carajásBNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺⁴ 例句 The old mining centre of Minas Gerais now has a rival in Carajás, in the Amazonian state of Pará. 老的采矿中心 Minas Gerais现在遇上了新的对手:来自 Carajás和亚马逊州的 Pará。 ecocn Fortunately for the country as a whole, the separatists in Carajás and Tapajós are likely to be outvoted by unitarian belenenses. 对于整个国家可谓幸运的是,卡拉加斯和塔帕若斯的分裂派的票数很可能会被拥护统一的比兰尼塞斯人的票数超过。 ecocn