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词汇 captors
释义 captors ˈkæptəz COCA²¹⁸⁹⁷BNC²⁹⁵³³Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
n.捕捉者;捕获者captor的名词复数原型captor的复数 His captors wanted him to betray his fellow students, to implicate them in various crimes and to say on television that the blood on that T-shirt was only red paint.
逮捕他的人逼他背叛同伴,指正他们犯了一系列罪行,并要他在电视中声明 T恤中的血迹只是红色颜料。 ecocn

“ This is a fair game; they play, they lose, ” he said of his captors.
对于绑架者,他说,“这是公平的游戏,谁玩谁就输。” yeeyan

A priest in Iraq was found beheaded last week, even though his parishioners had yielded to the captors' demand that they renounce the pope's words on Islam.
尽管伊拉克一名牧师的教区居民已屈从于绑架者的要求,宣布不认同教皇有关伊斯兰教的言论,但这名牧师上周还是惨遭斩首。 ecocn

According to one report, her captors threw a grenade into the room where she was kept when American special forces attacked.
据一份报道称,美国特种部队发动突袭时,关押她的人向囚室内扔了一颗手榴弹。 ebigear

Apart from his captors and lawyers, Aziz, says he has not seen or spoken to a foreigner since the fall of Baghdad.
除了捉他的人和律师外,阿齐兹说,自从巴格达陷落以来他就没和外国人见过面、也没说过话。 yeeyan

At what seemed to be a civilian house repurposed as a temporary military camp, our captors seated us on turquoise couches and inspected our injuries.
在个似乎是被用作临时军营的民房里,他们让我们坐在绿色沙发上,检查了我们的伤口。 yeeyan

Both men reported that they enjoyed telling their captors the opposite of what they were thinking.
这两人都报告说,他们喜欢跟关押他们的人说些与自己实际想法截然相反的话。 yeeyan

He suffered extensive injuries when he was shot down over North Vietnam— a broken knee, a broken shoulder and two broken arms that his captors refused to set.
当他在北越上空被击中落地时,浑身伤痕累累:一个膝盖断裂,一个肩膀和两只胳膊也已骨折,捕获他的那些人拒绝为其校正。 yeeyan

His Tuareg captors had never beaten him and had allowed him to receive a letter from his parents via the Red Cross at the end of Ramadan.
而图阿雷格人从来没有打过他,甚至在斋月结束的时候还允许他接收了一封来自父母的信,是通过红十字会转交的。 yeeyan

His captors rubbed salt into his wounds to wake him up, so they could torture him more.
逮捕他的人把盐水浇到伤口上把他弄醒,这样就能进行更多折磨。 ecocn

I began to see my captors as victims as much as persecutors. Many had not been paid.
我开始觉得逮捕我的人,还有迫害我的人同样也是受害者,其中很多人都没有拿到薪水。 ecocn

I told my captors I’d cooperate on the condition that I would only post the truth— if they wanted me to post anything false or withhold anything true, they’d have to kill me first.
我告诉那些绑架我的人,我愿意与人合作,但我只写事实的真相,如果有谁试图让我写任何虚假的事情,那得先杀了我。 yeeyan

In conversation, it is evident that she chooses gracefully to evade the categories imposed upon her by her captors.
谈话中,很显然她选择了优雅地避而不谈那些她的囚禁者们强加给她的主题。 yeeyan

It cast the blame for the situation liberally but vaguely, denouncing“ extremists”, calling for the return of the Israeli soldiers by their captors, but also asking Israel to exercise restraint.
这份声明官话十足但闪烁其词地责备了整个局势,谴责了“极端份子”,呼吁放回被拘捕的以色列士兵,还要求以色列遏制事态发展。 ecocn

Meanwhile, of course, the men were very much alive, a fact known only to their captors.
当然,与此同时这两人仍然健在,不过只有俘虏了他们的人才知道这个事实。 yeeyan

Much took the form of a Stockholm Syndrome-like response to captivity, whereby hostages end up sympathising with their captors.
被他囚禁的许多人甚至患上了“斯德哥尔摩综合征”即人质到最后反而同情绑架者。 ecocn

Noor bore it all. She revealed nothing to her captors, not even her real name.
努尔承受下来了,未向敌方透露任何信息,甚至包括她的真名。 yeeyan

Not only had the crew members provided their captors with the spectacle they wanted but some now sought to profit from it.

The humans, although primitive, keep stealing artifacts of the occupiers' advanced technology and, by no massive leap of cognition, decide to turn them on their captors.
人类虽然原始落后,却持一直致力于盗窃学习占领者的先进技术,并最终使用它们进行反攻。 yeeyan

Their German captors starved them to death in their millions; nobody dared mourn them.
俘获他们的德军将他们上百万地饿死,没有人敢为他们哀悼。 ecocn

When asked why Saddam kept the US guessing about his weapons programme, he confirmed the dictator's account to his captors that he had been playing to Iran, not to the west.
当被问及关于武器的计划,萨达姆为何让美国猜来猜去时,他证实了那位独裁者被捕时的说辞——他们是在戏弄伊朗而非西方国家。 yeeyan

Yet for a long time Rachel maintained she would rather die than see their captors get any money.
很多一段时间瑞秋始终觉得她宁愿死也不愿见到海盗拿到赎金。 yeeyan




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