量、分布、磨损面硬度等因素构成的抗磨参数与相对耐磨性的线性关系。 http://dj.iciba.com

Chapter4 describes existing studies of fully austenitic weld metal. It mainly discusses the eutectic carbides among the austenitic stainless steels and its affection to hot cracks.
第4章介绍了单相奥氏体钢焊缝的研究现状,重点讨论了奥氏体钢中的一次共晶碳化物以及它对热裂纹的影响。 cnki

In this paper, the influences of temperature and soaking time of such treatment on spheroidization of carbides were studied.
本文研究了球化热处理的加热温度、保温时间对碳化物团球化的影响。 cnki

It indicates that the classical theory cannot be used properly to describe the coarsening behavior of multi- component carbides even the coarsening controlled by volume diffusion.
这不仅和第二相碳化物的形态有关,还与多组元扩散的体系相关,表明经典理论不完全适合多组分的碳化物粗化行为。 cnki

Lamellar carbides are not formed during aging process.
层状碳化物不是时效过程中的产物。 cnki

Section size has no significant effects on the volume fraction of MC carbides, but the increase of MC size will accompany with the enlargement of the section size.
截面尺寸对 MC碳化物含量影响不大,但其尺寸随着截面尺寸的增大而明显增大。 cnki

The present method has been used for the particle size determination of carbides and metal precipitates in microalloyed steel, middle- alloy steel and high- temperature alloys.
该方法被广泛应用于各种高温合金、中低合金钢、微合金化钢中碳化物、金属间化合物的粒度尺寸分布的测定。 dictall

The results show that both shape and number of residual carbides are two key parameters affecting the spheroidization.
结果表明,残留碳化物形貌和数目是影响球化的两个关键因素。 cnki

The results show that the microstructures of the cast iron under air cooling and cryogenic treating respectively after destabilized treatment consist of austenite, martensite and eutectic carbides.
结果表明,经去稳加空冷和去稳加深冷两种工艺处理后的高铬铸铁显微组织均由奥氏体、马氏体和共晶碳化物组成。 cnki

The results showed that RE have strong effect on the quantity, morphology and distribution of carbides.
结果表明,稀土强烈影响碳化物的数量、形态和分布。 cnki

The approximate equation of free- energy for carbides, nitrides, borides and oxides are worked out according to their free energy functions.
本文根据自由能函数方法求出了碳化物、氮化物、硼化物和氧化物的反应自由能近似方程。 cnki

The microstructure of the alloy as well as morphology and distribution of carbides were examined by using light microscope, SEM and X- ray diffractometer.
采用光学显微镜,扫描电子显微镜及 X光衍射研究了合金的显微组织、碳化物形态及分布。 cnki

The size and distance of Carbides is the key parameter of fracture.
其中,碳化物尺寸和间距是对断裂起关键作用的微观结构参数。 cnki

The test results shows that there is a linear relationship between Brinell Hardness and the machinability of cast iron with homogeneous microstructure or tiny carbides.
经测试发现,铸铁的组织均匀和碳化物细小时,其布氏硬度与机械加工性能之间呈线性关系。 iciba

This research studies the effect of different carbon and chrome content on the microstructure, carbides, hardness and contact fatigue life of the stainless bearing steel.
通过试验研究了不同碳、铬含量对不锈轴承钢的显微组织、碳化物、硬度和接触疲劳寿命的影响。 dictall

Thus, the application of diamond CVD is limited to materials which will not soften at this temperature such as cemented carbides.
因而钻石化学蒸发沉淀的应用受到材料限制,要求材料在此温度下不软化例如硬质合金。 mapeng

When spheroidized, higher austenizating temperature or longer holding time will increase particle spacing of carbides in the steel , more carbides precipitate by reducing cooling rate.
球化热处理时,奥氏体化温度升高、保温时间延长,碳化物颗粒的间距增大,减缓冷却速率增加碳化物的析出。 cnki




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